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Lisbeth Claus

Emerita Professor of Management and Global HR

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"Increasingly, it falls to human resource professionals to manage the "soft side" of today's global industry and to examine the cultural and human challenges facing organizations."

Domestic HR practitioners can no longer ignore the global nature of human capital. Increasingly, it falls to human resource professionals to strategically manage human talent in today's global environment and to examine the cultural and human challenges facing successful business, government, and not-for-profit enterprises. Global talent and performance management, virtual teamwork, global leadership development, cross-cultural savvy, HR analytics, work-life balance, international ethics and global sustainability are some of the important areas where human resources can add value and play a strategic role.


Lisbeth Claus, Ph.D., SPHR, GPHR, SHRM-SCP is Professor Emerita of Management and Global Human Resources at the Atkinson Graduate School of Management of 杏十八新茶分享 MBA in Salem, Oregon (USA), where she also served as interim Associate Dean from 2007 to 2008. Prior to joining 杏十八新茶分享, she held faculty and administrative positions at the Monterey Institute of International Studies and managerial positions at Safeway Inc. and Maritz Inc.

Dr. Claus specializes in the implications for global organizations when their employees cross borders. She has been published widely in academic and professional journals on subject matters related to global HR. She is considered the leading expert on employer duty of care and informs employers of their obligation to protect their business travelers, international assignees and dependents. She is the author of the 2009 Duty of Care White Paper–viewed today as a major impetus for putting duty of care on the map for global organizations. She also authored the 2012 Duty of Care and Travel Risk Management Global Benchmarking Study—the first empirical study on duty of care. She is the co-author (with Danielle Monaghan) of the 2019 White Paper on Dynamic Open Talent.

A frequent keynote speaker at national and international HR conferences, she is the lead author of Be(come) an Awesome Manager (with Scott Baker and Peter Vermeulen), Editor-in-chief of four volumes of the Global HR Practitioner Handbook (Global Immersion Press, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018). She is co-author with Lesley Arens of #ZigZagHR (in Dutch: PelckmansPro, 2018; English: Global Immersion Press, 2019, available from Amazon) and was co-author (with Dennis Briscoe and Randall Schuler) of International Human Resource Management, 3rd edition) (Routledge, 2009).

A native of Belgium, she speaks Flemish and French, and has working knowledge of German.

Foremost an educator, she has inspired thousands of learners—graduate students and practitioners—to better navigate the global scope of management and the implementation of progressive HR practices.


  • Ph.D., Saint Louis University
  • M.B.A., University of San Francisco
  • M.A., K.U. Leuven (Belgium)
  • B.A., K.U. Leuven (Belgium)
  • SPHR (Senior Professional in Human Resource Management)
  • GPHR (Global Professional in Human Resource Management)

Areas of Instruction

Managing Organizations, Global Human Resource Management.

Research Interests

Global human resource management, global performance management, employer duty of care for the global workforce.

Selected Publications

Download a PDF Copy of Lisbeth Claus' Publications List


Claus, L. & Chung, J. (2022). HR Ikigai 인사부의 존재이유 인적자원 전략의 새로운 차선책이 필요한 시대 월간 인사관리 202207.

Claus, L. (2022). HR’s raison d’être: Making sense of the next best things in people operations. The HR-Congress Magazine, March 22.

Claus, L. & Rosen, L. (2022). Background upon offering jobs to Ukrainian refugees. The HR- Congress Magazine, March 23.

Claus, L. (2022). Do you now where your employees are? The HR-Congress Magazine, March

Claus, L. (2022). Does your company have flexible work arrangement policies? The HR- Congress Magazine, February 6.

Monthly HR column (vanuit de VS) in #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift (Dutch):
24) Claus, L.(2022). Een radicale verandering van HR: Realiteit of utopie?#ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, June 4(28): 50-51 )
23) Claus, L.(2022). Laten we het probleem met engagement op het werk nu eens echt benoemen. #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, May 4(27): 52-53.
22) Claus, L. (2022). Vind je talent bij de Oekraiense vluchtelinge #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, April 4(26): 63-64.
21) Claus, L. (2022). Remote teamwork lukt niet zomaar #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, Maart 4(25): 63.
20) Claus, L. (2022). Leiderschap gaat om vriendelijkheid. #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift,
Februari, 4(24): 49-50.
19) Claus, L (2022). De introduction van de CMO en DRW, #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift,
Januari, 4(23): 65-66.


