

These are crew positions held by either theatre majors, scholarship holders, or students seeking either experience and/or Practicum credit. These are non-paying positions, and last for the duration of each individual production only.

All students will be awarded Practicum credit (THTR 010X) for these assignments at the end of the semester. PLEASE NOTE: You will only receive credit if you fully complete your production assignment, including completing your production evaluation form on schedule. Failure to satisfactorily complete your production assignment and fill out your production evaluation could result in failing the assignment.

Credits are based on the Carnegie Unit and Standard Hour adopted by 杏十八新茶分享. They are as follows: 

  • less than 28 = 1 credit
  • 29 – 56 = 2 credits
  • 57 – 84 = 3 credits
  • more than 85 = 4 credits

Significant, varied, and successful involvement in these areas is a requirement of graduation within the major. Students in their third and fourth years of study will be expected to assume more of the advanced responsibilities.


  • Design meetings
  • Production meetings
  • Design presentation
  • All rehearsals including tech/dress
  • Records archival video of the production
  • Other meeting as scheduled

Time commitment: high

  • The Assistant Director reports to the Director.
  • Perhaps more than most, the exact nature of this position will fluctuate from production to production depending on either the needs of the individual director, or the needs of the individual production.
  • The Assistant Director should be familiar with the text and with the director's interpretation of the text.
  • Works with individual cast members on text as requested by the director.
  • Brings appropriate research materials to rehearsals for cast, director, and designers.
  • They will be expected to attend all rehearsals and serve as the director's assistant and “right hand person.” Exactly how this manifests itself will again depend on the director and each production.
  • It is the Assistant Director's responsibility to be intimately familiar with all aspects of the production.
  • The Assistant Director may be called on to take notes in conjunction with the director and may even be asked to run a rehearsal or rehearse scenes elsewhere in the theatre while the director works with another group onstage.
  • It is paramount that the person undertaking this position be flexible and dedicated to the evolution and growth of the entire production.
  • May be required to work with the director on notes and other material to be included in the play program.
  • Other duties as assigned. 
  • Meets with the Director to discuss the production, the Director's approach, and the responsibilities the Assistant Director will undertake.
  • Attends all required design and production meetings.
  • Assists the Director (and/or Dramaturg if one is assigned) in organizing and dispersing to the cast and crew research and other material pertinent to the production.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Attends all rehearsals.
  • Performs those duties agreed upon with the director.
  • Attends all required production meetings.
  • Assists the director (and dramaturg if one is assigned) with text work as necessary.
  • Takes notes as requested by the director during rehearsals, (and performances, if required).
  • Two weeks prior to opening night (if there is no Dramaturg), the Assistant Director will distribute a brief packet of information regarding the play and the production to the head of publicity to be used in promotional materials, as the foundation for the lobby display.
  • Is responsible for shooting the archival video of the production. This should be planned before the last week of the production, so that in the event of a mishap, the video can be reshot.
  • Other duties as assigned.


ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS                                                       
  • Design meetings
  • Production meetings
  • Design presentation
  • All rehearsals including tech/dress
  • All performances
  • Other meeting as scheduled
  • Stage management seminar

