

Click on the links below for answers to many of your most frequently asked questions. Can't find what you're looking for? Stop by the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership, located on the 2nd floor of the UC, or visit the Resources for Student Organizations Page.

  1. Can I spend money before ASWU allocates it?
  2. What is the difference between 2210 and 2220 accounts?
  3. What happens if I overspend my organization's account?
  4. Are there policies on how my student organization can raise money, such as soliciting businesses?
  5. Can ASWU money be used for purchasing T-shirts?
  6. Do I receive any start up money once my organization is approved?
  7. How do I know if I have access to my group's GL report?
  8. How do I get access to my group's GL report?
  9. Can we use fundraising and gift accounts?
  10. Can we use funds to donate to philanthropic events?

1. Can I spend money before ASWU allocates it?

No, you cannot spend money before ASWU allocates it to your organization for a specific purpose. You may spend your own money, or money from non-ASWU organization accounts prior to funding, and seek reimbursement. There is no guarantee that reimbursements will be made, and the spending must follow ASWU guidelines.

2. What is the difference between 2210 and 2220 accounts?

杏十八新茶分享 account numbers that end with 2210 contain funds allocated by ASWU for specific student organization activities. These funds are to be spent for the purposes in which they were allocated. Unspent monies are returned to ASWU and reallocated through the financial recycling process. Accounts that end with 2220 are for monies raised during fundraising efforts or ticket sales. These funds may be spent how the leadership decides, but must follow university policies. The funds stay in the account and roll over from year to year.

3. What happens if I overspend my organization's account?

Organizations will only be reimbursed from their ASWU account for the amount and type of expense for which they have been allocated. If a club puts their ASWU account in the "red" (negative), money will be taken from the organization's non-ASWU account to cover the difference. Each club is responsible for their non-ASWU & ASWU account balances. If it is negative, it is the club's responsibility to correct it. A student organization cannot reapply for ASWU funding unless their ASWU account is zero or positive.

4. Are there policies on how my student organization can raise money, such as soliciting businesses?

On campus fundraising can include bake sales, drawings, t-shirt sales, or other methods of raising funds from the Willamette community (faculty, staff and students). See the Resources for Student Organizations for more information about these types of fundraising.

Willamette has a policy for off campus fundraising.

5. Can ASWU money be used for purchasing T-shirts?

According to the ASWU Funding Request Guidelines (money coming from 2210 accounts), "Funding will not be granted for personalized items, equipment, or clothing." Exceptions are made for T-shirts and apparel that will stay in a club long term (ex. Uniforms).

6. Do I receive any start up money once my organization is approved?

Once an organization is approved by the Club Approval and Finance Committee, the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership will give the new student organization $100 of seed money.

7. How do I know if I have access to my group's GL report?

You know if you have access to your group’s GL report by logging into Colleague Self-Service through your My Willamette portal. From here navigate to financial management and the finance query. If neither of these boxes exists it is likely you do not yet have access. Once in the finance query enter “21” into the fund category and click apply filter. Your organization's GL report should appear here if you have access.  If you do not have access, please send an email to


8. How do I get access to my group's GL report?

Two members of each organization may have access to that organization's G/L (General Ledger - accounting report). These two members are designated via the. Club Presidents must re-submit a if any executive members OR the advisor changes. After a Student Organization Update form is submitted, it will take 1-2 weeks for changes to be reflected in our online system.

9. Can we use fundraising and gift accounts?

Student organizations that would like to raise funds must create a gift account through Advancement Services. Donors will be required to write checks payable to 杏十八新茶分享 and student organizations will be responsible for depositing these donation checks into their own gift accounts.

Note: student organizations are not permitted to use outside fundraising companies,  programs, or websites (such as  or others that are similar) to engage in fundraising efforts. These companies require personal information from students and do not comply with University Policy regarding organizational funding. Students are not permitted to use Venmo, PayPal, or Zelle. Student organizations may check out a Square Terminal for their event if they wish to charge admission or collect funds as part of their event or fundraising efforts.

10. Can we use funds to donate to philanthropic events?

University funds (inducing residence hall funds) cannot be used for contributions or sponsorships unless approved by the President or Senior Vice President for Finance and Cheif Operating Officer.

Student organizations may use fundraiser proceeds to make contributions or sponsorships, provided that the ultimate source is not from University funds.


Student Engagement and Leadership

Putnam University Center, Second Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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