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Grievance Process

Requesting a Review

Students have the right to request a review of situations where they believe accommodation decisions have not been adequately addressed to address their situation. These review requests typically fall under two categories: a request to review an Accessible Education Services decision or a request to review an accommodation implementation.

We have outlined the process a student can use to request a review for these occurrences. To request a review of a decision made by the Accessible Education Services office, please see the Procedures for Review of an Accessible Education Services Decision page. To request a review of the implementation of an accommodation, please see the Procedures for Review of an Accommodation Implementation.


Accessible Education Services

Salem Campus

Smullin 155
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6737 voice
503-370-6647 fax

Portland Campus

Room 270
Pacific Northwest College of Art
511 NW Broadway
Portland Oregon 97227 U.S.A.