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Alternative Testing

Any student with a testing accommodation is eligible to use the testing center for their exams. To schedule an exam, you must email the Testing Center during regular business hours.

Important Details

  • Upon emailing the Testing Center, you must include your course title, date and time of exam, specify your accommodations, and copy the professor in the email thread.
  • Students will need to request testing scheduled times at least 24 hours prior to the test date so that we may have open availability.
  • AES will be in contact with you to confirm any additional materials and information, if needed.

Testing accommodations are adjustments to the standard testing process that permit students with disabilities to take exams in such a way that minimizes, to the greatest extent possible, barriers caused by disability without fundamentally altering the intent of the exam or lowering the program standards. Testing accommodations may include additional test time, testing in quiet or low distraction rooms, alternate test formats (e.g., large print, audio, Braille), or the use of adaptive equipment (word processors, text enlargers).

Students who have been determined eligible for a testing accommodation through AES should notify their professors and arrange testing accommodations within the first three
weeks of a semester. In addition, professors will be notified of their student’s testing accommodation via a Faculty Notification Letter sent to their Willamette email from AES. As soon as they receive the Faculty Notification Letter, faculty should reach out to students with testing accommodations and invite them to meet to discuss their accommodations. Students who incur or recognize a disability and the need for an accommodation during the semester should be directed to immediately contact AES to request an accommodation.

Testing Accommodations Information

How can we use the Testing Center?

Exams/tests/quizzes are not to be dropped off or picked up by a student nor are they to be sent via campus mail.

The student will contact both the AES office and the professor with the request to take their exam/test/quiz in the Testing Center. Professors are responsible for providing a copy of exams/tests/quizzes to the AES office, as well as providing any instructions to accompany the exam/test/quiz (e.g., use of scratch paper, calculator, whether you are providing extra time to students in class, etc.). Exams/tests/quizzes are to be either emailed to the Testing Center or dropped off in person by the professor or their departmental administrative assistant.

Completed exams/tests/quizzes can be picked up by the professor or departmental administrative assistant following the scheduled testing center appointment. Requests to scan and email completed exams to the professor are also permissible provided instructions are given for what to do with the completed hard copy.

Is there ever a time when a student’s request to use a testing accommodation can be denied?

Contact Accessible Education Services if you need assistance with late testing accommodation requests.

Students are encouraged to arrange for testing accommodations for each of their tests/exams/quizzes as early in the semester as possible; however, the student can make a request to use their testing accommodation at any time. If a student gives their professor less than one business day’s notice of the need to arrange a testing accommodation, the professor should first consider whether the accommodation can be arranged or worked into existing arrangements in place for other accommodated exams. Faculty may consider and then deny a late accommodation request if reasonable justification can be made for the denial. Insufficient time to do the following may justify denial of a late accommodation request: a) identify space for the test to take place, b) identify test proctors, c) adapt the exam (e.g., provide a Braille or audio exam). Professors should then work with the student to identify arrangements for the remaining exams in the semester.


Can my students use their testing accommodations in a place outside the testing center?

Yes. When identifying space for an accommodated exam, whether the exam takes place in the testing center or in another location, all efforts must be made to ensure that the environment reflects that of the classroom:

  • Maintain a distraction-reduced testing environment
  • Anticipate outside factors that may divert the attention of examinees
  • Take action to avoid potential problems (e.g., if a test is being given in a multi-use room, post signs to alert others to not enter the room)
  • If students have access to the professor and are able to ask questions during the exam, make sure this is also true during the accommodated exam. The professor should provide a phone number or email address where they can be contacted during the exam, and the professor should be available to respond to the student during the scheduled exam time.
  • Accommodated exams cannot be scheduled during the student’s other classes



Accessible Education Services

Salem Campus

Smullin 155
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6737 voice
503-370-6647 fax

Portland Campus

Room 270
Pacific Northwest College of Art
511 NW Broadway
Portland Oregon 97227 U.S.A.