


Optics and Photonics Training for Inquisitive eXperimentalists (OPTIX)

In 2015, the physics department was awarded a $165,000 grant from the National Science Foundation under the Integrative Activities in Physics program (IAP). This 3-year grant allows us to expose students to research-grade optics equipment in their sophomore and junior years to better prepare them to conduct research in our labs.

This innovative, hands-on initiative fosters deep, inquiry-based learning through carefully designed modules that encourage creativity and independence. Modules are available at the sophomore level (designed for about 3-hour labs) and the junior level (designed for about 12-hour labs). We are also working with faculty from to develop modules relevant to their students, and collaborate with faculty from the biology department to develop modules for their majors to prepare them better before they use the commercial microscopes on campus. In collaboration with the in Salem, Oregon, we are developing hands-on guided lessons to share the excitement of physics in general and optics in particular with young children (ages 9 - 11). 

Students may download the modules and watch the accompanying videos by following the links below.

Instructors may also request the corresponding assessment tools from Prof. Kleinert.

Module 1


Optics Basics - I


Lab Equipment


Module 1


Optics Basics - II

Module 2


Building a light microscope

Module 2


Advanced Microscopy

Module 4


Gaussian Laser Beams

Module 4


Telescopes and CCD cameras


Physics Department

Collins Science Center
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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