

History Department Internships

The Department of History encourages students to consider the possibility of an Internship for academic credit and as career exploration. Students often cite their Internship experience as among the most meaningful opportunities experienced in college.

Internships provide students in the Department of History with ideal opportunities to work in local museums and archives, allowing outlet to apply and enhance the skills learned in the classroom. Engaging in the kinds of work that many small museums and heritage sites need allows students to put into practice what they have learned in the classroom, deepening their knowledge of local and regional issues, and is an excellent way to actively engage in the kinds of work that historians do.

There are two paths to pursuing an internship: either through the Career Services office, following an Interdisciplinary Studies course (IDS-194), or working directly through the History Department's program (HIST-394). Both courses will work closely with students and organizations to find a suitable match and insure a productive working relationship beneficial to the student's academic experience.

The Department of History is often able to tailor an Internship experience to a student’s interests, whether that is the experiences of Japanese internees during the Second World War, the role of textiles in the Pacific Northwest, or the way women shaped Oregonian politics.

There are a number of local museums and heritage sites, as well as the State Archives, within walking distance of Willamette. Possible sites for History students to do internships include:

There are also many other possibilities for working with regional historical and heritage organizations. The Oregon Black Pioneers, Geer Crest Century Farm, Aurora Colony are just some of the many small organizations that have expressed interest in interns from the Willamette Department of History.

To learn more about History Department internships and get involved, contact Professor Boring at wpeterse@willamette.edu.

Finally, many History majors pursue careers in non-profit or community work. For information on Internships in such organizations, the Career Services Office offers extensive information on programs and resources to explore options. 

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