Time commitment: high

  • The Stage Manager reports to the Director
  • One of the most important positions in the production crew. Once the performance opens, this individual will be responsible for running the production.
  • This is one of the highest levels of time commitment.
  • Required to attend all production meetings.
  • Required to attend stage management seminar. 
  • Prior production responsibilities in most of the other areas and Assistant Stage Manager expected.
  • The Stage Manager is responsible for keeping communication open between all contributors to the production process.
  • The Stage Manager oversees the coordinating of rehearsals and performances, manages the company of actors and the crews, and synchronizes all production cues and backstage operation.
  • Works closely with the director, and develops the production book, assists in rehearsals, prepares schedules, and serves as liaison to all production areas.
  • Starting with the technical rehearsals the Stage Manager begins to take over the running of the production.
  • The Stage Manager runs the tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals, mid-run rehearsals, and performances.
  • The Stage Manager is responsible for keeping all unnecessary people out of the control booth areas.
  • The Stage Manager is responsible for keeping all food and unacceptable drinks out of the control booth areas.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Gets keys and Stage Manager supplies from authorized personnel.
  • If known beforehand, works with the Production Manager to coordinate auditions scheduling and process to suit needs of the director. Ensure forms are filled out and that audition process runs smoothly.
  • Draws up initial cast and crew contact sheets, initial prop lists, and rehearsal prop list (if different), special effects lists, etc. Gives copies of these lists to the Production Supervisor and appropriate designer staff.
  • Attends all production meetings.
  • Maintains specific and up-to-date lists in discussion with Director, Designers, Technical Director, Production Supervisor, and crew heads when necessary.
  • Facilitate discussions between artistic staff members, technical director, production supervisor, and crew heads, when necessary.
  • Draws up the final cast and crew contact sheet for production company members.
  • Tapes ground plan on rehearsal studio and/or mainstage floors.
  • Restore Rehearsal Room/Studio prior to end of the show run.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Posts a weekly rehearsal schedule on Friday night for the week following.
  • Posts a daily detailed rehearsal schedule breakdown the night before.
  • Runs all rehearsals, using contact sheets to call cast members who are late.
  • The Stage Manager should double-check the stage half an hour before rehearsals and performances to make sure that all building materials have been cleared, dust swept and that the space is ready for rehearsal.
  • In agreement with the director is responsible for ensuring that regular breaks occur during rehearsal using Actors Equity Association standards.
    * Ten-minute break every eighty minutes of rehearsal, or;
    * Five-minute break every fifty-five minutes of rehearsal.
    * Run-throughs are exempt from standard break protocol
  • A break is given during the planned intermission
  • During rehearsals creates the prompt book for reference for the Director and other technical staff.
  • Creates props and costume tracking sheets as needed.
  • Helps with lines during rehearsals as required.
  • Should be completely familiar with the production, so that there is an easy transition from rehearsals into performances.
  • Fills out rehearsal reports as written documentation of rehearsal work and is responsible for distributing these to the Production Supervisor, Technical Director, Designers, Directors, crew heads and appropriate others.
  • Responsible for passing on to other members of production crew notes of any production changes occurring because of discoveries in rehearsals.
  • The Stage Manager needs to follow up periodically to ensure that the reports are being read.
  • Responsible for ensuring that all theatre equipment is secured, work lights out, and that the theatre facilities are locked at the end of rehearsals.
  • Works with Production Supervisor, light and sound board operators, and stage crew if required to prepare cue sheets for performance prior to technical rehearsals.
  • Creates the run-of-show sign in sheet for cast and crew
  • “Releases” crew at the end of a run.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Uses run-of-show sign in sheet to ensure all company members are present on time for their respective calls. Ensures sign in sheet is used.
  • With the Assistant Stage Manager state the following call times for the actors at the: 30 mins, 15 mins, 10 mins, & 5 mins, and "places."
  • Using cue sheets, calls cues and the production operation from headset in control booth or other position.
  • Fills out rehearsal reports as written documentation of rehearsal work and is responsible for distributing these to the Production Supervisor, Technical Director, Designers, Directors, crew heads and appropriate others.
  • Responsible for ensuring that all theatre equipment has been secured, work lights out, and that the theatre facilities are locked at the end of rehearsals.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • "Calls" the show.
  • Oversees actors and crew during the run of the show.
  • If necessary, is the facilitator, the communicator, and the solver of problems.
  • Must be able to relinquish responsibility when the crew comes in so that they are not trying to do everything.
  • Has keys to open everything before the show, and close and secure everything after the show.
  • Is responsible for securing theatre space, work lights, and theatre building before leaving.
  • Fills out and distributes show report after each performance.
  • “Releases” crew at the end of a run.
  • Other duties as assigned.


ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS                                                       
  • Production meetings as needed
  • Design presentation
  • All rehearsals including tech/dress
  • All performances
  • Other meeting as scheduled
  • Stage management seminar

Time commitment: high

  • The Assistant Stage Manager reports to the Stage Manager - who can assign them duties.
  • Depending on the needs of the production, may be assigned to be head of backstage running crew.
  • May be required to attend production meetings.
  • Restore Rehearsal Room/Studio prior to end of the show run.
  • Prior production responsibilities in other areas are helpful.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Sets up and returns rehearsal props to props storage.
  • Maintains rehearsal props - cleans glasses, dishes, utensils etc., purchases & sets out rehearsal perishables etc.
  • May be responsible for preparation of perishables prior to technical rehearsal.
  • Follows the script and prompts actors during rehearsals.
  • Needs to be prepared to assume responsibility for “covering all the bases.”
  • Is responsible for checking with Stage Manager before leaving.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • They should be flexible and communicative and have positive attitudes.
  • They should aim to be calm in situations of crisis because during the technical rehearsals they are the people who will be passing on to the Stage Manager in the booth any problems that may be happening backstage.
  • With the Stage Manager state the following call times for the actors at the: 30 mins, 15 mins, 10 mins, & 5 mins, and "places."
  • Often serves as the backstage crew head, and possibly the head of the Properties Running Crew.
  • ASM will usually always be on headset during the technical rehearsals.
  • May be responsible for making sure that the stage is swept and/or mopped and anything else necessary for initial set up is done before the technical rehearsal, as per Stage Manager's instructions.
  • Required to check with Stage Manager before leaving.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Is responsible for making sure that the stage is swept and/or mopped and anything else necessary for initial set up is done before the performance, as per Stage Manager's instructions.
  • Is responsible for ensuring that the purchase and preparation of perfect performance perishables is prompt, punctual and pleasing.
  • Assistant Stage Manager should always be on headset in communication with Stage Manager during the performance.
  • The ASM will call “places” for the actors.
  • Required to check with Stage Manager before leaving.
  • Other duties as assigned.


  • Production meetings
  • Design presentation
  • 1st read through
  • Other meeting as scheduled
  • Design meetings
  • Audience engagement activities
  • Rehearsals as needed

Time commitment: high

  • Reports to the Director.
  • Attends all production meetings.
  • Researches the play, the author, the time period of the play, and other ancillary materials as determined in collaboration with the director.
  • Gathers support materials (articles, photographs, illustrations, music etc.) that facilitate greater understanding of the play, its environment, and historical context. This may be intended for use in both the program and any high school or publicity packets.
  • May be responsible for assembling and arranging the lobby display prior to preview night.
  • May facilitate or support audience engagement events like brown paper lunches and talk backs.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Meets with the director to discuss what support materials will be required for the production as well as the structure for text work.
  • Begins gathering the necessary support materials.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Attends rehearsals as requested by the director.
  • With the director, leads text work with the cast.
  • Works with individual cast members on the text as requested by the director.
  • Brings appropriate support materials to rehearsals for cast, director, and designers.
  • Takes notes concerning clarity and understanding of the text at the director's discretion.
  • Works with the director on notes and other material to be included in the play program.
  • Other duties as assigned.


  • Design presentation
  • Rehearsals as called
  • Costume calls
  • All tech/dress rehearsal, preview, and all performances

Time commitment: high


High commitment.

