ࡱ> tvs ]bjbjVV .<<]  3333tvvvvvvevv3344433t4t4443𮬇k 4`04F44,4Plvv: : Center for Religion, Law, and Democracy Best Student Paper Award This award is bestowed annually on the Willamette student who has written the best seminar or term paper (i.e., not a senior thesis) exploring a subject at the intersection of religion, law and democracy. The paper must have been written for a class during the previous spring or fall semester and should demonstrate original thinking, excellent writing and research skills, and familiarity with the most important disciplinary conventions. The award is $500. Purpose and Submission Process The purpose of this award is to honor students who have completed extraordinary work that addresses a vital issue concerned with religion, law, and democracy. It is expected that such work will often cross-disciplinary boundaries. The wide array of themes that might be addressed include (but are by no means limited to): the politics of marriage, human rights, terrorism and religious violence, sex education, the role of religion in electoral politics, first amendment jurisprudence, and conflicts between religious doctrine and state law. Papers may be submitted by Willamette students or, in consultation with the student author, by a faculty member on behalf of a student. The deadline for paper submissions is Monday, April 30, 2012 for Graduate students and Monday, May 7, 2012 for CLA students. Papers are read anonymously by a committee of two to three faculty members associated with the Center for Religion, Law and Democracy. Papers must by submitted by Monday, April 30, 2012 for Graduate students and Monday, May 7, 2012 for CLA students Papers should be submitted via email to: Professor David Gutterman  HYPERLINK "mailto:dgutterm@illamette.edu" dgutterm@illamette.edu Center for Religion, Law & Democracy Oregon Civic Justice Center ʮ² Salem, Oregon 97301 A 0       & F W Y !./<ABGJTU]ܻܻĖzt hb0JjhbUjhbUhb hb5 hb6hRqYhRqY5>*OJQJhRqY5OJQJhc5OJQJh h5OJQJhcOJQJhRqYOJQJh hOJQJhb5OJQJhb6OJQJhbOJQJhbCJOJQJ+(AB   1 S T /TU )AWZ] dT1$7$8$H$1$7$8$H$ $1$7$8$H$a$,/ =!"#$% DyK dgutterm@illamette.eduyK <mailto:dgutterm@illamette.edu^ 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH <`< NormalCJ_HmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List 0U@0 Hyperlink>*B*PK![Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢Iw},-j4 wP-t#bΙ{UTU^hd}㨫)*1P' ^W0)T9<l#$yi};~@(Hu* Dנz/0ǰ $ X3aZ,D0j~3߶b~i>3\`?/[G\!-Rk.sԻ..a濭?PK!֧6 _rels/.relsj0 }Q%v/C/}(h"O = C?hv=Ʌ%[xp{۵_Pѣ<1H0ORBdJE4b$q_6LR7`0̞O,En7Lib/SeеPK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml M @}w7c(EbˮCAǠҟ7՛K Y, e.|,H,lxɴIsQ}#Ր ֵ+!,^$j=GW)E+& 8PK!Ptheme/theme/theme1.xmlYOo6w toc'vuر-MniP@I}úama[إ4:lЯGRX^6؊>$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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TF c/@@FJL|Best Student Paper AwardNA:!!M!AAA@! NAAA&!NSA'ATT  c/@@ JLP ? Rp@"HelveticatQ`2tlXlP`2tl q.1lt $r.1X;.* HelvetcaI+.1Xl-'1z%1$dv% % % TTXf/@@XLP 6 T@Xc/@@XNSLThis award is bestowed annually on the Willamette student who has written the best >828G8!828828G788788818888b7T8828878G88781G"8878782 % % % TXl/@@XL|seminar or term paper (28T78!8!8 T7878!!Rp@Times New Roman tQ`2tl XlP`2tl q.1lt &r.1 ?XG* Times ew Romanl-'1z%1 &dv% % % Tdm/@@mLTi.e.,% % % T/@@BL, not a senior thesis) exploring a subject at the intersection of 8882888!7822!8188!8782888288888!282887 TX/@@XjLhreligion, law !87888GTI/@@jHLand democracy. The paper must have been written for a class during the 88887T72!821>878788!T8288188788G!888!8282278!8788 TLX /@@XULprevious spring or fall semester and should demonstrate original thinking, excellent 8!8188228!878!828T818!7881888878T782!888!78888287812888 T8W+/@@XRLwriting and research skills, and familiarity with the most important disciplinary H!87888!8288!271228888T8!1G878S82T78!88822888!1 TX(/@@X Ldconventions.288188882TT(/@@LP TT(/@@LP TT(/@@LP 6 TXXF/@@XLPTh>7TF/@@Lle award is $500.88G8!828788TTF/@@LP 6 TTXC/@@X.LP 6 Rp@"Arial tQ`2tl XlP`2tl q.1lt 'r.1 ?X3.