

The 杏十八新茶分享 Center for Religion, Law and Democracy is an interdisciplinary center devoted to the exploration of the role of religion in law and in public life. The Center draws on Willamette’s historic and ongoing strengths as a church-related college committed to academic excellence, public policy and public service.

Student Summer Internship Grants

The Center offers grants of $3000 for student internships in the summer of 2012. The grants are open to CAS students and graduate and professional students in the College of Law, Atkinson School of Management, and School of Education. The purpose of the internships is to fund student summer work in a government agency, religious organization, or public interest organization that works on issues relating to religion in public life. The work should be of a substantive, non-clerical nature that enhances the student’s educational experience and longer-term professional and life goals.

Students are expected to locate a placement, but assistance is available through the Center and the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life. Examples of possible placement sites include: Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (Public Policy and Environmental ministries programs); Jewish Federation of Portland; ACLU of Oregon; or nationally based organizations such as the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty or Americans Untied for Separation of Church and State.

  • Student Summer Internship Grant Application Form

Best Student Paper Award

These two awards (one, CAS; one, graduate) are bestowed annually to those students who has written the best seminar, term paper or senior thesis exploring a subject at the intersection of social studies, education, law, and/or culture with religion. The paper must have been written for a class during the previous spring or fall semester and should demonstrate original thinking, excellent writing and research skills, and familiarity with the most important disciplinary conventions.

Deadlines for these papers are:

Graduate students: CAS students

The award is $500.


The Center for Religion, Law and Democracy

Oregon Civic Justice Center
790 State Street SE
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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