  • High level of respect for the work undertaken and those supporting that work.
  • Punctuality: Please check the callboard/schedule. You are responsible for making all your calls. Calls are subject to changes; please check the callboard/schedule more than once a day.
  • Posted times are the times that the rehearsal will begin. It is your responsibility to be warmed-up vocally and physically before each rehearsal period.
  • Keep yourself available during the rehearsal period. Please stay in the theatre building lobby or green room. Be aware of what time it is and when you will be needed on stage. If you must leave the lobby theatre area, tell your stage manager where you are going and for how long.
  • Always have a notebook and always take notes of the director's comments.
  • Stay at rehearsal until you are dismissed. Do not ask the Stage Manager or the director when you may leave. They will do their best to let you know when you are finished.
  • Pay close attention to costume calls. Be as prompt and responsible to them as your rehearsal calls. The costume studio needs your full cooperation.
  • Always bring a safe container for water.
  • Please return all props to the prop table or cabinet after use during rehearsal.
  • Please return all rehearsal costumes to the costume studio or the area designated after use during rehearsal.
  • If you have personal or production problems that arise from the rehearsal, talk to the Stage Manager. The Stage Manager is your liaison.
  • Take care of your health, it is a long rehearsal process and the last week prior to opening will be especially challenging; prepare for it.
  • Regular breaks occur during rehearsal using Actors Equity Association standards:
    * Ten-minute break every eighty minutes of rehearsal, or;
    * Five-minute break every fifty-five minutes of rehearsal.
    * Run-throughs are exempt from standard break protocol
    * A break is given during the planned intermission


Scenic, costume, lighting, sound, projections

  • Design meetings
  • Design presentation
  • Production meetings
  • All tech/dress rehearsal, preview
  • Other meeting as scheduled
  • Designer run
  • Rehearsals as needed

Time commitment: medium

  • The Assistant Designer reports to the Designer (Scenic, Costume, Lighting, Sound, Projections) or in the case of a Guest Designer, the assigned faculty mentor.
  • The exact nature of this position will fluctuate from production to production depending on either the needs of the individual designer, or the needs of the individual production.
  • Brings appropriate research materials, as assigned, to meetings and design presentation.
  • The assistant designer may be called on to take notes in conjunction with the designer.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Meets with the designer to discuss the production, the director's approach, and the responsibilities the assistant designer will undertake.
  • Attends all required design and production meetings.
  • Assists the designer – below are some tasks they may be required:
    *  Research
    *  Drafting
    *  Modeling
    *  Rendering
    *  Liaise with studios
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Attends all tech/dress rehearsals.
  • Take notes as agreed upon with the designer.
  • Performs those duties agreed upon with the designer.
  • Other duties as assigned.


  • design meetings
  • design presentation
  • production meetings
  • all tech/dress rehearsal, preview
  • other meeting as scheduled
  • first rehearsal
  • other rehearsals as needed
  • designer run

Time commitment: high

  • Reports to the Scenic Designer, Technical Director, and Director prior to technical rehearsals, to the Assistant Stage Manager during technical rehearsals and performance.
  • This person needs to be resourceful, and communicative.
  • It is helpful to have access to a car. If you do not have access to a car, please let your faculty mentor know and they will work with you to set up access to a University vehicle for production business.
  • It is imperative to have patience. Be prepared to repeatedly bring in items for director and designer approval.
  • May need to have the ability to design and execute various prop designs.
  • Required to attend production meetings.
  • Will be required to attend Technical Rehearsals.
  • Will be required to return/strike props at the end of the show run.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Required to attend the first rehearsal and at regular designated intervals to attend rehearsals of the production.
  • Speaks with the Stage Manager, Props Master, Director, and the Scene Designer before the rehearsals to see about special needs and to get initial prop list, and rehearsal prop list if different.
  • Must have all rehearsal props in place for rehearsals at an agreed upon time.
  • May be responsible for locating or building the rehearsal props, placing in production storage closet, and informing the Assistant Stage Manager of location and use.
  • May be required to work with the Technical Director, and Scene Designer, Assistant Scene Designer to acquire and/or build and/or refinish all the props for the show. Directs the Props Artisans in this responsibility.
  • With Prop Supervisor, Technical Director and Stage Manager, the Props Head is responsible for setting up the Props list, and for any running tables necessary.
  • If needed, set up props tables with paper and outline locations of each prop.
  • The Props Lead will take notes and attend post-rehearsal production meetings.
  • Other duties as assigned.