* AriallI+.1Xl-'1z%1'dv% % % TX_/@@XLPurpose and Submission ProcessC='==888=<C==Y78==C'=7887% % % TTb/@@LP 6 TLX^ /@@XI ULThe purpose of this award is to honor students who have completed extraordinary work >7878!88277828G8!8288788!278782G88881828S888881!88!888!1G8!2 ThX}  /@@X ZLthat addresses a vital issue concerned with religion, law, and democracy. 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The wide array of themes that 822888!1878878!82>78G888!!81887T8178 T\X 1 /@@X XLmight be addressed include (but are by no means limited to): the politics of marriage, T7887878!8227872888!788!78188S8882T878!8778227T8!!878 TXX&  /@@X WLhuman rights, terrorism and religious violence, sex education, the role of religion in 88S88!7828!!8!2T788!87882188818281878287888 887!87888 TX # /@@X Lelectoral politics, first8828!88822!2TT # /@@ LP T =# /@@ 9Lamendment jurisprudence, and conflicts between religious 7T877T878!28!8787287881872278G888!87882 TXA \ /@@X L|doctrine and state law. 882!888782788GTT]A  /@@] LP 6 TTX > /@@X) LP 6 TDX]  /@@X TLPapers may be submitted by Willamette students or, in consultation with the student C888!2T8187287T8881b7T882887828!728818888G88827887 TXX Y/@@XDWLauthor, by a faculty member on behalf of a student. The deadline for paper submissions 8878!8188281T7T88!8888787817888>878788788!8878!287T22882 TTXxm/@@XLPiTXnx/@@nLPs 2Tpx/@@LXMondayS88881T| x;/@@ L\, April C8!TX<x/@@<LP3078Tlx/@@LX, 201778TTx/@@LP28TTx/@@LP Tx) /@@ Lhfor Graduate 8!N!87888T* x-/@@* Lstudents and Monday, May 7278782788S78881S818Tp.xC/@@.LX, 20127887TTDx^/@@DLP T|_x/@@_L\for CLA 8!H7C T|Xu/@@X`L\students288782TX u/@@`LP. T u/@@ `KLPapers are read anonymously by a committee of two to three faculty members C878!28!8 88888781T882181828ST887G887!888181T7T88!2 TX /@@X<Lassociated with the Center for Religion, Law and Democracy. 82282888G887H788!8!G878888G888G8S82!821TT < /@@ LP 6 TTX!/@@X{LP 6 % % % TX/@@X LPapers must by submitted by C8=8'7Y=8!>58==Y!!8=>5Tp^ /@@ LXMondayS===96TX_  /@@_ LP, T|  /@@ L\April 30G='87Tp  /@@ LX, 20127887&" WMFC  cTT 8 /@@ LP Td9  /@@9 LTfor !='% % % T| /@@ L\GraduateN'8<=8!8'% Ld   !??% ( TT/@@ LP T/@@  Ldstudents and8!==8=!88=<TTR/@@ LP 8 TX9/@@X LhMonday, May 7S===96S968Tl9/@@LX, 201887TT95/@@LP28TT69P/@@6LP TdQ9/@@QLTfor !='% % % T`9/@@LTCLAH?E'% Ld !??% ( TT9/@@LP T|9{ /@@L\students8!>=8=!8TT| 9 /@@| LP 8 % % % TTX9/@@X$LP 6 % % % TTX;/@@XLP ,TT;/@@LP ,T<; /@@(LPapers should be submitted via email to:=22,'''22222,'22H,2,2,H22"TT ;J /@@ LP 4 Rp@Times New Roman tQ`2tl XlP`2tl q.1lt <)r.1 ?XG* Times ew Romanl-'1z%1<)dv% % % TTX/@@XLP ,TT/@@LP ,Rp@Times New Roman0 Q`2 xlP`2 q.1 L*r.1 ?XG* Times ew Roman -'1z%1$L*dv% % % T/@@LProfessor David Gutterman8!2!,''2!H,22H2-!N,2TT' /@@LP - TTX!/@@X{LP ,TT!/@@{LP ,% % %  T!{/@@{Lxdgutterm@illamette.edu212,!N\,N,,,23'% Ld{!??% (  TT|!/@@|{LP - % % % TTX/@@XLP ,TT/@@LP ,% % % T /@@LCenter for Religion, Law &C,2,!!2!C,122<,IMTT  /@@ LP T  /@@  L`DemocracyH,N3,!-.1TT  /@@ LP - TTXx/@@XaLP ,TTx/@@aLP ,T x/@@aLOregon Civic Justice CenterH!