

One of ASWU's responsibilities is the distribution of student fees. Any registered student organization is eligible to apply for funding through the ASWU.

Upon requests for funding, the ASWU Finance and Club Approval Committee will hear the requests at a maximum of three times per semester and notify the requesting organizations through the Club President’s and Club Treasurer’s listservs.


In order to be eligible for funding:

  • Organizations must be officially recognized by the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership.
  • Organizations must resolve any overdrafts in both ASWU and non-ASWU financial accounts.
  • Organizations must have both their President and Treasurer attend an SOO.
  • Organizations must have submitted an anti-racism plan.

In order to receive funding:

  • Organizations must submit an ASWU Budget Request in the proper funding round time frames.
    • Requests must include exact titles, costs, descriptions, and reasonings.
    • Requests must follow the ASWU Funding Precedents.


    The funding rounds for the 2024-2025 academic year will be announced in August 2024. Funds requested in Pre Fall must not be spent until the beginning of the Fall semester unless an exception has been made in communication with the ASWU Treasurer.


      According to the ASWU Bylaws, the Committee must use the following guidelines when making funding decisions. However, the Committee must consider the individual needs of each student organization and the merits of each individual program, which allows the right to make exceptions or deny funding when deemed necessary. Our complete breakdown of the ASWU funding precedents can be found below:



        All ASWU funding records are available to the public. Please email the ASWU Treasurer for any ASWU funding records. The ASWU treasurer can provide you with the direct funding allocation records or answer specific questions about income or expenses.

          Finance Approval Committee

          The ASWU Club Approval Committee:

          New clubs and organizations are approved by ASWU’s Club Approval Committee. This committee is advised by the Assistant Director of Student Engagement and Leadership, and meets once a week. During these meetings, the Club Approval Committee reviews applications and documents submitted by new groups looking to become official clubs or organizations. Senators on this committee typically also serve in the ASWU Finance Board.

          The ASWU Finance Board:

          Financial requests by student clubs and organizations are reviewed by ASWU’s Finance Board. This board is headed by the ASWU Treasurer, accompanied by other ASWU senators, and meets weekly the during semester. During these meetings, the Finance Board analyzes budget requests alongside ASWU Finance Precedents to ensure that relevant and equitable funds are provided to all requesting clubs and organizations.


            Associated Students of 杏十八新茶分享

            University Center Second Floor, SEAL Office
            900 State Street
            Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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