

Congratulations to our 2023-2024 Concerto winner!


Congratulations to Trinity Goff, pianist, junior at WU, majoring in Music and German, winner of the 2023-2024 杏十八新茶分享 Concerto Competition. Trinity will perform Beethoven's 3rd Piano Concerto - 1st movement in the Spring Concert with the University Chamber Orchestra on April 28, 2024.

Zach Martin (Flute), and Kelson Gipp (French Horn) both earned 2nd place in the Concerto Competition. Zach is a Mathematics and Physics major, and Kelson studies Data Sciences. Both of them will perform in a concert with the University Concert Band and the Chamber Orchestra in Spring 2024.

Maya Lauer (Voice) won an honorable mention in the Concerto Competition.

The UCO Concerto Competition is an annual competition for full-time Willamette students to have the opportunity to perform their prepared concerto alongside a live instrumental ensemble.

Judges Daniel Rouslin, Eben Fernando Heldreth, and Jocelyn Thomas wish to extend their heartiest congratulations to all competitors. The judges were extensively impressed with the high level of preparation and musicianship.

The Music Department extends a special thanks to all musicians who participated in this year's competition, and to Luca Casano, for overall assistance.

Saturday, Nov 2, 2024
12:00 - 4:00 pm
Hudson Concert Hall in the Rogers Music Center

Application deadline:  CLOSED

General Information

  • The competition will be held on Saturday, Nov 2, 2024, 12:00-4:00 pm in Hudson. The winner will perform with the University Chamber Orchestra (UCO) on Saturday, April 26, 2025 at 7:30 pm
  • The competition is open to all full-time 杏十八新茶分享 students. Full-time status must be maintained for both Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters.
  • All instrumental and vocal students are encouraged to apply.
  • There is a limited amount of time for the competition. Therefore, only 20 competitors will be placed in the competition.
  • Competition time slots are 10 minutes, including setup. No exceptions.
  • The list of contestants will be determined by the date and time that your fully completed application is submitted online – first-received, first-accepted. The Ensemble Assistant(s) will organize the application intake process. 
  • Applications submitted after the available slots have been filled will be placed on a waiting list in the order received.
  • If a participant is deemed ineligible or chooses not to compete, their place will be taken by the next student on the waiting list. 

Repertoire Requirements

  • Solo repertoire must be suitable for performance by a standard chamber or string orchestra. Orchestral parts for solo selections must be readily available.
  • Publisher information is required for any works that are not in the public domain.
  • Appropriate cuts in orchestral “tutti”s should be made to maximize solo performance time during the competition time slot. The winner(s) will perform their competition piece “uncut” in the orchestral performance.
  •  Memorization is not required, however strongly encouraged. 


  • All competitors must be accompanied by a pianist. 
  • Please upload your accompaniment part to the form below at latest three weeks in advance of the competition date [by Oct 11]. The uploaded file must be a PDF.

Jury Decisions

The competition will be judged by a panel of external music professionals. The jury will select a soloist and will have the right to withhold the selection of a winner if no contestant is deemed ready for a public performance. Jury decisions are final.



The contest winner will perform one movement of chosen work. Shorter single-movement works or works requiring two or more soloists are acceptable. Soloists must be available to rehearse with the conductor, and attend regularly scheduled orchestra rehearsals as needed.

One submission per person.
First come, first-served. Responses are time-stamped.  

Final application deadline:  CLOSED


Contact the Director of Instrumental Music at qqqian@willamette.edu with any questions.

Competition winners

View previous year's winners.


Music Department

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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