

Confidential Support

Students may obtain absolutely confidential assistance and access campus resources by speaking with a confidential resource person at one of the following entities:

On Campus

If you want to discuss your options with someone who can keep the details of an incident confidential (meaning that they will not share your information with anyone, and that speaking with that resource will not initiate a Title IX report with the university), you can speak with any of the following resources at Willamette.

Confidential services listed here are free of charge. Staff in Bishop Wellness Center and the Confidential Advocate all have privilege (a legal construct), meaning that the information you share with them is also protected by law and not subpoenable in court.

The many resources available can sometimes be overwhelming, or difficult to navigate. To make an appointment with the confidential advocate, email confidential-advocate@willamette.edu.

  • Assist with navigating the many options available
  • Help provide improved access to resources
  • Assist with contacting law enforcement, medical care or state services/programs off campus

For more information on how the confidential advocate can help, please see our FAQ page.

WUTalk, 503-375-5353

  • 24/7 Free phone crisis counseling for students

Bishop Wellness Center-Counseling Services, 503-370-6471

  • Confidential counseling by appointment
  • Emergency appointments available for urgent needs
  • Support for survivors, friends and partners

Bishop Wellness Center – Health Services, 503-370-6062

  • Medical exam for injury post assault (does not include forensic evidence collection)
  • Medications for possible STI exposure and pregnancy prevention offered to survivors at no cost
  • Nurses are SANE trained

Gender Resource Advocacy Center (GRAC), 503-375-5361

  • Professional Confidential Advocate
  • Supervisor of the SARA program
  • Located in the Montag Loft
  • Open to all members of WU regardless of gender or sexual identity.
  • Staffed by trained peer advocates to respond to students harmed by sexual violence.
  • Check the GRAC website for hours of operation

Sexual Assault Response Advocates (SARA), 503-851-4245

  • A corps of trained student volunteers
  • Weekend hotline is available Friday evenings through Monday mornings during the academic year.
  • Open office hours, Wednesdays from 6-9 p.m. in the Women’s Resource Center, third floor, University Center
  • Chat online: Monday–Thursday, 8–10 p.m.

Off Campus

Local resources such as crisis centers, counselors, doctors, staff at Salem Hospital/ER, members of the clergy, chaplains and off-campus rape crisis center staff can also maintain confidentiality. They have no duty to report your information to the university.

General Information, 503-378-1572

  • Community resource for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, as well as their allies
  • Provides trainings and educational services to the Salem community regarding issues of sexual assault and domestic violence

Center for Hope and Safety Hotline, 503-399-7722

  • 24-hour hotline with a fully-staffed office of advocates

Salem Hospital Emergency Department

  • Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE Program)
  • Medical exam for injury and forensic evidence collection post assault
  • Medications for possible STI exposure and pregnancy prevention offered to survivors at no cost
  • A trained advocate offered to support survivors during visit
  • Reporting to law enforcement is NOT REQUIRED to access care

Psychiatric Crisis Center, 503-585-4949

  • 24/7 telephone support and assessments at agency

Non-Confidential Support

In addressing sexual misconduct, Willamette policy employs a civil rights model that empowers, to the greatest extent feasible, the recipient of sexual misconduct to retain control of the information and process after a disclosure is made to the university. If a student reports sexual misconduct but does not wish to pursue, through the student conduct process, resolution of any potential violations of the Sexual Misconduct Policy by filing a formal complaint, university policy limits its activity to supporting the student’s well-being.

However, the university is required to follow up on disclosures of sexual misconduct regardless of the complainant’s wishes if there is evidence of a pattern of behavior that is potentially detrimental to the community.

On Campus

Willamette Emergency Medical Services (WEMS), 503-370-6911

  • Student organization of trained EMTs and First Responders
  • Responds to medical emergency calls made to Campus Safety 24 hours a day Thursday through Monday

Campus Safety, 503-370-6911

  • Non-confidential reporting of sexual assault and other policy violations
  • Writes, delivers, and enforces Restricted Contact Letters
  • Will assist in referral to Salem Police Department if requested
  • Officers dispatched twenty-four hours a day

ÐÓÊ®°Ëвè·ÖÏí’s Title IX Coordinator, 503-370-6195

  • Oversight and monitoring compliance of Title IX university-wide
  • Appeals officer for sexual misconduct involving university employees

Deputy Title IX Coordinator, 503-370-6447

  • Manages the university’s response to reports of student-to-student sexual misconduct

Housing, 503-370-6212

  • Area Coordinators are on call 24 hours a day to respond to emergencies and offer support and resources
  • Can change residential assignment (temporary or permanent) if the alleged assailant lives in the same residential area. It is not necessary to file a formal report in order to pursue this option.

Office of the Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, 503-370-6285

  • May modify a survivor’s academic schedule as necessary in order to avoid having class with the assailant

Human Resources, 503-370-6210

  • Oversees and monitors compliance with Title IX for employees at ÐÓÊ®°Ëвè·ÖÏí

Off Campus

, 503-588-5253

  • Victim Assistance Division
  • 24- hour on-call response for the victims of sexual assault regardless of survivors intention to report to law enforcement (often responds to Salem Hospital)
  • Ongoing support and advocacy throughout the investigation and prosecution of cases brought to the District Attorney’s Office

Salem Police Department 911 (emergency)

  • Call 503-588-6123 (for any situation where the crime has already occurred and the alleged perpetrator is not present)

The Office of Student Affairs

Putnam University Center Third floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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