

2019 Summer Reading

by Marketing MBA,

Willamette MBA faculty have thoughtfully put together a summer reading list for prospective, admitted, and current students and alumni. Dive in!

Lisbeth Claus, Professor of Management and Global HR

by Jacob Morgan

by Roger L. Martin

by Tom Kelly and David Kelly

by Michael Lewis


Larry Ettner, Professor of Management Practice

 by Mark Payne

 by Richard Boyatzis

 by Phil Knight


Tim Johnson, Grace and Elmer Goudy Professor of Public Management and Policy Analysis, Director, Center for Governance and Public Policy Research

by James Gleick

by George B. Dyson

by George B. Dyson

by Max Tegmark

 by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

 by Thomas Schelling

 by Herbert Simon

 by Steven Pinker

 by Steven Pinker

 by John Elster

 by Dixit and Nalebuff

 by Robert Axelrod

 by Robert Wright

 by Václav Havel

by James C. Scott

by Gerd Gigerenzer


Gary Knight, Professor of Global Management, Helen Simpson Jackson Endowed Chair of International Management

by Thomas S. Kuhn

by Dale Carnegie;

by Dave Ramsey


Elliot N. Maltz, Professor of Marketing

 by Dan Ariely

by Daniel Kahneman


Kawika Pierson, CMA, Associate Professor of Accounting and Quantitative Methods

by Peter M. Senge

 by Donnella Meadows, Jorgen Randers, Dennis Meadows


Stuart Read, Professor of Strategic Management

by Robert Heinlein

by Roland Huntford

by Steven Johnson

by Michio Kaku

by Jared Diamond 

by Tracy Kidder

by Hans Rosling

by Jocko Willink


Professor Jon Thompson

by William Easterly

 by Hernando de Soto

 by Hernando de Soto

 by Paul Ormerod

 by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

by Karl Popper

by Joseph Stiglitz

 by Darrel Huff


Robert Walker, Associate Professor of Quantitative Methods

byThomas Piketty

by Douglas Hubbard

by Charles P. Kindleberger

by Avinash Dixit and Barry Nalebuff

by Steven Levitt


Jameson K. M. Watts, Assistant Professor of Marketing

by Peter Drucker


Rob Wiltbank, Contributing Associate Professor of Strategic Management

by Stephen R. Covey

by Stuart Read, Saras Sarasvathy, Nick Dew, Robert Wiltbank, Anne-Valerie Ohlsson

by Pete Babler

by Adam Brandenburger and Barry Nalebuff

by W. Timothy Gallway

by Friedrich Hayek

by Jeff Thull

by Robert Cialdini

by G. Richard Shell

by Urban Meyer

by John Wooden and Jay Carty


by Fred Schwed 

by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, and Jim Huling

by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

by Sun Tzu

by Lao Tzu

by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

by Amartya Sen


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