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Procedure for Review of an Accommodation Implementation

Students may request review of situations where they believe accommodation decisions are not being adequately implemented and/or enforced.

  1. If the student who has received accommodation deems that an accommodation decision is not being sufficiently implemented by Willamette faculty or staff, the student is encouraged to first attempt to resolve the dispute amicably through discussion with the specific faculty and/or staff member(s) involved.
  2. If resolution by informal means is not achieved, the student may submit a written complaint to the Accessible Education Services Director, setting forth the particular problem(s) and the prior informal attempts at resolution. The Director shall then meet with the student and the faculty and/or staff member(s) involved, and the appropriate Dean, if necessary, to attempt to resolve the problem. The student may have an advisor present in an advisory capacity to the student. However, the advisor is not permitted to participate in the proceedings.
  3. If resolution is not achieved, the Director shall refer the issue to Ruth Feingold, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and Olivia Muñoz, Dean of Students for Community Care and Inclusion, who shall receive the complaint as the Accessible Education Appeals Officers for 杏十八新茶分享. The Appeals Officers may review all documents directly related to the complaint. The Appeals Officers may also meet with the student and any faculty and/or staff member(s) involved. After reviewing the documents and any other relevant information, the Appeals Officers shall make a determination concerning the complaint within a reasonable amount of time, but no later than ten (10) business days following the receipt of the referral from the Accessible Education Services Director. Decisions by the Appeals Officers are final.

The University will not tolerate any retaliatory treatment or adverse consequences as a result of a student acting in good faith to report a complaint or participating in an investigation. Reports of retaliation will be promptly, thoroughly and impartially investigated. Consistent with the University's need to conduct an adequate investigation, where a reasonable person would consider an action to be in violation of policy, prompt corrective action to rectify any retaliation will take place. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extend possible.

Complaints not directly related to the accommodations, but that relate to Accessible Education Services in general may be made to the Provost's office.


Accessible Education Services

Salem Campus

Smullin 155
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6737 voice
503-370-6647 fax

Portland Campus

Room 270
Pacific Northwest College of Art
511 NW Broadway
Portland Oregon 97227 U.S.A.