

The curriculum at Willamette consists of three segments: the General Education Program, your major, and electives. (The next page will summarize the graduation requirements for the BA.) The General Education Program requires course work in a language other than English, writing, quantitative and analytical reasoning, and six broadly defined modes of inquiry. You will have a wide choice of courses to fulfill these requirements. (You might wish to review the description of the General Education Program in the Catalog.) General Education requirements account for as many as 64 credits, although many courses in the General Education program also satisfy major requirements. For most students, an additional one-third of courses will be taken within the framework of the major (some of them specifically required and some "elective" within the major). The remaining courses will be taken not to satisfy General Education or major requirements, but simply to satisfy your own curiosity and interest.

As transfer students you may have already satisfied some of the requirements. The Degree Audit and Transfer Equivalency Report will help you see your progress toward a Willamette degree. These documents will be available to you online via after you have registered for your first semester of classes at Willamette. From the Internal Web, you will be able to set up your network account and get to SAGE, where you will find your Degree Audit and Transfer Equivalency Report (after registering). Please be aware that these documents can only be as accurate as the latest official transcript that we have received from your previous school(s) and that the Registrar's Office only evaluates your transferable credits and courses toward general requirements (Specific courses for your major may need to be evaluated by your major department and may only show up as 'general credit' at this point).

The Degree Audit is an advising form that shows your degree progress. The Degree Audit shows total credits earned at Willamette and at other institutions and your progress toward satisfying general education and major requirements (when you officially declare a major). At first, the Degree Audit may only show the degree to which your transfer courses apply to Willamette's general education requirements. When you declare your major, this document will also show the requirements for and progress toward your major. You will use this document throughout your time at Willamette.

The Transfer Equivalency Report shows all the courses you have taken at your previous school(s) and the equivalency that you have been given in terms of Willamette courses. This equivalency report does not show a one-to-one equivalency of your courses. It is meant to show only which of your previous courses we have accepted and which Willamette courses or requirements for which you have received credit. If you see equivalent courses like "GEN-001", it means that you have been given general elective credit that counts toward the total graduation requirement. If you see courses like "GEN-MS", these are credits that count toward Distribution or World Engagement requirements. If you have attended more schools than we have indicated or if you have earned more credit than we indicate please let the Registrar's Office know and they will update your records. If you have any questions about the information you received, contact the Registrar's Office. The Registrar can be reached by email at registrar@willamette.edu or by phone at (503) 370-6206.


Transfer Student Advising

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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