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Japanese Studies and Economics majors

Headshot of Christopher

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When I was old enough to understand, my parents told me that I was adopted. Ever since then, I was always interested in learning about Asian culture, something I was not raised with. In middle school, I learned about Japanese history, and read and watched my first manga and anime. Being inspired to learn more about the culture, I decided to take Japanese upon entering high school. During my time in high school, I participated in a statewide Japanese speech contest, winning first place, went to Japan on educational trips twice, and finished having taken four years of Japanese. Having experienced so many things related to Japan, I decided to continue my studies in Japanese at 杏十八新茶分享 since I have found that it is something I would like to use in a future career, and ultimately enjoy.


  • 2016 1st Place Winner of the 28th Annual Japanese Speech Contest Division II (High School) 
  • 2018 Toyama Cup - 22nd Japanese Speech Contest Division II 2nd Place Winner
  • 2015 & 2017 Oregon Intercultural Association Japan Trips
  • American Studies Program Tutor for Tokyo International University of America 
  • 2018-2019 Japan Studies Student Leaders Treasurer

Japanese Studies

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6015 voice
503-370-6720 fax