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Support and Resources

The University recognizes that deciding whether or not to make a report and choosing how to proceed can be difficult decisions. We encourage any individual who has questions or concerns to seek the support of campus and community resources. These resources can provide guidance in making decisions, information about available resources, and procedural options, and assistance to both parties in the event that a report is pursued.

Students and employees may always contact the Title IX Coordinator with questions regarding support and resources, or how to make a report. The Title IX Coordinator is a non-confidential resource and can be contacted at TitleIX-info@willamette.edu.


Employees may find information about support and resources on the Human Resources website, as well as the Not Alone website regarding community resources.

If you are seeking information regarding how to support someone whom you know or suspect may have been harmed, you can find information here on possible options.


Support and Assistance

The University has various offices available to address mental, physical, emotional, and academic needs including. These supportive measures are non-disciplinary, and are provided as appropriate and reasonably available to help ensure continued access to educational programs and activities. These may include:

  • Mutual No Contact/Restricted Contact Orders
  • Course load reductions, incompletes or withdrawals
  • Discreet absence notifications
  • Assistance with arrangements with faculty for academic work (extended deadlines, rescheduled exams, etc.)
  • Safety planning or escorts on campus
  • Dorm room changes
  • Work schedule changes
  • Services for food insecurity.
  • Conflict resolution

All of these options are available without the need to file a formal complaint but will require some information sharing with the University. For complete information see the University’s Title IX Policy and Procedures. Students may discuss the above non-exhaustive list of support and resources with confidential or non-confidential staff as listed and linked below.

For a discussion of the difference between confidential resources, privileged resources and privacy, please see the University’s Title IX Policy.

Student Complainant Resources

Students who have experienced any form of discrimination or harassment, including sexual violence, may find information about support and resources on the Not Alone website.

Confidential Resources for Complainants

Students who are considering or wanting to report prohibited conduct are encouraged to meet with a confidential resource to review options, discuss the processes available and learn about supportive resources or measures on campus.

Information about student rights related to reporting misconduct or participating in a conduct process are located here.

Student Respondent Resources

Students who have been accused of misconduct may find information about Respondent support and resources below.

Information about student rights related to responding to allegations or participating in a conduct process can be found here.

Confidential Services for Respondents

Confidential services listed here are free of charge. Information shared with any of the confidential resources listed below will be kept confidential, and will not be disclosed to other campus offices or individuals without the written consent of the individual.

On Campus


Local resources such as counselors, doctors, staff at Salem Hospital/ER, members of the clergy, and chaplains can also maintain confidentiality. They have no duty to report your information to the university.

  • Salem Hospital Emergency Department
    • Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE Program)
    • Medical exam for injury and forensic evidence collection post assault
    • Medications for possible STI exposure and pregnancy prevention offered to survivors at no cost
    • A trained advocate offered to support survivors during visit
    • Reporting to law enforcement is NOT REQUIRED to access care
  • Salem Psychiatric Crisis Center (503) 585-4949
    • 24/7 telephone support and assessments at agency
  • Portland Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center
    • Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE Program)
    • Medical exam for injury and forensic evidence collection post assault
    • Medications for possible STI exposure and pregnancy prevention offered to survivors at no cost
    • A trained advocate offered to support survivors during visit
    • Reporting to law enforcement is NOT REQUIRED to access care

Non-Confidential Services


  • Willamette Emergency Medical Services (WEMS) (503) 370-6911
    • Student organization of licensed EMTs and First Responders
    • Responds to medical emergency calls made to Campus Safety 24 hours a day Friday through Sunday
  • Campus Safety Salem: (503) 370-6911 Portland: (503) 621-2061
    • Non-confidential reporting of policy violations
    • Writes, delivers, and enforces mutual Restricted Contact Letters
    • Will assist in referral to Salem Police Department if requested
    • Officers dispatched twenty-four hours a day
  • Title IX Coordinator (503) 370-6447
    • Manages the University's response to reports of student sexual
    • Non-confidential resource for both complainants and respondents
  • Housing Contact On-Call Campus Safety
    • Residence Life Coordinators are on call 24 hours a day to respond to emergencies and offer support and resources
    • Can change residential assignment (temporary or permanent)
  • Human Resources (503) 370-6210
    • Oversees and monitors compliance with Title IX for employees at 杏十八新茶分享

Off Campus

  • Salem Police Department 911 (emergency)
    • (503) 588-6123 (non-emergency line)
  • Portland Police Department 911 (emergency)
    • (503) 823-3333 (non-emergency line)

Division of Student Affairs

University Center 3rd Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.