  • Design presentation
  • Other meetings as scheduled
  • Production meetings as required

Time commitment: medium

  • Reports to the Props Head, and Technical Director.
  • Working hours are normally during the Scenic Studio opening hours 9:00 - 5:00 M-F.
  • Builds, alters, paints, and purchases props as directed by Props Lead and Technical Director.
  • WIll be required to return/strike props at the end of show run.
  • Other duties as assigned.


  • Design presentation
  • Other meeting as scheduled
  • Designer run
  • All tech/dress rehearsal, preview, and performances

Time commitment: high (during tech/performances)

  • Reports to Costume Designer prior to run, then to Assistant Stage Manager.
  • Usually begins involvement one week prior to opening.
  • Runs costumes during the show.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Speaks with the designer before the performances to see about special needs.
  • Attends the Designer run rehearsal.
  • Learns where to set costumes before each performance, and with the Costume Designer learns how to handle any special changes.
  • Learns to assist with any dressing problems (both before the show and during the show.)
  • Sets costumes needed for quick changes, also any racks or sheets needed for this purpose (these need to be struck every night.)
  • Does the laundry for the show, as per the Designer's instructions.
  • Will be responsible for locking the Laundry, Dressing Rooms, and Costume Studio.
  • Required to check with Assistant Stage Manager before leaving.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Sets costumes and assists with changes as rehearsed.
  • This person may not be responsible for every actor's costume personally, but they are responsible for checking the appearance of all actors and assisting where necessary.
  • After the show, strikes all costumes, takes any notes for the Costume Designer.
  • Does the laundry for the show, as per the Designer's instructions.
  • Will be responsible for locking the Laundry, Dressing Rooms, and Costume Studio.
  • Required to check with Assistant Stage Manager before leaving.
  • Other duties as assigned.


  • Design presentation
  • Other meeting as scheduled
  • Designer run
  • All tech/dress rehearsal, preview, and performances

Time commitment: high (during tech/performances)

  • Reports to the Costume Designer.
  • Usually begins involvement two weeks prior to opening, depending on complexity of make-up.
  • Supervises the make-up room during the show.
  • Assist with makeup application as needed.
  • Assist with hair and wigs as needed.
  • Speaks with the designer before the performances to see about special needs.
  • If there is a need for period hair or make-up the designer will need approval of the Costume Designer and Director.
  • Attends Designer run rehearsal.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Learns where to set any specific make-up needs before each performance, and with the Costume Designer learns how to handle any special make-up and wig changes.
  • Learns to assist with any make-up problems (both before the show and during the show.)
  • Sets any special supplies needed for quick changes, also any racks or sheets needed for this purpose (these need to be struck every night.)
  • Assist with makeup application as needed.
  • Assist with hair and wigs as needed
  • Required to check with Assistant Stage Manager before leaving.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Sets supplies and assists with changes as rehearsed.
  • Assist with makeup application as needed.
  • Assist with hair and wigs as needed.
  • Maintain wigs during run of show. This may require washing, re-styling, etc.
  • This person may not be responsible for every actor's hair/make-up personally, but they are responsible for checking the appearance of all actors and assisting where necessary.
  • Is responsible for setting up the different areas of the Dressing Rooms and straightening up each area.
  • Required to check with Assistant Stage Manager before leaving.
  • Other duties as assigned.


