

Faculty receive promotions or tenure

by University Communications,

Faculty members across Willamette’s three colleges — the College of Liberal Arts, College of Law and Atkinson Graduate School of Management — have been approved for tenure or promotion by President Steve Thorsett and the Board of Trustees for their teaching excellence, scholarly or creative accomplishment and service to the university and community. For full bios, follow the hyperlinks below on each professor’s name.

Tenured and promoted to associate professor

Romana Autrey, Atkinson Graduate School of Management

Ramona Autrey

Stephanie DeGooyer, English

Stephanie DeGooyer

Andrew Kach, Atkinson Graduate School of Management

Andrew Kach

Vincent Pham, Civic Communication and Media
Vincent Pham 

Qiming Wang, Atkinson Graduate School of Management

Qiming Wang

Promoted to full professor

Jeanne Clark, Rhetoric
Jeanne Clark

Amy B. Meyers, College of Law

Amy Meyers

Melissa Buis Michaux, Politics
Melissa Michaux 

Kathryn Nyman, Mathematics

Alexandra Opie, Studio Art

Cindy Koenig Richards, Civic Communication and Media

Rachel Kinsman Steck, Theatre

Melissa Witkow, Psychology


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