
  1. What mediums are classes offered in?
  2. Are there classes offered in graphic design?
  3. Are there class offered in animation?
  4. Are there classes offered in ceramics?
  5. Can I study abroad as a Studio Art major?
  6. How many credits is the Studio Art major?
  7. How do I declare a Studio Art major?
  8. Will I only be taking art classes if I declare a Studio Art major?
  9. What mediums will I be required to take classes in?
  10. Will I have the opportunity to have my work shown on campus?
  11. What types of careers are available for graduated Studio Art majors?

1. What mediums are classes offered in?

Currently we offer classes in painting, sculpture, printmaking, drawing, mixed media, electronic media, installation art, and photography. Course offerings vary semester to semester.

2. Are there classes offered in graphic design?

No, our program is fine-arts focused. We do not offer any applied-arts courses. Students who are interested in graphic design often work for our campus Media Production office, developing those skills.  

3. Are there class offered in animation?

Drawing-based animation is part of our drawing curriculum. 3D animation is not offered in the Art Department though some majors have taken the Computer Science Animation courses offered at WU and have combined it with their interest Studio Art.

4. Are there classes offered in ceramics?

No, our curriculum does not include ceramics.

5. Can I study abroad as a Studio Art major?

Yes, many of our students study abroad in various locations including Florence, London, Spain and South Africa. We help students find programs that interest them and will allow studio art study while abroad.

6. How many credits is the Studio Art major?

The Studio Art major is a total of 12 credits, and the minor is 5 credits.

7. How do I declare a Studio Art major?

Meet with the department Chair, Professor Alexandra Opie, to declare your major. Bring a Major Declaration Form to the meeting. You will then need to return to the form to the registrar’s office (in Waller Hall).

8. Will I only be taking art classes if I declare a Studio Art major?

No, at WU, students are required to take Mode of Inquiry (MOI) classes in addition to classes for their major to provide breadth in their program of study. For more information detailing MOI classes, visit the designated web page. Some MOI classes relate closely to Art – such as Art History classes that fulfill Thinking Historically MOI and Writing requirements. Students have the option to fulfill MOI requirements that way if they want to have as much focus on Art as possible. 

9. What mediums will I be required to take classes in?

The Studio Art major is designed to be flexible, allowing each student to explore and find their area(s) of interest. Requirements (that can be fulfilled with a number of choices) include introductory courses in art media, three-dimensional art, as well as intermediate and advanced studio classes of various mediums. Studio Art classes are supplemented with required study in Art History and an interdisciplinary Art course such as a film, theatre or music class. 

10. Will I have the opportunity to have my work shown on campus?

Every semester there are many opportunities for students to display their work in the art building and around campus. In addition, final work from the senior thesis class is shown at the Hallie Ford Museum of Art every April.

11. What types of careers are available for graduated Studio Art majors?

Students majoring in Studio Art have found their study a good point of departure for careers in education, professional art, advertising, communications, architecture, art criticism, and museum work, as well as law, business, and government.


Studio Art

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6738 fax

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