

This page is meant to be a helpful resource to faculty. Divided into several parts, resources include materials related to:

  • study abroad
  • developing summer study abroad programs
  • leading groups abroad as a faculty leader
  • informal research abroad with students
  • advising international students
  • hosting international visitors and faculty (including your responsibilities as campus host).

If you have any questions or have other areas that would be of use to you, please email offcampus@willamette.edu.

Please note that we are still gathering resources and some links may not be connected at this time.

1. Study Abroad through Willamette

  • Advising Students Who Want to Study Abroad Link to study abroad program list. Students use this page to research programs and for resources about study abroad. Being familiar with it can help you advise students.
  • Questions that are part of the Recommendation items and for the Personal Reference Find lists of questions that appear in the Recommendation items and questions for the Personal Reference. Students initiate these requests for themselves in their study abroad application. Each contains specific questions unique to its type.
    The recommendation types are:
    • Faculty Recommendation
    • Language Assessment (if required)
    • Academic Advisor Meeting Verification (3 questions verifying they spoke with you, no open-ended items)
    "Personal Reference": Students may ask you to be a "Personal Reference". For this item, you will NOT complete an online questionnaire. You will only be contacted if the Off Campus Study Committee seeks additional input on the applicant.
  • Managing Your Recommendations in the Study Abroad on-line application portal

    The application for WU Sponsored Study Abroad is completed online, including forms for Academic Advisor Meeting, Language Assessments, and Faculty Recs. An automated email comes from our office with links to the form you need. There is also an alternate way to get to the forms.

    How to view all of your own Pending and Completed recommendation items.

    • Log in:    ·  Use LOGIN/REGISTER link.  ·  Use your WU username and password. 
    • Click the little house symbol (home)
    • Click "Recommender". You will see a section for Pending recs and Completed recs

    Reference document attached describes:

    • how the online site works including a "time-out" feature that limits the time you have in the recommendation;
    • managing this time limit so you don't lose your work;
    • when to ask for OIE's help!
  • Writing Recommendations for Students Who Are Applying for Study Abroad
  • Credit Conversion Form Most students who go abroad on semester programs need credit approval. This process, using this form, happens in the semester prior to their program under direction of the OIE. OIE expects at least a preliminary credit conversion form PRIOR to departing for their program. Goals of this process:
    • expedites processing of grades post-program;
    • gives students a confirmed understanding of the amount of credit they can expect and how it will work in their academic record;
    • gives students the mechanism to get feedback (via updates) as needed throughout their experience. For example if their actual registration is different than their original tentative course schedule.
    Please inform your advisees if your department has a post-program confirmation process.

2. Faculty Abroad with Students

  • Developing and Proposing Summer Programs for Students

    New faculty-led summer opportunities must go through a program/budget development process and a two committee (Academic Programs and the Off-Campus Study Committee) approval process so work should begin on new programs approximately 18 months prior to a program running the first time.

  • Title IX Abroad

    Program Faculty Leaders (PFL) should consider their sites abroad to be the same as 杏十八新茶分享 when it comes to Title IX reporting and student support. Please reference these resources via this quick link to WU's sexual misconduct response pages.

  • Taking Students Abroad on Grant-Funded and/or as Departmental/Classroom Activity

    In addition to completing the Data Capture form, please contact the Office of International Education in order to get the University required predeparture materials that each student needs to complete prior to departure.

  • PROGRAM FACULTY LEADER -- semester and summer study abroad.

    Faculty are selected to accompany students abroad as Program Faculty Leaders (PFL).  The OIE prepares faculty through a Risk/Liability powerpoint (seek permission via oieadvising@willamette.edu). Documents referenced in the PPT include:

3. Faculty Abroad Without Students

  • TIU OPEN Lecture Faculty

    This resource is meant to help those selected to teach at Tokyo International University in the summer OPEN program track the variety of simultaneous processes they need to complete so that they can pursue this employment opportunity.

    The Office of International Education is NOT responsible for the hiring specifics of these positions, and any questions about the contract, compensation, taxation (Japanese), or teaching schedule should be directed to your contact at TIU. Faculty are responsible for complying with U.S. tax requirements and may need to consult their tax advisors or IRS resources if they have questions about how employment at TIU affects their U.S. tax liability.

    If you want to tap into the collective wisdom of faculty who have previously taught in the program, feel free to contact the mail group set up for this purpose: tiusummerfac@willamette.edu.

