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JED Committee Action Items Progress

The JED Campus four-year initiative was introduced to the 杏十八新茶分享 community in the fall of 2021 as a way to support student well-being and mental health. Here are a number of updates on the work being done.

Key JED Campus Committee Accomplishments

  • We added a QR Code to the back of the new student IDs that links to a comprehensive list of campus and community crisis support resources, including several affinity group support options.
  • Willamette officially launched UWill in September, 2022, greatly enhancing the mental health services available to our students. UWill affords every enrolled student with up to 8 free telehealth counseling sessions, in addition to services available in Bishop Wellness Center.
  • We greatly expanded our QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer); suicide prevention trainings and website presence. Several staff have been certified as “QPR Trainers”, and have delivered the QPR curriculum in dozens of campus venues to promote a “culture of care.”
  • We expanded and refined the role of the CARE and Behavior Intervention teams on the Salem and Portland campuses to better identify students in distress early and connect them to the needed resources.
  • We developed a CAS Faculty/Student Task Force to foster wellness in the classroom and curriculum.
  • A new, donor-funded Health Coach and Educator position is now in place at PNCA.
  • We improved social connectedness with the creation of the Office of Student Engagement
  • Improved programming and support for underserved and potentially isolated students by enhancing the Office of Intercultural Engagement and Leadership
  • Enhanced the publicizing of WUTalk/ProtoCall, the 24/7 access to crisis counseling throughout the campus and satellite campuses

JED Campus Committee Progress by Semester

Year 1 – JED Program Launch, Data Collection and Assessment Phase

  • Fall 2021
    • Willamette officially joins and launches the JED Campus program.
    • A multidisciplinary JED Campus Committee that includes students, faculty and staff is formed.
    • Willamette’s JED Campus website launched.
    • Several JED Campus Committee meetings held throughout the semester
    • JED’s Campus Wide Comprehensive Baseline Assessment completed and submitted to JED. This included a thorough review and examination of all campus resources and policies aimed at supporting student wellness.
    • The Healthy Minds Study (HMS) was administered in November, 2021. The HMS is a survey study examining mental health, service utilization, and related issues among undergraduate and graduate students. Since its national launch in 2007, HMS has been fielded at over 450 colleges and universities, with over a half million survey respondents.
  • Spring/Summer 2022
    • We host our Campus partners for JED for a two day “site visit”, which includes meetings with key campus stakeholders, as well as student focus groups to inform Willamette’s JED Strategic Plan
    • Based on the comprehensive self assessment and the insights and lessons learned from the site visit in March, 2022, 杏十八新茶分享 receives its Initial Feedback report from JED. This highlights Willamette’s accomplishments to date, as well as areas for improvement that will be included in our strategic plan.
    • Several JED Committee meetings were held throughout the semester.
      In early summer, Willamette officially received its JED Strategic Plan that was informed by the self assessment and campus site visit.
    • JED Committee transitions to the Implementation phase of our 4 year plan.
    • JED Chairs met with Campus Advisor to develop an action plan for implementation of strategic plan action items.

Year 2 – Begin Implementation of Strategic Plan

  • Fall 2022
    • We added a QR Code to the back of every one of the new student IDs that links to a comprehensive list of campus and community support and care resources, including several affinity group support options.
    • Several JED Committee meetings were held over the course of the semester.
    • We identified several year one strategic plan action item goals, teams, leads, and necessary resources. We began to implement these and tracked team progress against the strategic plan.
    • UWill officially launched in September, 2022, greatly enhancing the mental health services available to our students. UWill affords every enrolled student with up to 8 free telehealth counseling sessions, in addition to services available in Bishop Wellness Center.
    • The CAS Faculty/Student Task Force developed to support wellness in the classroom.
    • Willamette receives its full Healthy Minds Study HMS data in December, 2022
  • Spring/Summer 2023
    • Delivered more than a dozen distinct presentations on the HMS data over the course the spring semester to various constituent groups, including University Council (made up of faculty, students, staff, and administrators), the Division of Student Affairs staff, the University Senior Leadership team, the University Retention Task Force, PNCA faculty, and CAS faculty, ASWU, the full Board of Trustees, and others
    • The HMS data was posted in full on Willamette’s JED website
    • A new, donor-funded Health Coach and Educator position that is now in place at PNCA.
    • Several QPR training sessions were offered to the campus communities. Information on QPR and a sign up sheet added to the JED website.
    • Environmental means restriction assessment in progress on all campuses
    • JED Committee members partnered with Marketing and Communication and contributed content for Mental Health Awareness Month across Willamette’s social media platforms.
    • JED Committee Identified several Year 3 Strategic Plan priority action items to include: Improving JED’s presence on social media, augmenting wellness outreach and programming, updating emergency folder signage on all campuses, enhancing stigma reduction campaigns, developing an annual postvention response review, codifying our medical amnesty policy, expanding Narcan access and training, implementing sharps and drug collection programs, and expanding Willamette’s JED website to include list of accomplishments and running semester updates.

Year 3 – Continue Implementation of Strategic Plan

  • Fall 2023
    • Expanded social media and outreach efforts through our .  Areas of focus include drug and alcohol harm reduction strategies, development of important life skills, suicide prevention resources, and demystifying crisis lines.
    • Thanks to the generous support of C.A.F.E.S., we installed several 988 suicide intervention and prevention signs proximate to the railroad tracks on the Salem campus as a means restriction measure.
    • Spread awareness of the JED Campus initiative at the CHASE Session Wellness Fair for all first year students on the Salem campus.
    • Nearly 100 staff, faculty, students, and student leaders attended a Q.P.R. training this fall.
    • New “One Pager” emergency response poster in place and distributed across all campuses.
    • Partnered with Oregon Health Authority to secure three Narcan copied overdose reversal kits.  These will be made available in prominent locations on our campuses.  Kits should arrive in March - April, 2024.
    • Expanded alcohol, drug, and mental health screening opportunities in Health Services in Bishop Wellness Center.
    • Expanded access to limited mental health medication management in Bishop Wellness Center.
    • CAS Student/Faculty task-force presented mental health tips and resources at faculty meetings.
  • Spring 2024
    • Delivered newly updated "You Can Help a Student" curriculum to CAS college colloquium professors to support mental health in the classroom.
    • Updated and codified medication policies in Bishop Wellness Center, including mental health medications, opiates, and stimulants.
    • Updated and codified Gender Affirming Care policy in Health Services at Bishop Wellness Center
    • JED Campus Committee members provided "tips for supporting student mental health" and CAS faculty meetings.
    • Enhanced CARE network process, including outreach efforts, interventions, and outcomes to better identify students needing additional support
    • Greatly expanded naloxone training and access to all campuses thanks to a partnership with Oregon Health Authority
    • Utilized Mia Nasanow's "The College Student's Guide to Mental Health" in the development of updated CHASE programming delivered to all incoming first year students.  Also provided this resource to CARE Team members at the Salem and Portland campuses, as well as Student Affairs leadership to inform our approach to supporting students.

Year 4 – Finalize Implementation of Strategic Plan and Complete Program Assessment

  • Fall 2024
    • Check back for updates on our progress
    • Second administration of Healthy Minds Study
  • Spring 2025
    • Check back for updates on our progress
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