

An Emergency Procedures Guide is provided to assist you in responding quickly and effectively to a variety of emergency situations.

This Emergency Reference Guide is provided to assist you in responding quickly and effectively to a variety of situations. The information and instructions contained herein are not intended as an exhaustive reference for any of the situations addressed. They are simply provided to assist in helping to assure your personal safety in the event of these particular occurrences.

Requesting Emergency Assistance on Campus

For assistance in a medical or safety emergency dial x6911.

When you call:

  • Identify yourself and the specific location of the emergency. Tell what has occurred. Be concise and factual.
  • Relate known or suspected people with injuries.
  • Identify immediate help needed.
  • If appropriate or directed to do so, dial 9-911.
  • Notify your building captain.

Many people ask, “Why should we call Campus Safety at x6911 instead of 911 directly?” There are three important reasons to first call Campus Safety with any emergency:

  • Campus Safety officers are on campus 24 hours a day and can respond to an emergency faster. Also, WEMS (Willamette Emergency Medical Services) personnel are on campus during the academic year.
  • Campus Safety is responsible to make sure that police, fire and medical responders are able to access the areas where an emergency is occurring. This includes a specific building address, unlocking buildings and rooms and escorting responders to the location of the incident. These responders are often unable to locate victims without the aid of Campus Safety.
  • If assistance from 911 is required, Campus Safety will make this call and are able to convey the essential information to get the fastest response.

Table of Contents

Emergencies (severe/in progress)

Emergency Situations

Emergency Response

Related Policies & Information

Off Campus Resources

Marion County Emergency Management
5155 Silverton Road NE, Salem OR 97305
Phone: (503) 391-7294
Email: mcem@co.marion.or.us

Office Address
501 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Suite 400
Portland, OR, 97214
Emergency Operations Center
1401 NE 68th Avenue
Portland, OR, 97213

Be Prepared

The new preparedness model is now 2 weeks supply, not just 72-hours.

  • Make an emergency preparedness checklist.
  • Schedule occasional family conferences to discuss procedures to follow in different kinds of emergencies.
  • Hold practice drills.
  • Post and memorize emergency telephone numbers (including poison control).
  • Assemble and store a survival kit containing:
    • Flashlights and portable radio with extra batteries
    • First aid kit with manual
    • Crescent and pipe wrenches for turning off utilities
    • Chlorine bleach for water purification
    • Fire extinguisher
    • Emergency food and beverage supply (nonperishable food, juices, and one gallon of water per person per day)
    • Spare eyeglasses, prescribed medications, baby food, pet food, and special dietary foods
    • Manual can opener
    • Sanitation supplies -- large plastic trash bags, soap (hand, dish, and shampoo), toothbrush and paste, feminine supplies, infant care items, toilet paper, newspaper, and a camp shovel
    • Blankets
    • Cooking equipment
    • Complete change of clothes for each person in the family
  • Learn first aid.
  • Establish a location for the family to reunite if members become separated.
  • Arrange for a friend or relative in another town to be a communication contact for the extended family.
  • Learn the emergency plans of the family's schools, day-care centers, workplaces, and clubs.
  • Make a habit of tuning in to daily weather forecasts and be aware of changing conditions. The Emergency Broadcast System on commercial radio and TV stations will announce a WATCH if an emergency situation is expected and a WARNING if it is imminent or in progress.
  • Determine an evacuation route and alternates.
  • Find out where main utility switches are and learn how to turn them off if they rupture and trained technicians are not available
  • Learn Emergency food and water procedures.
    • Be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for up to two weeks.
    • Take emergency drinking water from melting ice cubes, water heater, and canned fruits and vegetables.
    • Don't drink municipal tap water, or water from any questionable sources, until it has been strained with a clean cloth and treated. To treat water add ten drops of chlorine bleach to each gallon of water, mix well, and let stand for about 30 minutes.
    • Freezer foods will last from 48 to 72 hours if the freezer is full and the door stays closed.
    • Discard all open food and beverages that may have been contaminated.
    • Eat perishable foods first.
    • Cook on portable grills, but only outdoors.
  • Create a survival flash drive

Division of Student Affairs

University Center 3rd Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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