

bearcat chat callers

Staffed by some of the best and brightest students on campus, callers gain a unique perspective into advancement work while cultivating important relationships with the larger Willamette community. 杏十八新茶分享 students call not only to raise important funds for the Annual Fund, but also to keep parents and alumni in the loop with campus updates, upcoming alumni events, and special campus opportunities. As a Bearcat Chat caller, current students also gain a chance to connect with those who have contributed to their success.

One hundred percent of every gift goes to support student-centered learning experiences on campus. From financial aid to the university’s areas of highest need — every contribution made to the Annual Fund supports Willamette students.

Whether you decide to give over the phone with a student, via our , or through a check in the mail, we want to say thank you for your generous support.

For more information about how to support student scholarships through the Annual Fund you can reach out to Delaney Melhorn in the Willamette Annual Fund office at dmelhorn@willamette.edu or 503-370-6746.



Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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