

Latinx Communication Studies

This course offers foundations for engaging historical and contemporary Latina/o/x-related rhetorical materials. CCM 362 examines diverse communication contexts, ranging from the Pacific Northwest to Puerto Rico. Analyzing a variety of vernacular and institutional discourses about, by, and/or for Latina/o/xs, this course approaches popular culture artifacts (e.g., music videos, films), social movement advocacy efforts, and political and legal rhetoric as significant sites for studying borders, citizenship, de/coloniality, community building, exploitation, (im)migration, intersectional identities, power, racism, representation, resistance, and transgression, among other topics. The course also asks class members to create their own media on topics significant for Latina/o/x Communication Studies. A collection of student zine projects are available at the "Class Member Zines" section on the left side of this page.


Latina/o/x Communication Studies class members and La Chispa collaborators welcome poet Willy Palomo during his March 2018 campus visit.
Video by CCTV’s Luis Mendoza.

Images of Latina/o/x Communication Studies class members and La Chispa collaborators during Willy Palomo's March 2018 campus visit.

Video by CCTV’s Luis Mendoza. Produced and edited by Denise Diaz.


Civic Communication and Media

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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