

Departmental Grants

The Tom E. Smith Psychology Fund was established for the Psychology Department in order “to provide resources for student/faculty collaborative research.” We are currently accepting proposals for research in the upcoming summer or next academic year. Applications received by the last Monday in April will be given priority. Depending on availability of remaining funds, a second round of reviews will occur for proposals received in the fall, by the last Monday in October
More information and the application is available here.

The Noel F. Kaestner Award in Psychology

In 1986, friends and family of the late Professor Kaestner established this award which is presented each year to the outstanding graduating senior on the basis of scholarly excellence and service to the University and the Department of Psychology. 

  • Rachel Rosie Ryan
  • Lauren Bishopp
  • Olivia Brady
  • Ben Smith
  • Lyndsey Shimazu
  • Allie Spiekerman
  • Erin Bresnahan
  • Kendra Good
  • Kim Bowers
  • Seth Eggleston
  • Malayka Mottarella
  • Stephan Bartz
  • Crystal LeFebvre
  • Alexandra Babij
  • Shannon Cain
  • Charleen Gust
  • Megan Nanry
  • Paige Mullins
  • Sari Matisoff
  • Madison Niermeyer
  • Alia Yasen
  • Leila Mitsunaga
  • Kalia Gurnee
  • Acacia McGuire
  • Thanh-Truc "Quyen" Nguyen
  • Jordan Charboneau
  • Cassie Brand
  • Gale Lucas
  • Abrie Schroeder
  • Katy Long
  • Josh Kennedy
  • Erin Winterrowd
  • Travis Harrison
  • Deborah Kermer
  • Karen Sharp
  • Todd Davenport
  • Amy Kahler
  • David Kerr
  • Tahra Viedeland
  • Donna Andrew Tuthil
  • Jayne Downing-Burnette
  • Janet Vandecoevering
  • Kay E. Grueneich
  • Lance Peeler
  • Jeffrey A. Schlies
  • Cerena F. Scantlebury
  • Carolyn Hunter
  • Jennifer Sasser-Coen
  • Garret Nelson
  • Joe Hromco

Paul M. Evans Award

Established in 1999 by the family, students, and colleagues of the late Paul M. Evans, Professor of Psychology from 1990 to 1997, this award is presented to a graduating senior whose character demonstrates the inquisitive, compassionate, and sincere commitment to psychology that was so admired in Professor Evans. The recipient is selected by the Psychology faculty following a vote by senior and junior majors.

  • Mariah Moore
  • Jordan Roue
  • Maya Hansen-Tilkens
  • Joshua Osuna-Sola 
  • Katherine Morris
  • Josh Bolle
  • Tova Hershman
  • Ruolin Gou
  • Samantha Gottuso
  • Bethanie Lee
  • Brenna Smelt
  • Samantha Martinez
  • Juan Ramos
  • James Delappe
  • Neal Rusk
  • Kellie Menghini
  • Sarah Schroeder
  • Rachel Tsolinas
  • Melissa Wurster
  • Patrick Heck
  • Rebecca Demarest
  • Mari Miyazaki
  • Joseph Elcano
  • Hannah Hoeflich
  • Janna Chaney
  • Jessee Gurczynksi
  • Tiffany Dood
  • Jennifer McInroe
  • Daniel Davy
  • Mathew Snodgrass
  • Jessica Anderson
  • Araya Parrish
  • Jennifer Franck
  • Ryan Skelton

Psi Chi National Service Award

A Psi Chi National Service Award is available for individual chapters to award to worthy chapter members. The purpose of the award is to give recognition within the individual chapter to a member who has contributed in an exceptional way to meeting successfully the local chapter's goals and the national aims of Psi Chi. Each chapter is entitled to confer one such award annually to a person completing his or her work in the department that year. Presumably this award will be granted at graduation exercises or at such time as is defined by the institution for awarding honors.

To receive the award, the individual must be selected by vote of the chapter, subject to the approval of the faculty advisor.

  • Abrie Schroeder
  • Miranda Scolan
  • Jessica Anderson
  • Travis Harrison
  • Debbie Joa
  • Melissa Blanock

Psychology Department

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-375-5306 voice
503-375-6512 fax

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