
  1. Undergraduate Journals

We welcome submissions of essays, original poetry, translations from the Greek and Latin, art work, or original photographs on a classical theme,from any undergraduate with an interest in the classics. Although we anticipate that the bulk of accepted submissions will focus on Greco-Roman antiquity and on the traditions of classical antiquity in subsequent eras, we also welcome submissions that treat the cultures of any ancient society, East or West.

The Classical Journal of Denison University, is published once a year and seeks to offer an opportunity for those interested in Classical Studies to publish their scholarly work in an undergraduate forum. It promotes the coming together of history, literature, philosophy,religion, art, and architecture in a way that is both analytical and creative. As is an objective of the Classical Studies department, Ephemeris fosters an attitude about and an appreciation for criticism and interpretation of the classical civilizations.

Aisthesis Stanford Undergraduate Research Journal:

Canadian Journals:

A journal by the undergraduate and graduate students of the Classical Studies Society at Dalhousie University and the University of King's College.

Hirundo seeks contributions from students and alumni related to the ancient Mediterranean world broadly defined. Essays on Classical art and literature, ancient European and Near Eastern history from the prehistoric through late antique periods, religious studies, ancient philosophy, and the Classical tradition are welcome. Essays accepted in French or English. Hirundo is an annual publication.


Classical Studies

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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