

Off-Campus Study Program

As a Politics, Policy, Law and Ethics major you are encouraged to consider an off-campus program as part of your academic experience at Willamette.

Izzy Pe帽a-Venegas in Washington D.C.

Izzy Pe帽a-Venegas, '18, on the Washington Semester program at American University.

Study Off-Campus as a Politics, Policy, Law and Ethics Major

Working with your academic advisor and the Office of International Education (OIE), you can plan an experience that achieves your academic and personal goals.

Why study off-campus?

Students of all majors benefit from participating in U.S.-based and study abroad programs. As a Politics, Policy, Law and Ethics major, you can:

  • gain comparative and cross-cultural perspectives on politics and policy making
  • gain first-hand knowledge of politics and policy-making in Washington, DC
  • expand your critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • enhance your intercultural communication and improve world language skills
  • broaden your world view and deepen your understanding of yourself
  • examine your values and beliefs in new ways
  • prepare for life after college by becoming a globally engaged citizen

How will off-campus study count toward my major? Will it take me longer to graduate?

With planning, you can study off-campus and graduate on time. Your academic advisor will help you determine how many credits you may apply toward the major. Many students take general education and elective classes in addition to one or two credits in the major. This varies widely based on your program of interest and your individual degree requirements.

An OIE advisor can help you to find a program that matches your academic needs and helps you meet personal goals and interests as well.

When should I study off-campus?

Programs are offered during the summer, fall or spring semester or for a full academic year.

Politics majors typically study off-campus as juniors, either in fall or spring semester, but the major is flexible enough to allow students to participate during the sophomore or senior years.

Summer programs are open to students at all levels, unless otherwise noted.

Can I afford off-campus study?

Yes! Willamette-sponsored semester programs are comparable in cost to being on campus for a semester and most forms of financial aid can be applied.  See the OIE website for more details about program costs and additional expenses to consider.

Scholarships for study abroad are available and can be found on the OIE website. It is critical to begin researching scholarships early, even before you apply for study abroad.

How should I choose a program?

Explore! Just as you spent time researching colleges before deciding on Willamette, you will want to spend time investigating programs abroad to ensure a good fit.

  • Research class offerings to know whether the program meets your academic needs.
  • Consider your personal goals and seek out programs that will help you meet those goals.
  • Investigate which programs offer support services you may need during your time there.
  • Meet with an OIE advisor!

Programs of interest for Politics, Policy, Law and Ethics majors 

Willamette offers a broad range of programs featuring diverse locations, languages and structures. Most programs are open to all majors and you are encouraged to explore a wide range of possibilities. These are some options to consider as you begin the process. See the OIE website for a full list of available programs.  

Resources for study abroad:

Office of International Education

Visit the Office of International Education’s website to learn more about program options, scholarships how to apply and more.

Paige Baker studied in South Africa.

Paige Baker studied at Rhodes University in South Africa.

Credit considerations

Politics, Policy, Law & Ethics majors can count a total of three classes taken off-campus (from all sources including AP, transfer and study abroad) toward the major.



Department of Politics, Policy, Law and Ethics

Smullin Hall 3rd floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6293 voice
503-370-6720 fax

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