Claus, L., Baker, S. and Vermeulen, P. (2020). Be(Come) an Awesome Manager: The Essential Toolkit for Impact Leadership (Second Edition), Global Immersion Press.

Claus, L., Arens, L., Chung, J. (2021). #ZigZagHR (Korea translation). Seoul: EntersKorea.
Claus, L. (2021). Een actieplan voor leiderschap met impact: 5 manieren om een geweldige manager te zijn (of te worden), #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, December, 3 (21): 32-36

Monthly HR column (vanuit de VS) in #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift (Dutch):
18) Claus, L. (2021). Chief creator, #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, October, 3(20):61-62.
17) Claus, L. (2021). Afleren is het nieuwe leren, #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, September, 3(19): 63-64.
16) Claus, L. (2021). Post-Covid recruiting , #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, June, 3(18):55-56.
15) Claus, L. (2021). Duurzaamheid, #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, May, 3(17): 62-63.
14) Claus, L. (2021). Talent portfolio, #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, March, 3(15): 59.
13) Claus, L. (2021). Hebben we een nieuwe leadership theorie nodig, #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, February, 3(14): 65-66


Monthly HR column (vanuit de VS) in #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift (Dutch):
12) Claus, L. (2020). Duty of care, #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, January, #12-13
11) Claus, L. (2020). Employee engagement, #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, November, #11.
10) Claus, L. (2020). Change. #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, October, 2(10) 47.
9) Claus, L. (2020). Zo ziet het nieuwe leren eruit. #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, September, 2(09) 54-55.
8) Claus, L. (2020). De plotse comeback van de arbeidsparadox. #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, June, 2(08): 47
7) Claus, L. (2020). De nieuwe competentie: kindness. #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, May,
2(07): 49.
6) Claus, L. (2020). Digitizering an AI in HR: wat met ethische vragen? #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, Maart, 2(06): 49.
5) Claus, L. (2020). Ben jij een transformationele leider? #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift,
Februari, 2(05): 41.
4) Claus, L. (2020). De nieuwe crisis van de psychische gezondheid op het werk.
#ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, 2(04): 46.

Claus, L., Baker, S. and Vermeulen, P. (2020). Be(Come) an Awesome Manager: The Essential Toolkit for Impact Leadership. Global Immersion Press.


Monthly HR column (vanuit de VS) in #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift (Dutch):
3) Claus, L. (2019). Innovatie #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, December, 1(03): 41.
2) Claus, L. (2019). Beyond the traditional workforce: Heeft Jouw Organisatie de ‘Juiste workforce? Wie is eigenaar van jouw loopbaan? #ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, November, 1(02): 43
1) Claus, L. (2019). Talent fluidity: wie zit achter het stuur van je loopbaan??
#ZigZagHR Tijdschrift, October, 1(01): 44.

Claus, L. and Monaghan, D. (2019). White Paper: Dynamic Open Talent. A Template for Developing, Implementing, Supporting, and Measuring a Dynamic Open Talent (DOT) Strategy for a Global Company. Redmond, WA: Global HR Consortium/IT Roundtable.

Claus, L. (ed.), (2019). International Background Checks (Les Rosen). Global HR Learning Bites, 1(2); 12 pp (LinkedIn).

Claus, L. (2019). HR disruption—Time already to reinvent talent management. Business Quarterly Review, 22(3):207-215.

Claus, L. (ed.), (2019). Japanese cross-cultural management concepts (Emma Truyaert).
Global HR Learning Bites, 1(1); 10 pp.

Claus, L. and Arens, L. (2019). #ZigZagHR: Why the Best HR is no Longer HR. Global Immersion Press (paperback and e-book). Translated from Dutch.


