

Program Information

The Environmental Science major engages students in a systems thinking approach to exploring the multidisciplinary nature and complexity of environmental issues and problem solving.  To do so, ENVS students develop a firm grounding in the fundamental physical and biological principles governing natural processes and the reciprocal relationships among the political, social, economic, and ethical principles and structures governing human processes.  Upon completion of the major students will be able to explain major local, regional and global environmental issues and participate in the world as effective and literate citizens. Our major directly engages the University's strategic plan objectives through place-based learning, a focus on globalization, and a range of sustainability courses and activities.

The Environmental Science major is carefully structured.  In addition to completing our core curriculum, students work closely with their advisor to select upper level courses focusing on both the social and natural science aspects in one of a number of possible concentrations (e.g., climate change, environmental geosciences, natural resources management, nature society and sustainability, and environmental health).  Within these electives students will practice critical inquiry and participate in research.  The senior capstone course emphasizes problem solving around an emerging environmental issue.

Our graduates pursue a variety of jobs and graduate programs spanning the natural and social sciences, including geosciences, urban planning, natural resources management, forestry, archaeology, restoration and conservation ecology, environmental law, geographic information systems, public administration, K-12 education, peace corps, non profit work, and policymaking.

Our faculty have expertise in climate change, environmental geoscience, public and environmental health, natural resources management, geoarchaeology, spatial science, sustainability, and forest ecology.  Environmental Science students and faculty engage in interdisciplinary research with chemistry, biology, global cultural studies, sociology, politics, classical studies, archeology, history, and art history as well as within the Department, leveraging expertise and broadening student educational grounding.


Environmental Science

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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