

Many classrooms and other reservable spaces have permanently installed equipment. You can check to see what is installed in a particular room using the . Installed technology is listed in the Features tab of the room details.

Checkout equipment is requested in different ways, based on the location and context for your use of the items.

List of available checkout equipment

  1. Equipment Policies
  2. Regularly scheduled classes
  3. Event use
  4. For use outside of a reservable space or a regular class session
  5. Off-campus groups

1. Equipment Policies

Before requesting WITS equipment, please take a moment to review our policies: 

  • You must request event support and equipment no less than 72 hours in advance. If you request event support and equipment within 72 hours, WITS has the right to deny your request. This is to ensure we have the proper equipment and staff to assist with the request.
  • If WITS is delivering equipment for a event setup, someone must be present at the setup if at all possible. We want to make sure the equipment is being put in the correct places to avoid complications on both of our ends.
  • Self pick-ups and returns must be scheduled during the Equipment Desk’s normal hours (8-5 M-F, matching the University's business hours).
  • WITS equipment is a shared campus resource. Please help us keep this resource available to all campus users by returning equipment on time and in the same condition as you received it.
  • WITS may charge a fee of up to $10 per item per business day for late returns.

Additionally, we have a few policies regarding security:

  • Requestors who are picking up equipment or returning it must do so when the Equipment Desk is open. Requestors are responsible for the security of equipment while it is in their possession.
  • Equipment that WITS delivers but cannot pick up during business hours (e.g., for an event that ends at 7 PM) can be stored in the delivery location overnight if the location is secure and no other groups are scheduled to enter. If this is not possible, WITS will arrange with you to store the equipment in a secure location until it can be retrieved during business hours.

Equipment that is lost, stolen, or damaged will be replaced or repaired at the cost of the requestor or their department, if applicable.

2. Regularly scheduled classes

  1. Check the  to make sure that the equipment is not already available in your classroom.
  2. Call the WITS Equipment Desk at 503-370-6788 or email us at wits@willamette.edu. Please have the following information ready so we can reserve the equipment immediately:
    • Your name
    • Building and room for delivery OR that you will pick up the equipment yourself
    • Date and time of delivery/self pick-up
    • Date and time for pick-up/self return
    • Any special instructions regarding setup or preparation of the equipment

Please note that not all equipment can be delivered; we may request you check out certain items at the Help Desk. If your request includes equipment that is eligible for delivery, then we can deliver the entire order. Items scheduled for self pick-up and return can be picked up at the WITS Equipment Desk located in Smullin Hall room 116.

3. Event use

We define an event as any use of space that requires you to book a room, not including regular academic classes. This covers everything from club movie nights to guest lectures to staff meetings. Generally, you are not permitted to use a reservable space on the Willamette campus without booking it in EMS first.
  1. Check the  to make sure that the equipment is not already available in your room. Click on the name of the room in search results, then click Features.
  2. Add the WITS Equipment & Support service in EMS to your booking and describe your technology needs.
    • This information is not used to create an equipment reservation in our system; it is used solely to determine if the room and our checkout equipment are compatible with the event you're planning so the room booking can be confirmed. You will need to contact the WITS Equipment Desk directly once your booking has been confirmed to reserve technology equipment.
    • If you do not have access to the EMS reservation to add the WITS Equipment & Support service, you may need to ask the person who entered the reservation to add the service on your behalf.
    • If you cannot have the WITS Equipment & Support service added to your EMS reservation or if the equipment is needed on short notice, please contact the Equipment Desk directly at 503-370-6788. In these cases, we may be able to service the event without having vetted the request in EMS; we cannot guarantee equipment availability or suitability in this case.
  3. Once your EMS room booking is confirmed, please contact the WITS Equipment Desk at 503-370-6788 to request your equipment. Our team will discuss the event with you over the phone to make sure we reserve the right items and have a clear understanding of how you'll use them so we can set up the space accordingly.

WITS requires that the space be reserved for your event before we can enter an equipment reservation. 

Please note that not all equipment can be delivered; we may request you pick up certain small and easily set up items at the Equipment Desk. If your request includes equipment that is eligible for delivery, we can deliver the entire order. Items scheduled for self pick-up and return can be picked up at the WITS Equipment Desk located in Smullin Hall room 116.

4. For use outside of a reservable space or a regular class session

  • Contact the WITS Equipment Desk and be prepared with the following information:
    • Your name
    • Your organization or class (for students)
    • Building and room for delivery OR that you will pick up the equipment yourself
    • Date and time of delivery/self pick-up
    • Date and time for pick-up/self return
    • Any special instructions regarding setup or preparation of the equipment
  • Please note that not all equipment can be delivered; we may request you check out certain items at the Equipment Desk. If your request includes equipment that is eligible for delivery, then we can deliver the entire order.
    • Items scheduled for self pick-up and return can be picked up at the WITS Equipment Desk located in Smullin Hall room 116.
  • Students are required to fill out a use agreement each time they check out equipment.

5. Off-campus groups

Off-campus groups should start by speaking with their on-campus contact or sponsor. This person can use the WITS Equipment & Support service in the EMS room reservation system and reserve the items directly with the Equipment Desk. For questions regarding the availability of equipment, please contact the WITS Equipment Desk at 503-370-6788.


Willamette Integrated Technology Services

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
503-370-6004 voice
503-375-5456 fax

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