Lesley Arens en Lisbeth Claus, #ZigZag HR: Waarom de beste HR geen HR meer is, (Dutch) Pelkmans Pro Publishing, 2018.

Claus, L. (ed.), (2018). Global HR Practitioner Handbook, Volume 4. Silverton, OR: Global Immersion Press. (e-book)

Claus, L. and Baker, S. (2018). The global HR stack: External and internal tools and methodologies impacting HR. Pp. 35-63 in Claus. L. (ed.), Global HR Practitioner Handbook, volume 4. Silverton, OR: Global Immersion Press.


Claus, L. and Caufield, A. (2017) Employees Abroad: The US Legal Context of Employer Duty of Care to Internationally Traveling Employees Willamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution, Volume 25: 1-24.


Chandler, M. Tamra (2016). How Performance Management is Killing Performnce—and What to Do about It: Rethink. Redesign Reboot. Oakland, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Reviewed by Claus, L. Applied Management Journal (2018), 19: 163-165.


Quigley, R., Claus, L. and Nixon, A. (2015). Behavioral Health Morbidity for those Studying or Working Internationally: An Exploratory Duty of Care Study. Journal of Global Mobility, Volume 3, Number 4, 418-435.

Claus, L. and McNulty, Y. (2015). Employer Duty of Care: the role of HRM in Managing Talent in Dangerous Locations, European Journal of International Management, Volume 9, Number 6, 667-672.

Quigley, R., Claus, L. and Dothan, M. (2015). Incidence of Medical Requests for Assistance from Globally Mobile Populations: Contrasting International Assignees from Different Sectors. European Journal of International Management, Volume 6, Number 9, 712-736.

Claus, L. and Quigley, R. (2015). . URMIA Insights (Blog).

Claus, L., Maletz, S., Casoinic, D. Pierson, K. (2015). Social Capital and Cultural Adjustment of International Assignees in NGOs: Do Ego Networks Really work? International Journal of Human Resource Management, Volume 26, Number 20, 2523-2542.

Claus, L. (ed.), (2015). Global HR Practitioner Handbook, Volume 3. Silverton, OR: Global Immersion Press. (e-book).

Claus, L. (2015). Strategies and tactics for managing duty of care in a university setting. In Munoz, M. and King, N. (eds.), Strategies for University Management. Business Expert Press.

Claus, L. and Baker, S. (2015). The new global performance paradigm: Reinventing performance reviews. Pp. 165-201 in Claus. L. (ed.), Global HR Practitioner Handbook, volume 3. Silverton, OR: Global Immersion Press.

Claus, L., Baker, S. and Ely, J. (2015). Global HR analytics. Pp. 5-33 in Claus. L. (ed.), Global HR Practitioner Handbook, volume 3. Silverton, OR: Global Immersion Press.

Claus, L. (2015). Duty of Care NGO Special Reports: A Comparison of Duty of Care Metrics and Analytics with the Global Benchmarking Study. London : International SOS Foundation

Claus, L. (2015). Duty of Care and Travel Risk Management Global Benchmarking Study. Scholastic Sector. London : AEA International Pte. Ltd.

Claus, L. Global HR in Action: A Series of Instructional Vignettes, Engaging and Recruiting the Best Candidates via Social Media and HR Analytics at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, 2015


Claus, L. (ed.), (2014). Global HR Practitioner Handbook, Volume 2. Silverton, OR: Global Immersion Press. (e-book).

Claus, L. And Aljoffe, A. (2014). Talent management in the Arab Gulf States. PP. 51-70 In: Claus. L. (ed.), Global HR Practitioner Handbook, volume 2. Silverton, OR: Global Immersion Press.

Rosen, L. and Claus, L. (2014). International employment background checks. PP 119-140 In: Claus. L. (ed.), Global HR Practitioner Handbook, volume 2. Silverton, OR: Global Immersion Press.

