
  1. How many credits is the History major?
  2. When do I need to declare?
  3. How do I declare?
  4. Can I double major?
  5. Can I minor in another discipline in addition to being a History major?
  6. Is the Senior Thesis Required?
  7. How do college history classes differ from high school history classes?
  8. What can I do with a History degree?

1. How many credits is the History major?

The History major requires nine credits, including the Senior Seminar. The History minor requires 5 credits. More information regarding the type of credits and required subjects can be found on the Program Information page.

2. When do I need to declare?

You can declare anytime! It is recommended that you declare by the end of your sophomore year to ensure that you can take all the classes necessary for the major by the end of your senior year.

3. How do I declare?

To declare a history major you will need a declaration of major form.

You will need the signature of a history professor who will be your new advisor, as well as the signature of your old advisor. The same process is necessary for declaring a minor.

4. Can I double major?

Yes! We have numerous history majors who are also majoring in another discipline, such as a language (French, German, or Japanese) or another field such as Economics, Politics, or International Relations. Double-majoring requires a slightly stricter class schedule, but can absolutely be done and will be supported by the department.

5. Can I minor in another discipline in addition to being a History major?

Absolutely! Many of our majors have a minor; some have as many as three. Minors are a great way to expand your breadth of knowledge and delve into other interests. Common pairings include Economics, Political Science, International Studies, and students often choose to declare a language minor.

6. Is the Senior Thesis Required?

Yes, majors are required to complete a senior thesis. The senior thesis can take the form of a final paper (30-50 pages) on a topic of your choosing.

7. How do college history classes differ from high school history classes?

The history courses taught at Willamette are more discussion based and focus on primary sources. They seek to challenge students and to teach students how to think, write, and argue historically. Critical skills of persuasive writing, analysis, and synthesis are highlighted and cultivated throughout courses.

8. What can I do with a History degree?

There are a myriad of options. We have alumni all over the world doing amazing things from working in art museums, working as research librarians, and working for non-profits. History majors have gone on to attain law degrees, PhD’s in several fields, not just History, and running their own businesses. Additionally, the Career Center has a great page about .


History Department

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6061 voice
503-370-6944 fax

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