

Mail and Package Distribution

Your mail is sorted into your mailbox as soon as possible. Mail is sorted by matching the name and mailbox number on the mailbox with the name and mailbox number on the mail article. (The name on your mailbox is your name on file with the Registrar's Office). Do not use nicknames, aliases, etc. If the names and mailbox numbers do not match, mail will not be put into the mailbox. If your mail is not appropriately addressed it will undergo several processes delaying timely delivery. Mail may also be returned to sender as "Insufficient Address" if the attempt to process your mail becomes too time-consuming for the Mail Center staff.

For packages that are too large for your mailbox, the Mail Center will generate an email that will provide a tracking number for your package and notice of its arrival. We ask that you check your email before coming to pick up your package. You are required to bring your current Willamette ID card to the Mail Center Window to claim your package, and you are required to sign for any/all packages. Packages will be held until you can provide appropriate photo identification.

Please provide your family, friends, banks, etc., with your campus address reflecting the proper format below. Your mail must be addressed as follows:

"Your Name"
900 State Street "Your Box Number"
Salem, OR 97301-3930

Please note: your assigned mailbox number will include one letter and three numbers. This must directly follow the street address. Please do not address it to "PO Box".

Mail Forwarding

Mail Forwarding is provided by the Mail Center. If you leave the University and/or graduate this service is provided for a 90 day period. Junk mail can not be forwarded and is recycled. You are responsible for providing the Mail Center with forward address information. Mail Forwarding requests are processed through under the Daily Work category.

Mail is not forwarded during Christmas break. We continue to sort into mailboxes for you to receive upon your return. Please remember — if you are expecting important bills, notify the company by telephone to inform them of your temporary absence from the campus and ask them to mail correspondence to your designated address.

The only packages we are allowed to forward are ones received from the United States Postal Service (USPS). UPS and FedEx will not allow package forwarding.

Shipping from Willamette Remotely

Are you away from Willamette and have packages you left behind, but they are not able to be forwarded through normal means?  You can pay through the Post Office to have these packages shipped to you.  Pay to ship my packages to a new location through the Post Office.

Or if you prefer, we can quote you a price and we can charge your credit/debit card over the phone.


Insufficiently Addressed Mail

Business mail insufficiently addressed travels through a lookup process in the Mail Center. This mail is processed once all properly addressed mail has been handled. Mail that can not be identified will be returned to sender as insufficiently addressed.

Student mail insufficiently addressed will also travel through the lookup process. This campus mail will be handled as time within the Mail Center allows. If the mail piece can not be identified it will be returned to the appropriate person and/or department if business/department related. General information fliers to students will be recycled.

Mailbox Keys

Keys are issued upon your arrival to Willamette. If you lose your mailbox key the Mail Center will order one for you at a $15 nonrefundable replacement charge. At the time of order you will be given a mail pass, which will allow you to ask the Mail Center for assistance in obtaining your personal mail.

To check you mailbox, you must bring your key - the Mail Center does not provide the service of checking personal mailboxes. Keep your mailbox key with you at all times.


Campus Mail/Stuffers

Mail distribution request forms must accompany each job to be handled. The Mail Center encourages you to consider memo reduction when requesting this service.

Mail Center Window


  • Monday through Friday: 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Saturday: Currently Closed -10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (package pickup services only) When classes are in session.

The Mail Center provides a full service window. We sell stamps and postage, provide various shipping services, UPS and a variety of different services through the US Post Office.

A Mail Collection Box for outgoing mail is located across from the Service Window; mail leaves campus to the US Post Office at 2:45 p.m. promptly Monday through Friday.


Mail Center

Putnam University Center, First Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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