Nigussie, E. and Claus, L. (2014). Talent management in the emerging African markets. PP 71-92 In: Claus. L. (ed.), Global HR Practitioner Handbook, volume 2. Silverton, OR: Global Immersion Press.

Nixon, A. and Claus, L. (2014). Global worklife balance and stress management. PP. 175-196 In: Claus. L. (ed.), Global HR Practitioner Handbook, volume 2. Silverton, OR: Global Immersion Press.

Claus, L. (2014). Duty of Care and Travel Risk Management Global Benchmarking Study. Energy and Natural Resources Industry. London: AEA International Pte. Ltd.

Claus, L. Global HR in Action: A Series of Instructional Vignettes, Finding the human resources to fight Ebola in West Africa, 2014


Claus, L. (ed.), (2013). Global HR Practitioner Handbook. Silverton, OR: Global Immersion Press. Volume 1, ISBN 0988932903. 

Freska, A. and Claus, L. (2013). The new global context: Is the world really flat? Pp. 5-15 in Claus. L. (ed.), Global HR Practitioner Handbook. Silverton, OR: Global Immersion Press. 

Claus, L. (2013). The cultural context: a template for cross-cultural management. Pp. 51-79 in Claus. L. (ed.), Global HR Practitioner Handbook. Silverton, OR: Global Immersion Press.

Claus, L. and Moritz, S. (2013). The legal context of global HR. Pp. 93-115 in Claus. L. (ed.), Global HR Practitioner Handbook. Silverton, OR: Global Immersion Press.

Claus, L. (2013). Global talent management: An overview. Pp.117-137 in Claus. L. (ed.), Global HR Practitioner Handbook. Silverton, OR: Global Immersion Press.

Claus, L. and Giordano, E. (2013). Global employer duty of care: Protecting the health, safety, security and well-being of employees crossing borders. Pp. 279-299 in Claus. L. (ed.), Global HR Practitioner Handbook. Silverton, OR: Global Immersion Press.


Claus, L. and Frost, T. (2012) The 1500-meter athlete: A metaphor for global teamwork. Global HR in Action.

Claus, L. (2012). Devoir et Gestion du Risque Voyage. Etude Comparative Internationale. Paris : AEA International Pte. Ltd.

Claus, L. (2012). Duty of Care and Travel Risk Management Global Benchmarking Study. Switzerland. London : AEA International Pte. Ltd. 

Claus, L. (2012). Fürsorgepflicht und Management von Reiserisiken Benchmarking- Studie Deutschland. London : AEA International Pte. Ltd.

Claus, L. (2012). Fürsorgepflicht und Management von Reiserisiken Benchmarking- Studie Europa. London : AEA International Pte. Ltd.

Claus, L. (2012). Special Report—Duty of Care and Travel Risk Management Global Benchmarking Study. Asia. London : AEA International Pte. Ltd.

Claus, L. (2012). Special Report—Duty of Care and Travel Risk Management Global Benchmarking Study. Australia and Oceania. London : AEA International Pte. Ltd.

Claus, L. (2012). Special Report—Duty of Care and Travel Risk Management Global Benchmarking Study. Sub-Saharan Africa. London : AEA International Pte. Ltd.

Claus, L. (2012). Special Report—Duty of Care and Travel Risk Management Global Benchmarking Study. Europe. London : AEA International Pte. Ltd.

Claus, L (2012). Wal-Mart Stores Inc, alleged non-compliance with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act when doing Business in Mexico. Global HR in Action.

Claus, L. and Rao, D. (2012). Selection of entry level engineers in IT companies in Bangalore, India. Global HR in Action.


Claus, L., Patrasc, A. & Bhattacharjee, S. (2011). The Interplay of Individual, Organizational and Societal Level Variables in Predicting Expatriate Performance. International Journal of Management, 28 (1).

Claus, L. (2011). Global Performance Management in MNCs: A Research Note,. European Journal of International Management, 5(2), 196-199.

Claus, L. (2011). Duty of Care and Travel Risk Management Global Benchmarking Study. London : AEA International Pte. Ltd.

