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Dennis R. Phillips

Headshot of Dennis R. Phillips

Contact Information

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem  Oregon  97301


Chemistry Department
Taught Classes: 2006-2009

Current Address: U.S. Department of Energy
Off of Sci/Nuclear Physics SC-26.2
Germantown Building
1000 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20585-1290
E-mail address: dennis.phillips@science.doe.gov
Phone number: 301-903-7866
Fax number: 301-903-3833


  • B.A. Whitman College (1971), Ph. D. University of Hawaii at Manoa (1976)


  • Chem 342 Instrumental Chemistry I
  • Chem 343 Instrumental Chemistry II
  • Chem 344 Experimental Chemistry I
  • Chem 345 Experimental Chemistry II
  • Chem 346 Experimental Biochemistry I
  • Chem 430 Advanced Topics, Radiochemistry
  • Chem 495 Senior Research Projects I
  • Chem 496 Senior Research Projects II

Professional Interests

Radiochemistry, Radioisotope Production, Applications of Radioisotope Tracers, Practical Applications of Analytical Instrumentation

Personal Interests

Family, Christian Theology and Worldview, Golf, Bicycling


  • M. Faβbender, D. J. Jamriska, V. T. Hamilton, F. M. Nortier, D. R. Phillips, “Simultaneous 68Ge and 88Zr Recovery from Proton Irradiated Ga/Nb Capsules” J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 263(2), 497 – 502 (2005).
  • M Faβbender, F. M. Nortier, D. R. Phillips, V. T. Hamilton, R. C. Heaton, D. J. Jamriska, J. J. Kitten, L. R. Pitt, L. L. Salazar, F. O. Valdez, and E. J. Peterson, “Some Nuclear Chemical Aspects of Medical Generator Nuclide Production at the Los Alamos Hot Cell Facility” Radiochim. Acta 92, 237-243 (2004).
  • D. R. Phillips, J. S. Carty, K. M. Sosnowski, J. Hanekom, T. N. van der Walt, F. M. Nortier, N. A. Konyakhin, V. M. Kokhanyuk, B. L. Zhuikov, S. Kurczak, L. F. Mausner, K. L. Kolsky, R. C. Heaton, L. R. Pitt, L. L. Salazar, F. O. Valdez, J. J. Kitten, V. T. Hamilton, D. J. Jamriska, W. A. Taylor, E. J. Peterson, “Production of Stronitum-82 for the Cadiogen© PET Generator: A Project of the Department of Energy Virtual Isotope Center” Radiochim. Acta88(3-4), 149 – 155 (2000).
  • M. A. Brzezinski and D. R. Phillips, F. P. Chavez, G. E. Friederich and R. C. Dugdale, “Silica Production in the Monterey, Calfornia, Upwelling System” Limnol. Oceanogr.42(8),1694 - 1705 (1997).
  • M. A. Brzezinski and D. R. Phillips, “Evaluation of 32Si as a Tracer for Measuring Silica Production Rates in Marine Waters” Limnol. Oceanogr.42(5),856 – 865 (1997).
  • Y. Bai, D. J. Viera, J. M. Wouters, G. W. Butler, D. Rosenauer, K. E. G. Löbner, V. G. Lind, and D. R. Phillips, “A High Intensity Thin-Target He-Jet Production Source” Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. B126, 198 – 200 (1997).
  • D. R. Phillips, V. T. Hamilton, D. J. Jamriska, M. A. Brzezinski, “Application of Sephadex to Radiochemical Separations” J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Articles. 195(2), 251 – 261 (1995).
  • D. R. Phillips, D. C. Moody, W. A. Taylor, N. J. Segura, B. D. Pate, “Electrochemical Separation of Selenium Isotopes from Proton Irradiated RbBr Targets” Appl. Radiat. Isot.38(7), 521-525 (1986).

Department of Chemistry

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6013 voice
503-375-5425 fax