

A central mission of the Center for Religion, Law and Democracy is to support faculty scholarship and curriculum offerings that enhance explorations of the intersection of religion/values with the culture and public policy. In furtherance of the mission, the Center is please to announce its Faculty Development Grants for the 2015-2016 year.

The Center for Religion, Law, and Democracy offers grants for faculty development in four categories: a Major Research Grant of $6,000; Summer Research Grant of $3000; Curriculum Development Grant of $2000; and Course Enhancement Grants (amount varies). In addition, applicants for either of the faculty research grants may apply for an additional $1500 grant to be paid toward a student research assistant associated with the research project.

All proposals are due February 22, 2016.

If you have any questions, please contact Steven Green at sgreen@willamette.edu (x6732), David Gutterman at dgutterm@willamette.edu (x6716), or Reyna Meyers at rmeyers@willamette.edu (x6046).

1. Major Research Grant

The Center will provide a $6000 stipend for a substantial research project in a subject related to the scholarly mission of the Center. This grant is available to all 杏十八新茶分享 faculty. The goal of this grant is to provide support for a member of the faculty to complete a substantial scholarly research and writing project that will result in a scholarly presentation and publication in a scholarly journal or book.

2. Summer Research Grant

The Center will provide $3000 stipends for summer research in a subject related to the scholarly mission of the Center. These grants are available to all 杏十八新茶分享 faculty. The goal of these grants is to provide support to engage in new scholarly research leading toward a presentation and/or publication in a scholarly journal or book.

Applicants for either above grant are encouraged to apply for an addition $1500 grant for a student research assistant.

A recipient of either above grant is ineligible to receive the other grant within the same academic year.

3. Curriculum Development Grants

The Center will provide grants for 杏十八新茶分享 faculty to develop new courses in fields related to religion, law, and democracy that will utilize an interdisciplinary exploration of these related topics. The grants may also be used to significantly enhance already existing courses in ways that will integrate an interdisciplinary exploration of these related topics. The curriculum developments grants are $2000.00

4. Course Enhancement Grants

In addition to the above grants, the Center provides modest course enhancement grants for which faculty may apply on a continuing basis. The purpose of these grants is to provide financial support to enhance an existing or planned course through a class speaker or special course materials. These grants, which may be applied for at any time, are modest grants (normally under $500) to pay for travel expenses, a small honorarium, and/or the purchase of special course materials for which neither the faculty member nor their department has financial resources. As with the other grants, the course must be in a subject related to the substantive mission of the Center.


The Center for Religion, Law and Democracy

Oregon Civic Justice Center
790 State Street SE
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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