Claus, L. (2011). Devoir de Protection et Gestion Risque Voyage : Etude Comparative Internationale. Paris: International SOS.

Claus, L. (2011). What are your duty of care obligations to international business travelers ? New Zealand HR Magazine, March, 2011.

Claus, L. (2011). Protéger ses salariés à l’étranger. Une nouvelle responsabilité pour les DRH ? Personnel, No 217, février 2011.


Claus, L. and Yost, R. (2010). A Global View of University Risk. URMIA Journal, August, 23-38.

Claus, L. (2010). Duty of care of employers for protecting international assignees. Effectif, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 21-23, 2010.

Claus, L. (2010). Le devoir de protection des employeurs à l’égard des employés à mobilité mondiale. Effectif, vol 13, No. 4, pp.32-34, 2010.

Claus, L. (2010). Duty of care of employers for protecting international assignees. Effectif, vol 13, No. 4, pp.21-23.

Claus, L. (2010). Employers’ Duty of Care: Protecting Assignees, Dependents, and Business Travelers. Innovation, Vol. 36. No. 1, 7-8.

Claus, L. (2010). International Assignees at Risk: Employers have a duty of care for workers around the globe. Your Employer’s Duty of Care Responsibilities. HR Magazine, Vol. 55, No. 2, 73-75.


Claus, L. and Hand, M. (2009). Customization Decisions Regarding Performance Management Systems of Multinational Companies: An Empirical View of Eastern European Firms. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 9(2), 237-258.

Claus, L. and Briscoe, D. (2009). Employee Performance Management Across Borders: A Review of Relevant Academic Literature. International Journal of Management Review 11(2), 175-196.

Claus, L. (2009). Le Devoir de Protection des employeurs à l’égard des expatriés, de leurs personnes à charge et des voyageurs d’affaires. Livre Blanc, Paris: International SOS.

Claus, L. (2009). Duty of Care of Employers for Protecting International Assignees, their Dependents, and International Business Travelers. White Paper, London: AEA International Pte. Ltd.

Claus, L. (2009), Lead subject matter expert. Global Learning System: Workforce Relations and Risk Management (Module 5), Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management and Sage Learning Systems.

Claus, L. (2009). The Employer’s Duty of Care Responsibilities for Employees Crossing Borders: A First Person Global HR Account. SHRM Global Online, September.


Claus, L. and Briscoe, D. (2008). Introduction (Special Issue on Global Performance Management in the European context.). European Journal of Management 2(2), 128-231.

Claus, L. (2008). Employee Performance Management in MNCs: Reconciling the Need for Global Integration and Local Responsiveness. European Journal of Management 2(2), 132-153.

Briscoe, D., Schuler, R.and Claus, L. (2008). International Human Resource Management. 3rd edition, London/New York: Routledge.

Claus, L. and Briscoe, D. (2008). Employee Performance Management Across Borders: A Review of Relevant Academic Literature. Reprinted in Chapter 13 In: Budhwar, P., Schuler, R.S. and Sparrows, P. (eds.), Major Works in International Human Resource Management. Volume II: International HRM: The MNE Perspective—Compensation and Performance Management.

Briscoe. D. and Claus, L. (2008). ‘Employee performance management: Policies and practices in multinational enterprises’, in Varma, A. Budhwar, P. S. and DeNisi, A. (eds) Performance Management Systems: A Global Perspective Pp.15- 39, London: Routledge.

Claus, L. (2008). What Global HR Practitioners Need to Know About the New Labor Contract Law of China, SHRM Legal Report, November.

Claus, L. (2008). A New Face of Diversity; Tattoos in the Workplace Inside Business, Statesman’s Journal, May.

Claus, L. (2008). Preparing Talent for the Global Environment: HRD for emerging multinationals. National HRD Network Journal.


Claus, L. (2007). Get a Virtual Grip. People Management, 23 August.

Claus, L. (2007). Employee Retention, Best Practices in Keeping and Motivating Employees. B2B Willamette Valley Magazine, March, p. 11.


Claus, L. (2006). Global HR at Teva, Case Study and Teaching Note. Thunderbird International Business Review, 48(6): 891-905.