  • University Related Business (not related to study abroad)

4. Emergency/Crisis Management While Abroad

  • OIE Emergency Contact Information
  • Crisis Management and Emergency Procedures Manual For Study Abroad

    This manual is made available via WISE to faculty who are traveling abroad with students on WU Sponsored Programs. Contact OIE for access or a copy as needed.

5. International Students at Willamette -- Advising Resource

  • Advising international students -- faculty advisor information
  • Hiring international students -- campus employer information

    International students can work ON CAMPUS as long as they do not exceed 20 hours per week. This cannot be averaged so EVERY week must stay under 20 hours. If a student has more than one campus job, they must stay below 20 hours in ALL jobs (not each job).

    Most international students are NOT eligible for a social security number until they are hired on campus. If you hire an international student, this handout tells you what information is required. You as the employer must confirm the employment with the OIE before a letter can be issued to help the student apply for a SSN.

    It is your responsibility as an employer to explain the student payroll process and the completion of time sheets to your student employees.

6. Inviting International Persons to Campus

  • Paying honoraria to short-term international lecturers/visitors

    There are specific conditions under which an honorarium can be paid to a visiting guest or lecturer. The Accounting site includes a link to the Foreign National Packet. This takes you to the "campus use only forms". Find the Foreign National Packet in the section called Financial Operations. Download the packet.

    This resource does not cover all of the payroll/taxation concerns associated with an international guest. Email accounting@willamette.edu to inquire about those processes.

    IT IS ADVISED THAT YOU NOTIFY THE OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION AND THE ACCOUNTING OFFICE 3 MONTHS (AT LEAST) IN ADVANCE OF YOUR GUEST'S VISIT. There have been instances where an honorarium has been promised and has not been legally possible to pay. Reimbursements can also sometimes be taxable. It is best to understand these issues BEFORE contracting with a guest.

  • Hiring temporary visiting scholars for teaching

    If you would like to bring an international person to campus to teach for one semester or year, consult the relevant dean first. The deans are responsible for all hiring of temporary international faculty. The OIE cannot facilitate the hiring of an international scholar until the dean's office has agreed to the appointment. If you have general questions about hiring procedures or the questions to ask a potential hire, email oieadvising@willamette.edu.

    Please note: One of the most typical work visas is the H1B. 杏十八新茶分享 only pursues H1B visas for permanent, tenure-track faculty due to the prevailing wage requirements and the legal expense. WU does not pursue H1B status for part-time hires or temporary employees. For people in these categories, the most typical visa status used is J-1 (Academic Training for a post-doc who is earning a degree in the U.S. or Professor/Researcher for a person outside the U.S. entering to teach) or F-1 (Optional Practical Training for a post-doc who is earning a degree in the U.S.).

  • Informal work as researchers

    If you would like to bring an international person to pursue work as researchers for one semester or year, consult the relevant dean first. Deans are responsible for all hiring of temporary international faculty, including non-teaching research positions. The OIE cannot facilitate the hiring of an international researcher until the dean's office has agreed to the appointment. If you have general questions about hiring procedures or the questions to ask a potential hire, email oieadvising@willamette.edu.

    In the case of an international person coming to WU during their sabbatical to pursue their own research, the same process applies (dean's approval) with the additional requirement of the researcher providing proof that they have the financial resources to support themselves while at WU.

    In both cases, start the process with the dean as far in advance as possible (ideally 6 months or more).

  • Hosts are responsible for helping their visiting scholar/researcher/guest speakers comply with payroll requirements. This includes completing paperwork in the University Services Building in conjunction with Payroll and Accounting. One of the requirements is to provide a U.S. social security number (SSN) or taxpayer i.d. number (ITIN).

    Guest lecturers/speakers do not qualify for a SSN on the basis of their activities, so they must apply for the ITIN. See the link for more information. This is a "by mail" process so it can take weeks to complete; consult Payroll as to whether payment can be made to your guest prior to the receipt of the ITIN.

  • Information needed to issue DS-2019

    A DS-2019 form is required by language assistants, visiting professors/researchers, and short-term scholars who hope to apply for a J-1 Exchange Visitor visa. The information needed to complete this form is collected on the attached form. A copy of the passport bio/photo page is also required. The host of the visitor is responsible for collecting this information from their guests.

7. Off-Campus Studies Committee

The Off-Campus Studies Committee meets monthly. This committee is chosen through the CAS Dean's office.

Office of International Education

Global Learning Center
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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