  • Other meeting as scheduled
  • Designer run
  • All tech/dress rehearsal, preview, and performances

Time commitment: high (during tech/performances)

  • Reports to the Lighting Designer prior to performances, to the Stage Manager during performances.
  • Involvement typically begins the week before technical rehearsals.
  • Runs the light board during the technical rehearsals and performances.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Required to attend the Designer run rehearsal to become familiar with the performance.
  • With the guidance of the Production Supervisor, Lighting Designer, and the Stage Manager, may program the board.
  • May be required to run some lights prior to the technical rehearsals.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Runs light board.
  • Makes any adjustments to the lights on the directive of the Production Supervisor, Lighting Designer, or Director (or, when necessary, by the Stage Manager during performance.)
  • Required for turning off light board, lighting equipment, and run lights after all rehearsals.
  • May assist with sound start up and shut down procedures.
  • Required to check in with Stage Manager before leaving.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Runs light board.
  • Runs a light check and pre show checklist before each performance.
  • Is responsible for fixing any problems in the dimmers or lights before the performance.
  • Needs to have a calm head and a general knowledge of how the board, the lighting system and lights work.
  • Is responsible for turning off light board, lighting equipment, and run lights after all performances.
  • May assist with sound start up and shut down procedures.
  • Required to check with Stage Manager before leaving.
  • Other duties as assigned.


  • Design presentation
  • Other meeting as scheduled
  • Designer run
  • All tech/dress rehearsal, preview, and performances

Time commitment: high (during tech/performances)

  • Reports to the Lead audio Engineer prior to performances, to the Stage Manager during performances.
  • Usually begins involvement two weeks prior to opening.
  • Runs the Sound Board during the show.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Required to attend designer presentation and Designer run rehearsal before tech rehearsals to become familiar with the performance.
  • Will meet with the Lead Audio Engineer and/or Sound Designer to learn how to run all the equipment regarding the sound, and where and how to put out headsets and cables.
  • May be required to assist the running of the sound prior to technical rehearsals.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Runs the sound.
  • Makes any adjustments to the cues on the directive of the Production Supervisor, Sound Designer, or Director (or, when necessary, by the Stage Manager during performance.)
  • May need to meet with the Production Supervisor, Sound Designer, or Director outside of rehearsal times to practice cues if necessary.
  • Is responsible for testing and putting out all headsets and Clear-Com cables prior to performances and collecting all headsets and Clear-Com cables after performances and storing them correctly.
  • May need to assist with lighting start up and shut down procedures.
  • Required to check with Stage Manager before leaving.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Is responsible for testing and putting out all headsets and Clear-Com cables prior to performances, and collecting all headsets and Clear-Com cables after performances and storing them correctly.
  • Runs sound check levels and to ensure all equipment is running normally.
  • Needs to possess a calm disposition and a basic knowledge of how all the equipment works.
  • May need to assist with lighting start up and shut down procedures.
  • Is responsible for turning off and securing all sound equipment after all performances.
  • Required to check with Stage Manager before leaving.
  • Other duties as assigned.


  • Design presentation
  • Other meeting as scheduled
  • Designer run
  • All tech/dress rehearsal, preview, and performances

Time commitment: high (during tech/performances)

  • Reports to the Lead audio Engineer prior to performances, to the Stage Manager during performances.
  • Usually begins involvement two weeks prior to opening.
  • Runs the projections computer during the show.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Required to attend designer presentation and Designer run rehearsal before tech rehearsals to become familiar with the performance.
  • Will meet with the Lead Audio Engineer and/or Projections Designer to learn how to run all the equipment regarding the sound, and where and how to put out headsets and cables.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Runs the projections computer.
  • Makes any adjustments to the cues on the directive of the Production Supervisor, Projections Designer, or Director (or, when necessary, by the Stage Manager during performance.)
  • May need to meet with the Production Supervisor, Sound Designer, or Director outside of rehearsal times to practice cues if necessary.
  • Is responsible for testing projector and projections computer.
  • Required to check with Stage Manager before leaving.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Is responsible for testing projector and projections computer.
  • Runs the projections computer.
  • Needs to possess a calm disposition and a basic knowledge of how all the equipment works.
  • Is responsible for turning off and securing all sound equipment after all performances.
  • Required to check with Stage Manager before leaving.
  • Other duties as assigned.