Claus, L. (2006). Global Human Resource Management Certification Preparation Course, Train-the-Trainer Guide, Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management


Claus, L. (2005). International Assignment Types and Employee Development. Current Issues in Management 11, 199-218.

Claus, L. and Vloeberghs, D.(2005). Voorwaarden tot het uitbouwen van een HRM-loopbaan. Vergelijking tussen de situatie in Belgie en Nederland en de rest van de wereld. Tijdschrift voor HRM.

Claus, L. (2005). Global Human Resource Management Certification Preparation Course, Participant Guide, Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2005). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources: Worldwide and Regional View. Survey Report. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.


Claus, L. and Collison, J.(2004). HR Professionalism: Current Perceptions of US HR Practitioners, Problems & Perspectives in Management 1(4): 111-124.

Claus, L. et al. (2004). Worldwide Benchmark Study. Emerging Trends in Global Mobility: The Assignee Perspective Research Report. Cendant Mobility.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). Obstacles and Development in the Maturing of Human Resources: Worldwide and Regional View Survey Report. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Profile of the Maturing of Human Resources: Worldwide and Regional View Survey Report. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing of the HR Profession in the United States. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for Argentina. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for Belgium. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for Brazil. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for Canada. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004) The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for Chile. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for China. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for Colombia. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for Dominican Republic. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for Egypt. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for France. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for Israel. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for Japan Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for Korea. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for Mexico. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for the Netherlands. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for New Zealand. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for South Africa. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for Spain. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for Thailand. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004) The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for Turkey. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J.. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for the United States. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004). The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for Quebec. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.

Claus, L. and Collison, J. (2004).The Maturing Profession of Human Resources Worldwide. Summary Report for North America. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.


Claus, L. (2003). Similarities and Differences in Human Resource Management in the European Union. Thunderbird International Business Review 45(6) 729-755.

Claus, L., Trompenaars, F. and Gundling, E. (2003). Global Learning System: Global Organizational Effectiveness and Employee Development (Module 2), Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management and Sage Learning Systems (Lead subject matter expert).


Claus, L., Vloeberghs, D. and Pichault, F. (2002). Belgian-style Human Resource Management: A Case of Mistaken Identity. European Management Journal 20(4):438-446.

Cohen, D. and Claus, L/ (2002). The Many Faces of Leadership. Global HR, October, 27-29.

Claus, L. (2002). Value-Added Global Human Resources? The HR Bulletin, NCHRA, March.


Claus, L. (2001). EuroHRM: The Context(s) of Human Resource management(s) in the European Union. SHRM Foundation, May 2001.

Phillips, R. and Claus, L. (2001). Corporate Social Responsibility and Global HR. International Focus.

Claus, L. (2001). The Future of HR. Workplace Visions, No. 6, p. 2-3.

Claus, L. (2001). 21st Century Challenges and Opportunities for Global HR?”CCHRA Notes, November.

Claus, L. (2001). Heeft uw bedrijf een rampenplan? HRMagazine, November, p. 16.

Claus, L. (2001). Disaster Recovery Hits Home. Globalhr, October, p.17.

Claus, L. (2001). Pink Slip Party. Globalhr, August, p. 56-7.

Claus, L. (2001). Spreading the Knowledge. Globalhr, May, p. 51.

Claus, L. (2001). Seeking Compensation. Globalhr, November/December, 19, p. 51.

Refereed Conference Presentation (Abstract and/ or paper in conference proceeding)

