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Jonathan Halama

Visiting Professor of Environmental Science

Headshot of Jonathan Halama

Contact Information

Salem Campus

Collins 206
900 State Street
Salem  Oregon  97301


  • PhD in Environmental Science from Oregon State University, 2017
  • MPH with track focus on Epidemiology from Oregon State University, 2012
  • BS in Microbiology from Oregon State University, 2010
  • BS in Botany & Plant Pathology from Oregon State University, 2010


ENVS 250-01: Geographic Information Systems

ENVS 381-01: Research in Spatial Science

Professional Interests

My main research focus is using on environmental models to help advance our understanding of placed-based ecosystem services. This can be accomplished by modeling systems through simulations that utilize existing historic spatial and temporal data to build models that replicate past environmental patterns. Then, run what if scenarios by creating simulations that replicate proposed future planning. The goal of such an exercise is to make better land management decisions regarding invasive species spread, habitat management, sustainable resource extraction, etc...


Recent Publications

Halama JJ, Kennedy RE, Graham JJ, McKane RB, Barnhart BL, Djang KS, et al. (2018) Penumbra: A spatially distributed, mechanistic model for simulating ground-level incident solar energy across heterogeneous landscapes. PLoS ONE 13(12): e0206439.

Barnhart, B. L.; Golden, H. E.; Kasprzyk, J. R.; Pauer, J. J.; Jones, C. E.; Sawicz, K. A.; Hoghooghi, N.; Simon, M.; McKane, R. B.; Mayer, P. M.; Piscopo, A. N.; Ficklin, D. L.; Halama, J. J.; Pettus, P. B.; Rashleigh, B., Embedding co-production and addressing uncertainty in watershed modeling decision-support tools: Successes and challenges. Environmental Modelling & Software 2018, 109, 368-379.

Halama, J.J.; Barnhart, B.L.; Kennedy, R.E.; McKane, R.B.; Graham, J.J.; Pettus, P.P.; Brookes, A.F.; Djang, K.S.; Waschmann, R.S.    Improved Soil Temperature Modeling Using Spatially Explicit Solar Energy Drivers. Water 2018, 10, 1398.

Hoghooghi, N.; Golden, H.E.; Bledsoe, B.P.; Barnhart, B.L.; Brookes, A.F.; Djang, K.S.; Halama, J.J.; McKane, R.B.; Nietch, C.T.; Pettus, P.P.    Cumulative Effects of Low Impact Development on Watershed Hydrology in a Mixed Land-Cover System. Water 2018, 10, 991.    



Environmental Science

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.