

Security Tips

  • Keep your doors and windows locked when you are not home
  • Don’t leave your home entrance unattended
  • Keep your keys safe. Inform your landlord immediately if your keys are lost.
  • Don’t open the door for people you don’t know.
  • Do not allow maintenance workers to enter your apartment without prior notice and permission from your landlord.
  • Use exterior lighting at night and a safety timer for indoor lights, especially when away.
  • Pause mail and delivery services temporarily while on vacation or breaks.

Fire Safety

  • If a fire breaks out, GET OUT and STAY OUT. Call 911.
  • Turn off stove and burners after use
  • Don’t overload electrical circuits
  • Keep flammable materials at least 3 ft. from water heaters, furnaces and other flames
  • Have two ways out, especially from the bedroom (invest in fire ladder if needed)
  • Don’t use outdoor grills indoors or on a porch or within 10 ft. of building
  • Don’t store gasoline, lighter fluid, etc. inside your house or apartment
  • Ensure you have working and up-to-date-equipment and test monthly
    • smoke detectors
    • carbon monoxide (CO) detector
    • fire extinguisher

General tips

  • Don’t use oven to heat apartment/home
  • Don’t use generators or indoors or within 25 feet of home
  • Have renters insurance for coverage against fire, theft, etc.

Things to have on hand

  • Batteries for fire equipment
  • Flashlight
  • First aid kit for minor injuries
  • Tool kit for small repairs
  • Water in case of plumbing issues
  • Important phone numbers (landlord, power/gas company, roommates’ emergency contacts)

Division of Student Affairs

University Center 3rd Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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