

Mail Drops

  • Outgoing mail drop box is located in the UC lobby directly across from the the Mail Center Window (mail drops are also located in most department administrative assistant's offices).
  • Campus mail drop wall slot is located at UC lobby directly to the left of the Mail Center Window.
  • Meter mail drop wall slot is located beneath campus mail drop wall slot.

Addressing Business Mail

Mail sent to you at 杏十八新茶分享 should be addressed as follows:

Personal Name
Department Name
900 State Street
Salem, OR 97301-3930

Also, this is the address information that should be on your business cards.

The University address is not to be used by faculty, administrative or classified staff for delivery of personal mail or packages.

Addressing Student Mail

Student mail must have a student name and mailbox number, and must have a return name and department.

To: "Student Name" "Student Box Number"
From: Your Name, Department

Amazon Lockers

Amazon lockers are found in the lobby of the University Center.  The University only maintains space for the lockers, all other responsibility falls on Amazon for maintenance or questions about packages shipped to the lockers.  The lockers are only for the use of the University community and access to the building may be restricted to those members at any time.  

Amazon Shipments

The Mail Center recommends against using any rush Amazon shipments such as same day or next day. These types of shipments are typically delivered by Amazon Flex drivers vs regular Amazon van deliveries. These deliveries are often left in various locations around campus or during hours the Mail Center is closed, and the Mail Center does not take responsibility for these types of lost packages. Normal suggested delivery times are recommended. The Mail Center has been in contact with Amazon over these issues and has not found a resolution.

Mail Distribution/Sorting

  • The Mail Center sorts incoming and campus mail by name and department — it is important that mail to be routed and/or sorted reflect the appropriate information.
  • Mail from the USPS arrives daily Monday-Friday. The Mail Center strives to ensure that mail is sorted and placed in mailboxes located at the UC lobby as soon as possible, Monday through Friday.
  • Campus mail is sorted continually throughout the day as it arrives at the Mail Center.

Insufficiently Addressed Mail

Business mail insufficiently addressed travels through a lookup process at the Mail Center. This mail is processed once all properly addressed mail has been handled. Mail that can not be identified will be returned to sender as insufficiently addressed; or at the written request of the department administrative assistant can be routed to the department for determination.

Student mail insufficiently addressed will also travel through the lookup process. This campus mail will be handled as time within the Mail Center allows. If the mail piece can not be identified it will be returned to the appropriate person and/or department if business/department related. General informational stuffers to students will be recycled.

Campus Mail Delivery/Pickup

  • Delivery/Pickup: Between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Packages are delivered on an as-needed basis. To ensure your packages are processed in a timely manner we ask that you give these issues consideration:

  • One employee delivers all packages throughout the campus.
  • When ordering packages pay attention that the item is addressed properly (name and department).
  • When expecting a large shipment notify the Mail Center.
  • Packages will be delivered to the department as noted; packages may not receive same day turnaround delivery if it needs to be routed to another destination.

Department Mail Charges

  • You will be required to sign for stamps that are charged to a department; please have your account number ready for the clerk.
  • When you are requesting mail to be metered and charged to the department, you must have the department account number. Mail must be rubber banded and identified by the appropriate meter tag.

General Stuffers and Fliers

  • All fliers and mailbox stuffers must be approved by the Mail Center Director for campus-wide distribution.
  • Information contained in the approved fliers must not be used for the purpose of solicitation of any type from persons or affiliations not associated with 杏十八新茶分享.
  • No political or religious material will be distributed unless it is part of the educational mission of the University.
  • Students have the option to "opt-out" from receiving advertising fliers.

Standard Mail

Standard mail processing is available through Document Management. We encourage you to coordinate this with the Standard Mail Coordinator in University Services Building when you begin your process. Work request forms must accompany each job. The phone number for the Standard Mail Coordinator is 503-370-6747.


Mail Center

Putnam University Center, First Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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