

All prevention programming at ÐÓÊ®°Ëвè·ÖÏí seeks to align with one or several themes listed below. Comprehensive prevention programming addresses both root causes of sexual and interpersonal violence in addition to teaching healthy behaviors and skills.

WU C.A.R.E.S. seeks to empower students to foster a community where safety and respect are prioritized and those who commit acts of sexual and interpersonal violence are held accountable.

We believe...

C - Consent education is a necessary component to cultivating a healthy community that values respect, dignity, and nonviolence. Many of us use consent behaviors in everyday life. Enhancing those skills is necessary to building a community where everyone feels empowered to make the best decisions for themselves, especially in romantic and sexually intimate relationships.

A - Anti-Oppression and Awareness are vital to violence prevention efforts because we understand that sexual and interpersonal violence are consequences of oppression and that these tactics have been used historically, and presently, as a tool to maintain power and control of vulnerable groups in our communities. Awareness building that incorporate this lens is important, as is informing people of the dynamics of sexual and interpersonal violence in an effort to dismantle cultural myths and harmful stereotypes.

R - Relationships, of all kinds, that include healthy behaviors relying on trust, communication, respect, and equality are valid and important to cultivate in our community.

E - Enlisting self and others in our community is an essential component to preventing or disrupting violence as it occurs. We all have a responsibility to do something to end violence on our campus.

S - Sexual Health information, education, and care that is accurate and accessible should promote the idea that sex (or no sex!) is a normal, valued, and pleasurable aspect of any student’s mental, physical, and emotional well-being.  

For more information about violence prevention education visit the Gender Resource & Advocacy Center or email grac-info@willamette.edu


Student Groups Engaged in Violence Prevention

Sexual Health Activism & Prevention Education (SHAPE) meets weekly at the Gender Resource and Advocacy Center and can be contacted via email at SHAPE-info@willamette.edu.
SHAPE Values:
  • promoting safe sex practices and healthy relationships
  • challenging the taboo of discussing sexual violence
  • bringing awareness to the problem of sexual and domestic violence
  • employing an intersectional approach to understand oppression as the root cause of sexual violence
  • fostering community to create a healthy, safe, and respectful environment at WU

Other Resources


The Office of Student Affairs

Putnam University Center Third floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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