

What is in the Application?

You and your recommenders will complete your application items on-line. Read on for information about what items you will complete and what questions your recommenders will be asked. Share this page with your recommenders.

  1. What information about my application do my recommenders get?
  2. What do you ask my ACADEMIC ADVISOR(s)?
  3. What do you ask my FACULTY recommender?
  4. What do you ask on the LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT?

1. What information about my application do my recommenders get?

  • Your Recommender does not have access to your actual application.
  • When you identify your recommender in your application you can include your own comments that you want to appear in the email that they will receive.
  • As soon as you enter your recommender's name in your application, an automated email goes immediately to that person.
  • Recommenders receive the email from <oieadvising@willamette.edu>. It includes:
    • your name, the program and term you are applying for;
    • the notes you added when you added them to your application;
    • instructions and link to the online form;
    • and how to get help. Please do not try to be the go-between from your recommender to us. They should contact us directly.
    • In the form itself, they will be told whether or not you waived your right to read the finished recommendation.

2. What do you ask my ACADEMIC ADVISOR(s)?

This is a meeting verification. Your ability to fit your program into your academic plan is critical and we are confirming that you met with them. They do not have an open-ended comments area. They have the option to enter a comment only if they feel you did not give them enough time to meet the deadline.

Your Academic Advisor(s) are asked (yes or no responses) the following:

1. "[Has the student] planned for the study abroad experience? We [Academic Advisor and student] discussed the possibility that there could be a negative academic impact if the student does not properly plan for the experience, including what courses to take prior to and after the study abroad program."

2. "[Will study abroad] enrich the academic experience? Our [Academic Advisor and student] conversation actively encouraged the student to assess their ability to pursue study abroad in a way that enriches their academic experience."

3. What do you ask my FACULTY recommender?

These questions focus on you as a student in an academic class. They are asked which class they had with you. This person can be your Academic Advisor if you have had them as an instructor, however, having a variety of people contribute to your application can make a stronger application.

  • Each question also offers a comments section for the recommender.
  • Each question offers faculty the option of answering: "no opportunity to observe". Choosing this response does not negatively impact your application.

These items are "ranked" on a scale.
1. academic ability
3. adaptability 
4. ability to get along with others
5. intellectual curiosity
6. self reliance
7. sensitivity to others

This item is an open-ended item:
8. address strengths and weaknesses

4. What do you ask on the LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT?

Applicants interested in a language focused program are required to get this item for their application. This should be your most recent WU instructor in the target language. This item focuses on your language skills. It is used to determine best program fit for your skill level. Assessments are asked in each of the areas listed below and include sub-categories.

1. overall classroom engagement
2. aural comprehension
3. oral expression
4. reading comprehension
5. writing skills

There is a place for the recommender to make comments as well.


Office of International Education

Global Learning Center
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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