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Internships for Credit

Career Development can support students seeking academic credit for internships. Once a student has secured an internship, they can work with Career Development to receive credit for that internship.

In order to earn internship credit, students must be enrolled in our Internship for Academic credit course. To learn more about the academic assignments required in the course, please review a SAMPLE of the  If you are interested in enrolling in the internship course, please continue reading below.

Registration Deadline is the same as the ADD/DROP deadline each semester. Summer registration deadline is June 10.

Enrollment Process

(For both IDS 194 and Department-Level Courses)

Once a student has obtained an internship for which they would like to receive academic credit, they will complete the

It is important to note that the agreement form requires you to upload:

  1. A description of your internship signed by your employer. This description should be written by your employer and should include an explanation of your responsibilities, training that you will be receiving, and the level of supervision that you will have.
  2. The description should state the number of hours you are expected to work. 
  3. For Department-level credit only: A completed .

Amount of Credit Allowed

Students select how much credit they would like to receive; their options range from 1- 12 credit hours. The amount of credit students receive is dependent upon how many hours they work at their internship site: students must work 120 hours at their internship site for each 4 credit hours they receive.

Internship Requirements

In order to enroll in the internship course students must:

  • Have already obtained an internship.
  • Be actively working at their internship site during the semester(s) for which they are enrolled in the course.
  • Be working in their internship for at least 8 weeks

Career Development cannot offer credit for internships that have been completed before the student has enrolled in the course.

Important for students seeking department credit:

Some departments choose to collaborate with Career Development when offering students department-level internship credit while others offer courses without Career Development collaboration. If you are a student interested in receiving department credit, check with your department to ensure that you are enrolling in the correct course before completing the enrollment process described above.


Career Development

UC 3rd floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.