

Check Out a Credit Card Machine

The accounting office has four wireless credit card machines that may be checked out for use by departments or student organizations for up to seven days at a time.

We have four machines available to be checked out:

  • Square Terminals (3) - these devices connect via Wi-Fi and may be used only on our Salem campus (including the stadium at Bush Park). They can be connected via Ethernet cable in case there is no wireless signal at your specific campus location.
  • Verifone V400M wireless device - this has cellular wireless connectivity through the AT&T network, so it may be used outside of our immediate Salem campus or in areas with weak Wi-Fi coverage. All credit card receipts must be returned to the cashier so the revenue can be recorded into the general ledger.

Please note the following

  • Your department or organization assumes responsibility for any loss or damages that may occur to the checked-out device.
  • Merchant services fees are charged directly to the department or organization using the device.
  • These machines may not be used to solicit donations (on behalf of Willamette or on behalf of a third party) without explicit written permission from the University Fiscal Officer in Advancement.
  • Users agree to abide by all university policies and procedures related to credit card processing.
  • You will receive an email confirming or denying your reservation. Make sure to read the email in its entirety, as a response may be required, or your reservation will be at risk of cancellation.

Submit a request - please submit your request at least 2 business days in advance of your pickup date.



University Services Building -- Rm 104
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6104 voice
503-370-6633 fax

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