-122C2,(2',,C,2,!TT F x/@@ aLP - TTXz/@@XLP ,TTz/@@LP ,Tz*/@@LxWillamette University_,N,,H22,!'0TT+zW/@@+LP - TTX^/@@XGLP ,TT^/@@GLP ,T^/@@GLtSalem, Oregon 973018,,NH!-12222223TTG^/@@GLP - TTX`/@@XLP ,TT`/@@LP ,TT`/@@LP - TTXD/@@X-LP ,TTD/@@-LP ,TTD/@@-LP -% % 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6&BWMFC  c 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6 66666666666666666666  ~."System--@"Helvetica--- F2 `'~Center for Religion, Law, and Democracy:             2 `~ B/2 r~Best Student Paper Award      2 r~ B@"Helvetica--- 2 Q~ B2 QS~This award is bestowed annually on the Willamette student who has written the best o     ---.2 Q~seminar or term paper (d  @Times New Roman---2 ~i.e.---n2 B~, not a senior thesis) exploring a subject at the intersection of  2 Q~religion, law  w2 H~and democracy. The paper must have been written for a class during the    2 QU~previous spring or fall semester and should demonstrate original thinking, excellent s  2 QR~writing and research skills, and familiarity with the most important disciplinary     2 Q ~conventions. 2 ~ B 2 ~ B 2 ~ B2 Q~Th#2 a~e award is $500.  2 ~ B 2 Q~ B@"Arial---82 /Q~Purpose and Submission Process    --- 2 /,~ B2 BQU~The purpose of this award is to honor students who have completed extraordinary work s    2 UQZ~that addresses a vital issue concerned with religion, law, and democracy. It is expected    :2 iQ~that such work will often cross   2 i~-B_2 i 8~disciplinary boundaries. The wide array of themes that   2 |QX~might be addressed include (but are by no means limited to): the politics of marriage,    2 QW~human rights, terrorism and religious violence, sex education, the role of religion in   12 Q~electoral politics, first  2 ~ Ba2 9~amendment jurisprudence, and conflicts between religious y   /2 Q~doctrine and state law.   2 ~ B 2 Q~ B2 QT~Papers may be submitted by Willamette students or, in consultation with the student      2 QW~author, by a faculty member on behalf of a student. The deadline for paper submissions     2 Q~iB2 T~s 2 _~Monday 2 ~, April  2 ~302 ~, 201i 2 ~2B 2 ~ B2  ~for Graduate  22 =~students and Monday, May 7  2 ~, 2012 2 ~ B2 ~for CLA   2 Q~students2 ~. |2 K~Papers are read anonymously by a committee of two to three faculty members      e2 (Q<~associated with the Center for Religion, Law and Democracy.        2 (~ B 2 <Q~ B---52 OQ~Papers must by submitted by    2 O~Monday 2 OD~, 2 OL~April 30 2 O~~, 2012 2 O~ B2 O~for  ---2 O~Graduate - @ !;P- 2 O~ B2 O ~students and 2 OP~ B2 bQ ~Monday, May 7  2 b~, 201a 2 b~2B 2 b~ B2 b~for ---2 b~CLA - @ !d- 2 b ~ B2 b~students 2 bH~ B--- 2 uQ~ B--- 2 Q~ B) 2 z~ B(G2 (~Papers should be submitted via email to:   2 ~ B@Times New Roman--- 2 Q~ B) 2 z~ B(@Times New Roman---12 ~Professor David Gutterman    2 7~ B 2 Q~ B) 2 z~ B(--- ,2 ~dgutterm@illamette.edu  - @ !-  2 &~ B--- 2 Q~ B) 2 z~ B(---22 ~Center for Religion, Law &    2 8~ B2 ; ~Democracy   2 z~ B 2 Q~ B) 2 z~ B(42 ~Oregon Civic Justice Center    2 ;~ B 2 Q~ B) 2 z~ B(+2 ~ʮ²u    2 ~ B 2 Q~ B) 2 z~ B((2 ~Salem, Oregon 97301t   2 ~ B 2 Q~ B) 2 z~ B( 2 ~ B 2 Q~ B) 2 z~ B( 2 ~ B--~~~~~~~~~~~~}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}||||||||||՜.+,D՜.+,h$ hp  ʮ² Z (Center for Religion, Law, and Democracy Title 8@ _PID_HLINKSAtMcmailto:dgutterm@illamette.edu  !"$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijlmnopqruRoot Entry FڳkwData  1TableWordDocument.SummaryInformation(#DocumentSummaryInformation8kCompObjy  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q