

Theatre Scholarship Application

The Willamette Theatre Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship offered to applicants with a serious commitment to theatre.

theatre production


To be eligible for a scholarship, students must be admitted to 杏十八新茶分享, demonstrate outstanding achievement in theatre, and plan to devote major attention to the theatre program at Willamette. Eligibility for theatre scholarship requires majoring in theatre in the second, third, and fourth year. The scholarship is renewable based on annual evaluations by the faculty.

To Apply:

  • Apply for admission to 杏十八新茶分享
  • Submit the , including:
    • Digital audition (for performers) or portfolio (for design/tech)
      • Please note the requirements specific to your background and interest in theatre below
    • Reference Contact Information:
      • Provide contact information (first and last name, title, email address) of your most recent drama teacher or director
    • A response of 500 words (maximum) to the following:
      • What do you think 21st Century theatre will look like in the next 20 years, and what do you hope your role will be in creating new theatre?
    • Your headshot
    • Your current theatre resume

Audition & Portfolio Review

Auditions must be videotaped, uploaded to a video sharing site and provided at the time of application submission. Please have your link ready prior to beginning the application.

Audition & Portfolio Guidelines

  • For actors: An audition consisting of a Shakespearean monologue 20-30 lines in length and a one-minute contemporary monologue.
    • An optional two-minute song may be performed if the student desires.
  • For design/technical students: Please assemble a portfolio of your work which you will have fifteen minutes to present to the faculty during an interview to be scheduled after applications have been reviewed.

Faculty Interview

  • Finalists will be sent an email to schedule an interview after submitting both your Theatre Scholarship Application and your application for admission. Interviews will be used to gain a more complete understanding of your experience, and to provide an opportunity to get to know Theatre Department faculty.

Digital Video Audition Details

  • Digital video auditions may be posted to a variety of online platforms (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo), and must be unlocked and available to faculty reviewers.

Requirements & Expectations for Scholarship Holders

Scholarship recipients are expected to read and understand the following expectations:

  1. Acceptance of the Theatre scholarship is a major responsibility. As a Theatre scholarship holder, it is expected that students participate fully in every production we produce in any given year. We believe that theatre is best taught as a co-curricular activity, and we follow a mentorship/assistantship model predicated on significant involvement in every production. Theatre scholarship students are deeply involved in Theatre production studios, classes, and productions. It is strongly recommended, and expected, that those accepting a Theatre scholarship major in Theatre.
  2. Discipline and punctuality are fundamental aspects of a well-functioning theatre. With this in mind, all scholarship students must attend designated departmental meetings and strikes, and fulfill all rehearsal and crew commitments assigned. Students are expected to be on time.
  3. All scholarship students require significant involvement in each main stage production each semester, as assigned by the Theatre faculty. If you received your scholarship based on an acting audition, you must audition for all main stage shows. If you interviewed as a design/tech student, you are welcome but not required to audition. Theatre scholarship students must accept any acting role or production responsibility to which they are assigned. In the rare case that a Scholarship student is not able to fulfill the role to which they have been assigned, they may petition the Theatre faculty for a new assignment. Such a petition may or may not be granted. Significant involvements include acting or a major contribution to technical aspects of the production. The faculty will assign students their production roles. It is the student's responsibility to check with the Production Stage Manager to confirm their assignments to crew positions.
  4. Scholarship students are expected to be personally responsible for arranging their schedules to ensure that they are available to fulfill their departmental scholarship obligations.
  5. All scholarship students are expected to read daily notices sent via email, or posted on the department call board outside of the greenroom. This is where all department announcements of events and required activities will be displayed.
  6. All scholarship students will meet with the Theatre faculty for review at the end of the year. A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher must be maintained.
  7. FIRST-YEAR SCHOLARSHIP STUDENTS: During your first year as a scholarship holder, you will also be assigned to work (3) three hours a week in one or more of the Theatre's production areas. These assignments will be reviewed at the end of each semester. The assignments are in addition to any production position that is held. Additionally, first-year scholarship students meet with the Theatre faculty at the end of the fall and spring semesters.
  8. First-year scholarship students will be registered in the fall for Acting I and Voice for the Stage.
  9. A failure to comply consistently with the above requirements will result in the probation and ultimate loss of scholarship. As with any job, consistent communication with your supervisors is critical.
杏十八新茶分享 students at a theatre production

How to Apply

Please review all instructions for the audition process on this page before proceeding with the application.

Priority Submission Deadlines

Early Action/Early Decision Applicants: November 19, 2023

Regular Decision Applicants: February 1, 2024


Contact Theatre Scholarship Advisors:

Susan Coromel, Chair and Associate Professor of Theatre

Rachel Steck, Professor of Theatre

Review scholarship requirements in the Theatre Student Handbook.



M. Lee Pelton Theatre
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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