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Career Outcomes

This data represents our Graduating Class of 2022, tracked one year post graduation. Response rates for CAS were 64.6%, PNCA 64.3%, AGSM 100%, MSDS 100%

Highlights include

  • 86.9% of College of Arts and Sciences students are employed or Continuing their education
  • 75.5% of PNCA Grads are employed or continuing education
  • 84.6% of Willamette MBAs are Employed or Continuing Education
  • 77.8% of MSDS Grads are Employed

College of Arts & Sciences Outcomes 2022

CAS Career Outcomes 2022 pie chart showing: 62.5% Working; 24.4% Continuing education; 9.5% Still seeking; 2.9% Not seeking; 0.7% Volunteering

Pacific Northwest College of Art Outcomes 2022

PNCA Career Outcomes 2022 pie chart showing: 69.8% Working; 24.5% Still seeking; 5.7% Continuing education

Atkinson Graduate School of Management Outcomes 2022

AGSM Career Outcomes 2022 pie chart showing: 71.2% Working; 15.4% Still seeking; 9.6% Not seeking; 3.8% Continuing education

Masters of Science in Data Science Outcomes 2022

MSDS Career Outcomes 2022 pie chart showing: 66.7% Working; 22.2% Still seeking; 11.1% Not seeking


Career Development

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