  1. Quigley, R. , Claus, L. and Dothan, M, Personal, Organizational and Environmental Antecedents Affecting the Diagnoses and Case Outcomes of Medical Requests for
    Assistance from Globally Mobile Employee Populations, Conference Proceedings of the 2nd International HRM conference, Penn State University, May 2015.
  2. Claus, L. Patrasc, A., Mazique, M. The Relative Importance of Individual, Organizational and Societal Factors in Predicting Expatriate Job Performance: a working Paper on an Empirical Study in Progress with International Assignees at Mercy Corps. Paper presented at the 11th International HRM conference, Birmingham, UK, June 9-12, 2010.
  3. Rahim, A.,Psenicka, C. , Soranastaporn, S., Oh, S-J., Mohamed, A.A., Kim, T-Y.,
    Duncan, P.A., Jasimuddin, S.M. Rahman, M.S., Rajyalakshmi, N. Chaudhury, B.Z.,
    Mohamad. M.S. and Claus, L. A Model of Social Intelligence and Creativity: A Cross-cultural Study. Paper accepted at the 16th annual International Conference on Advances in Management at Colorado Springs, CO, July 15-18, 2009
  4. Claus, L. and Briscoe, D (co-chairs), Special Symposium on Global Performance
    Management in MNCs. International Human Resource Management Conference,
    Santa Fe, NM, June 2009.
  5. Claus, L. Global Performance Management in MNCs: A Research Note. Paper accepted at the International Human Resource Management Conference, Santa Fe, NM, June
  6. Claus, L. An HR Framework for Work/Life Balance: An Exploratory Survey of the CEE
    Country HR Managers of MNCs. Paper presented at the International Human Resource
    Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, June, 2007.
  7. Claus, L. and Briscoe, D. Workshop: Discussion and Evaluation of a Set of New, Short
    IHRM Cases. Paper Accepted at the International Human Resource Conference,
    Tallinn, Estonia, June, 2007.
  8. Claus, L. and Briscoe, D. What We know and Don’t Know about Performance Management from an International/Global Perspective: A Review and Analysis of Empirical Research. Paper presented at the Academy of Management meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2006.
  9. Claus, L. Professionalism: Does it Matter for Human Resources? Paper presented at the
    Western Academy of Management Conference, Long Beach, CA, March, 2006.
  10. Claus, L. and Cohen, D. HR Professionalism Today: A Comparative Study of the HR
    Profession in 25 Countries. Paper presented at the International Human Resource
    Conference, Limerick, Ireland, 2003.
  11. Claus, L. Global HR in the New Economy. Conference Proceedings of the SHRM
    Global HR Forum/ Monterey Institute of International Studies Global HR
    Conference, Monterey, CA, USA, May 22, 2001.
  12. Claus, L. Développement d’un Modèle de Gestion Pluriculturelle dans le Cadre de l’Alena. Présentation au 68e Congrès de l’Acfas, Montréal, Canada, May 15, 2000.
  13. Claus. L. and Oberbannscheidt, R. Do the World's Largest Companies Consider
    Globalization a Core Value: A Content Analysis of the Mission Statements of Global 100 and Fortune 100 Companies. Conference Proceedings of the Eighth Annual World Business Congress, Monterey, CA, USA, June 30, 1999.
  14. Claus, L. Lesson Plans for Teaching International Catalog Marketing to Business Students. Paper presented at the 9th Annual Robert B. Clarke Direct Marketing Educators’ Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, October 5th, 1997.
  15. Zambo, L. Claus, L. and Meagor, K. Hong Kong’s Re-Exports of Fresh Fruits and
    Vegetables. Conference Proceedings of the Sixth Annual World Business Congress,
    IMDA, Chonju City, Republic of Korea, July 21-23, 1997.
  16. Claus, L. and Crothers, R. Developing a Comprehensive Communication Plan in Support of Expatriates. Conference Proceedings of the Sixth Annual World Business Congress, IMDA, Chonju City, Republic of Korea, July 21-23, 1997.
  17. Claus, L. Cataloger Hanna Andersson’s Entry into the Japanese Market. Conference
    Proceedings of the 1996 IMDA Annual National Conference, Forging Alliances in
    Global Markets, New Orleans, LA, USA, November 6-9, 1996.
  18. Claus, L. Global Retail Location Factors for Expansion into Emerging Markets. Conference Proceedings of the 1996 IMDA Annual National Conference, Forging Alliances in Global Markets, New Orleans, LA, USA, November 6-9, 1996.
  19. Claus, L. and McCart, E. Electronic Job Search Strategies for MBAs: Now the World is in Their Reach. Conference Proceedings of the 1996 IMDA Annual National
    Conference, Forging Alliances in Global Markets, New Orleans, LA, USA,
    November 6-9, 1996.
  20. Cordell, V.V. , Pendergast, W.R., Claus, L., Espana, J., Freska,A.A. and Wang, B.
    Cases in Foreign Market Development by small and Medium Sized Companies. Paper
    presented at the 1996 AIB Conference, Banff, Canada, September 26-29, 1996.
  21. Claus, L. et al., Development of a Model Food Science Instructional Program at Arroyo Grande High School. Paper presented at the Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting and Expo, Atlanta, GA, June 25-29, 1994.

