

Notice of Privacy Practices

We are required by law to protect the privacy of your protected health information (PHI) and to provide you with written notice describing how PHI will be used and disclosed and how you can access this information.

We may use or disclose to others your PHI for purposes of providing or arranging for your health care, the payment for reimbursement of the care that we provided to you, and the related administrative activities supporting your treatment.

We may be required or permitted by certain laws, regulations, or circumstances to use and disclose your PHI for certain purposes without your authorization. Under other circumstances we may need your written authorization (that you may later revoke) in order to use or disclose your PHI.

As our patient, you have important rights relating to inspecting and copying your PHI that we maintain, amending or correcting that information, obtaining an accounting of our disclosures or your PHI, requesting that we communicate with you confidentially, requesting that we restrict certain uses and disclosures of your PHI, and filing a complaint if you think your rights have been violated.

We have available a detailed Notice of Privacy Practices which fully explains your rights and our obligations under the law. We may revise our Notice from time to time. The Effective Date at the bottom of this page indicates the date of the most current Notice in effect.

You have the right to receive a copy of our most current Notice in effect. If you have not yet received a copy of our current Notice, please ask the medical receptionist at the front desk of Health Services and we will provide you with a copy.

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about this Notice or your PHI, please contact our Director, Don Thomson, at 503-370-6062.

Release of Personal Health Information (PHI)

Release of PHI is restricted by law that states that a valid authorization "must describe the information to be used or disclosed and that identifies the information in a specific and meaningful way." Blanket authorizations to release "any and all identifiable information" and "prospective authorizations to release PHI" do not allow the patient to make an informed decision about releasing specific PHI and are not allowed under law.

What this means for parents, families, and students is that students cannot sign a PHI form that allows Bishop Wellness Center staff to talk to parents or families about their medical care over a prolonged or indefinite period of time. Some areas of campus are allowed to do this; however Bishop Wellness Center must comply with state regulations regarding the release of PHI.

Students can sign a release allowing Bishop Wellness Center staff to discuss specific medical issues. If the student seeks care at Bishop Wellness Center and there is an emergency situation present, staff may notify the person listed as an emergency contact. However, if the student seeks care at the emergency room or with another medical provider, emergency contact notification must be done by that facility. 

Bishop Wellness Center encourages students to be in direct contact with their parents or families about their health situation.

*Note: Parents and families can contact the Bishop Wellness Center to provide student medical information, but Bishop Wellness Center cannot provide student information without a signed release from the student. 


Health Services

Baxter Hall
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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