  • Design presentation
  • Other meeting as scheduled
  • Designer run
  • All tech/dress rehearsal, preview, and performances

Time commitment: high (during tech/performances)

  • Reports to Assistant Stage Manager and Tech Director.
  • Usually begins involvement one week prior to opening.
  • Runs scene, furniture, and props changes during the show.
  • These are the people who help to ensure that the production runs smoothly backstage.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Attends Designer run rehearsal.
  • They are responsible for setting the stage before performance, including sweeping/mopping the stage and making sure that all the furniture pieces and props are in place.
  • Assists with any set/prop changes.
  • Sets any props needed for quick changes, also any racks or sheets needed for this purpose (these need to be struck every night).
  • Required to check with Assistant Stage Manager before leaving.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Sets furniture and props and assists with changes as rehearsed.
  • After the performances, stores all designated props in the props cabinet.
  • They may also assist wherever needed during the show (props, costumes, and special effects are sometimes necessary.)
  • They are also responsible for helping the Assistant Stage Manager with anything that is needed.
  • Required to check with Assistant Stage Manager before leaving.
  • Other duties as assigned.


  • Design presentation
  • Other meeting as scheduled
  • Production meetings as required

Time commitment: medium

  • Reports to the Lead Scenic Painter, and Technical Director.
  • Working hours are normally during the Scenic Studio opening hours 9:00 - 5:00 M-F.
  • Paints and sculpts scenery and props as directed by Lead Scenic Painter and Technical Director.
  • Other duties as assigned.


scenic, costume, lights, sound
  • design presentation
  • other meeting as scheduled
  • production meetings as required

Time commitment: medium

  • Reports to the Studio Department Supervisor (scenic, costume, lights, sound).
  • Working hours are normally during the Studio opening hours 9:00 - 5:00 M-F.
  • Duties may include:
    *  Scenery/prop building
    *  Costume building
    *  Light hang/focus
    *  Speaker hang    
  • Other duties as assigned.


  • Design presentation
  • Dress rehearsal (1)
  • Preview
  • Performances

Time commitment: medium

  • Assigned as Production credit.
  • Responsible to the House Manager. May also receive instruction from the Theatre Manager.
  • Primary purpose: Represent the Theatre Department to the visiting public, while providing safety and information to patrons.
  • Ushers attend Design Presentation for their assigned production, the first rehearsal date of  each show. Ushers meet with the House Manager following the Design Presentation to receive initial overview of tasks and confirm contact information.
  • Ushers must attend one dress rehearsal of the performance, usually the two days before the first ticketed performance.
  • Ushers attend each performance, beginning with the Preview performance. If the number of ushers is more than six (6), ushers may be assigned fewer performances with additional duties at non-performance times, to complete a full production credit.
  • Ushers arrive 60 minutes before curtain time on their first performance, and 45 minutes before every remaining show.
  • Upon arrival, ushers assist the House Manager with lobby setup, and receive their daily assignment.

Assignments may include the following:

  • Ticket taker: Receive passes as patrons enter the Theatre space.
  • Programs: Offer programs to each patron upon entry.
  • Seating: Assist patrons to the seats of their choice inside the Theatre.
  • Ticket count: When the House is closed, physical tickets are counted and compared with Box Office tallies on attendance.
  • Concessions: During intermission, selling concessions and receiving payment. Daily receipts are tallied, and inventory of remaining goods is registered. Ushers communicate inventory levels to the House Manager and submit receipts and totals.
  • Post-show cleanup: Programs and trash are collected following performance.

If there are more ushers assigned to a show than the performance can accommodate (more than 6 ushers), ushers may work fewer shows and complete their hours with some of the following tasks:

  • Publicity: Taking photo and/or video content of rehearsals, classes, or the Theatre building, for website and social media purposes.
  • Publicity: Creating verbiage for social media posts, or feature articles.
  • Concessions lead: Purchasing, inventory and accounting for concessions sold during intermissions.

All Publicity posts are approved by faculty or staff before they are shared with the public. There is no need for front of house/ushers to have access to social media platforms.



M. Lee Pelton Theatre
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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