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New to Accessible Education Services (AES)

Accommodation Request Process

  1. Register with AES by completing our . Students intending to register with AES should review interactive process information for insight into both expectations and guidelines related to the accommodation request process.
    • Please note: Only admitted students with a Willamette email address should utilize the online application. If you do not have an account, please contact AES directly.
  2. If you have your documentation in an electronic format, there will be a place to upload it upon submission of your application. Files must be 20MB or smaller to be uploaded. Documentation is not required for an initial meeting.
  3. Review Documentation Guidelines for academic accommodations. Non-academic accommodations such as Housing will require specific documentation. Refer to Specific Accommodation Processes for more information about Housing and other specialized accommodations. 
  4. Set up your appointment to discuss your accommodation requests by calling AES at 503-370-6737 or emailing accessible-info@willamette.edu. If you want to learn more about AES and the resources available, schedule an appointment today even if you are not ready to submit an application. 

Interactive Process

The “interactive process” is how Accessible Education Services (AES) determines student eligibility for disability-related accommodations. 

The interactive process is designed to achieve the following:

  • Provide equal access to courses, programs, activities, and services;
  • Practice non-discrimination in accordance with state and federal laws; and
  • Provide reasonable accommodations in a timely manner.

Students are eligible for reasonable accommodations if they have a disability and are “otherwise qualified” (meaning that they meet the essential academic and technical standards established by the 杏十八新茶分享 for admission to or participation in a program or activity). 

The interactive process begins when a student with a disability submits an online application. AES values the input gained from direct student interaction and self-report. As such, AES will not evaluate an accommodation request based solely on an application. Multiple meeting option formats will be available. Students that require an accommodation related to engaging in the interactive process should send an email to accessible-info@willamette.edu.

The following are essential to the interactive process and ability for 杏十八新茶分享 to provide reasonable accommodations:

  • The student requesting an accommodation must do so in a reasonable period of time, and in accordance with any procedures th established for the specific type of accommodation requested;
  • When engaging with AES, students must provide relevant information about the nature of disability-related barriers, diagnostic history and any past utilization of accommodations;
  • AES must receive timely information related of the disability for which accommodation is being sought;
  • Any documentation received must outline functional limitations that are current and consistent with the requested accommodation; and
  • The requested accommodation must not create a fundamental alteration to a program, service, or activity.

All communications with, and records provided to, AES  will be maintained confidentially in accordance with applicable University policy and  federal law.

Notifying Professors of Approved Accommodations 

For CAS, AGSM & PNCA Students:

Once you are approved (eligible) for academic accommodations, you must request that AES notify selected instructors though the AES  each semester. Once submitted, a Faculty Notification Letter will be generated and sent to your professors outlining the approved accommodations you wish to use in their classes.


Once you are determined eligible for academic accommodations, AES will send an electronic letter of accommodation to you and to the student affairs office of the appropriate school. To renew your accommodations, you must contact AES at the beginning of the academic year.

All academic accommodations should be requested prior to the start of the term or within the first few weeks. For accommodations such as books in an electronic format, interpreters, or any situation that involves extra time to implement, students are to contact the AES office as soon as they have been admitted or, for returning students, once they have selected their classes for the next semester.

Faculty Notification Letter

For CAS, AGSM & PNCA Students:

Upon submitting your accommodation request, AES will review your accommodation selections and will send the Faculty Notification Letter to you and your professors. The letters will detail the accommodations you wish to use in your classes. These letters are confidential and will not include any information about your disability. You are not required nor expected to share your disability with your professors.

For LAW Students:

Faculty do not receive a copy of your accommodation letter. Instead, the letter is routed to the Office of Student Affairs, and arrangements are made through that office to set up accommodations.

Discussing your Accommodations with Your Professors

For CAS, AGSM & PNCA Students:

AES strongly encourages you to meet/email with each of your professors in order to discuss your accommodations. You are not required or expected to disclose the specific disability, but you are encouraged to discuss ways in which your disability affects you. If it is your preference, AES can help facilitate a discussion with your professor(s) regarding your accommodations.

For Law Students:

Most accommodations for students in Law graduate program are confidential. In those cases, the liaison of the particular program and the AES office will facilitate the accommodations.

You may choose to meet with the Director of Accessible Education Services at any point in the semester if you have questions, concerns, or would like to adjust your accommodations. Please notify the AES office as soon as possible if you experience any barriers to equal opportunity during the semester or if your accommodations are not working.


Accessible Education Services

Salem Campus

Smullin 155
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6737 voice
503-370-6647 fax

Portland Campus

Room 270
Pacific Northwest College of Art
511 NW Broadway
Portland Oregon 97227 U.S.A.