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Faculty Resources

杏十八新茶分享 Career Development provides many resources your students need in their pursuit of graduate school and career opportunities.

Classroom Presentations

We would love the opportunity to visit your class and speak with your students. We cover a variety of topics, and can tailor the content to meet your needs. To request a presentation, please submit a and we will be in touch with you. 

Curriculum Integration

We can collaborate with you to develop learning activities, exercises, homework assignments, and reading material for integrating career development into your classes.

Internships for Academic Credit Course

We offer a course for general credit (IDS 194) and we can also support departments in offering sections specific to their major. For more information, please visit the Internships for Academic Credit page, or email Anne Lapour <aslapour>.

How to refer students to Career Development

Our staff has a wide range of specialties and we are eager to connect with students early and often. Our appointments cover all stages of students’ career development including searching for part-time jobs, working on resumes and cover letters, exploring career/major options, applying to graduate school, and searching for jobs and internships. If you are working with a student that would like to connect with us, please encourage them to use  to find an appointment that works for their schedule.


Career Development

UC 3rd floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.