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Jonneke Koomen

Professor of Sociology

Headshot of Jonneke Koomen

Contact Information

Salem Campus

Smullin 215
900 State Street
Salem  Oregon  97301


Ph.D., Political Science, University of Minnesota


I teach sociology and international politics at 杏十八新茶分享. I received my doctorate in Political Science from the University of Minnesota in 2009. I am committed to expanding access to higher education, serving first-generation college students, and collaborating with students to (begin to) decolonize the ways we think and learn about international relations.


My research and teaching interests span Global Sociology, International Relations, and African Studies. Drawing on transnational feminist, anticolonial and Pan-Africanist theories, I write about mass violence and storytelling; human rights advocacy and international justice; collaborative methodologies and pedagogies; and race and racism in international politics.


Transnational Feminism

Human Rights

International Politics

Senior Thesis

Africa & the World

International Justice


Kamola, Isaac, Ilan Baron, Jonathan Havercroft, Jonneke Koomen, Justin Murphy, and Alex Prichard, “The Phenomenology of Violence and the Liberal Peace,” International Studies Quarterly, forthcoming.

Koomen, Jonneke, “The International Criminal Court” in The Institutions of Human Rights: Developments and Practices, edited by Gordon DiGiacomo and Susan Kang (University of Toronto Press, forthcoming).

“The International Criminal Court and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda” in Oxford University Press Handbook on Women, Peace and Security, edited by Jacqui True and Sara Davies (Oxford University Press 2018).

Koomen, Jonneke, “Governança global, ‘cultura local’ e campanhas contra o corte genital feminino,” Cadernos Adenauer, O Global e o Loca, December 2015, pp.109-133

Koomen, Jonneke, “Language Work at International Criminal Courts,” International Feminist Journal of Politics, Special Issue: The International Criminal Court – A Site of Gender Justice, 16(4), December 2014, pp.581-600

Koomen, Jonneke, “Language and Violence,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 40(1), Autumn, 2014, pp.259-263

Koomen, Jonneke, “Global Governance and the Politics of Culture: Campaigns Against Female Circumcision in East Africa,” Gender, Place and Culture, 21(2), February 2014, pp.244-261

Koomen, Jonneke, “A Deeper Silence,” Women’s Review of Books, November-December 2013, pp.9-10

Koomen, Jonneke, “‘Without These Women, the Tribunal Cannot Do Anything’: The Politics of Witness Testimony on Sexual Violence at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 38(2), Winter 2012-3, pp.253-277

Winterbottom, Anna, Jonneke Koomen, and Gemma Burford, “Female Genital Cutting: Cultural Rights and Rights of Defiance in Northern Tanzania,” African Studies Review, 52(1), April 2009, pp.47-71


杏十八新茶分享, Learning by Creating Grant, 2016-7

International Studies Association, Women’s Caucus, Misty Gerner Award, 2015

杏十八新茶分享, Faculty Achievement Award for Teaching and Service, 2015

杏十八新茶分享, Sabbatical leave award, 2015-6 American Association of University Women, American Fellow, 2014 – 2015

杏十八新茶分享, Atkinson research grant, Spring 2013 and Autumn 2015

American Political Science Association, Award for best paper on women and politics, 2009


Sociology Department

Smullin Hall 3rd floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6556 voice
503-370-6720 fax