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Anita Cradler


Instructor, American Studies Program

Headshot of Anita Cradler

Contact Information

Salem Campus

Kaneko T-Wing 235
Office Hours
Tuesdays & Thursdays


Anita Cradler is a new part-time instructor in the American Studies Program as of Fall 2023. She has an undergraduate degree in anthropology and sociology from St. Mary’s College of Maryland. She received a Masters in Education in Teaching English Learners in 2017 from American College of Education. 

Anita has used her education to teach in a variety of settings around the world, including three universities where she taught history, logic, communication, marine biology, academic writing, and English. She has taught in nine countries.

Her current interests are hiking, learning languages, and yoga. In her youth, Anita travelled to 48 of the 50 states. She has studied geography of the US and the world extensively and is excited that there are always new things to learn about regions and places in the United States. Additionally, she is fascinated by the way she was taught history of the U.S. as a child in comparison to the information available now. She is excited to work hard to ensure the students of the ASP at Willamette University have the best quality experience possible.


American Studies Program

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.