Published Professional Conference Proceedings

  1. Claus, L. Global HR Competencies for an Uncertain World, Conference Proceedings of the NWHRA Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, October 2007.
  2. Claus, L. HR in an Uncertain World. Master Class, Conference Proceedings of the
    Chartered Institute of Personnel Development, Harrogate, England, September,
  3. Claus, L. and Robinson, A. HR Shared Service at Teva Pharmaceuticals, Conference Proceedings of the Annual Conference & Exposition of the Society for Human Resource Management, San Diego, CA, USA, June, 2005.
  4. Claus, L., Best Practices in Global HR. Conference Proceedings of the SHRM Global Forum, Chicago, IL, USA, April 3, 2005.
  5. Claus, L., The HR Profession Worldwide, World Congress of the WFPMA, Rio de
    Janeiro, Brazil, 2004.
  6. Claus, L. and Collison, C. The HR Profession: A Comparative View, Conference
    Proceedings of the Annual Conference & Exposition of the Society for Human
    Resource Management, New Orleans, LA, USA, June, 2004.
  7. Claus, L. and McCallum, M. Alternative International Assignment,. Conference
    Proceedings of the SHRM Global Forum, Miami, FL, USA, April 3, 2004.
  8. Claus, L. and Cohen, D. Global Leadership. Conference Proceedings of the SHRM
    Global Forum, Los Angeles, CA, USA, April 3, 2003.
  9. Claus, L. EuroHRM. Conference Proceedings of the SHRM Global HR Forum,
    Chicago, IL, USA, April 3, 2001.
  10. Claus, L. Conducting an International HR Environmental Scan: A Strategic Tool for Globalization. Conference Proceedings of the Global HR Forum, San Diego, CA, USA, April 3, 2000.
  11. Claus, L. Religion: A Neglected Dimension in Worldwide People Management. Conference Proceedings of the Eighth Annual World Business Congress, Monterey, CA, USA, June 30, 1999.
  12. Claus, L. People Management and Globalization: A Strategic HR Approach. Conference Proceedings of the 51st Annual Conference & Exposition of the Society for Human Resource Management, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 29, 1999.
  13. Claus, L. Globalization and HR Professional Competencies. Conference Proceedings of the Global HR Forum, 22st Annual Conference & Exposition of the Institute of International Human Resources, Orlando, FL, USA, April 12, 1999.
  14. Claus, L. Person to Person: Across the Border. Conference Proceedings of the Produce Marketing Association, New Orleans, LA, USA, October 19, 1998.
  15. Claus, L. The Role of International Human Resource in Leading the Company from a Domestic to a Global Corporate Culture. Conference Proceedings of the Global HR Forum, 21st Annual Conference & Exposition of the Institute of International Human Resources, Dallas, TX, USA, April 5-8, 1998.

Selected Professional Activities

Content expert, instructional designer, and train-the-trainer of the SHMR/GPHR certification preparation course; SHRM Global Expert Panel Member, 2006-2007; President, SHRM Global Forum, 2003; Vice President Finance, Executive Committee, Chair Membership and Chapter Outreach Committee, Board of Directors, SHRM Global Forum, 2001-2002; Member, Academy of Management; Instructional design advisor for Safeway, Inc.'s Retail Leadership Development Program; Accredited BELBIN e-interplace and Team Role Trainer.


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