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2024 Senior Certificates & Keys

Senior Certificates

Senior Certificates honor members of the senior class who have contributed “Service to the Associated Students.” Recipients are selected based on their time and effort spent in the name of 杏十八新茶分享, the diversity of their activities, and their impact on other students. These recipients are honored for their service to the Division of Student Affairs and ASWU programs.

Anna Corner

Anna Corner

Anna’s depth and breadth of leadership also includes the Opening Days program for two years. She’s also selected organizations early in her Willamette career and then contributed multiple years of service, mostly in key leadership roles.


  • Opening Days Leader
  • Alpha Chi Omega
    • President
  • Willamette Dance Company
    • Co-President

Ashley Collins

Ashley Collins

Ashley is an exemplary leader and has grown even more over the past two years. Ashley has been able to balance her academic requirements as and undergraduate student and MBA student while continuing to support our entire student-athlete body as a member of our Student-Athlete Advisory Committee executive board. Ashley has been a selfless leader and one of the most reliable and hard working students I have worked with. Ashley has worked tirelessly to ask her student-athlete peers what their needs are and find ways to support them. Ashely has also prioritized connection between the Atkinson School of Management and sharing the other events happening on campus with student-athletes. In addition to what she has done for our campus, Ashley has also served at the conference level on our Northwest Conference SAAC board.


  • Admissions Assistant
  • Athletics Office Assistant

Ben Royer

Ben Royer

Ben has served Willamette with distinction, moving up the "ranks" of the Opening Days and Admission programs. He's served without need for recognition or titles, but because he believes in Willamette and wants to serve others and support Willamette through the positions he's held.


  • Opening Days Leader
  • Admissions Ambassador
  • Honor Council Committee Member

Ingrid Aosved

Ingrid Aosved

Ingrid enters a group and looks at how to build connections, strengthen the community and seeks to see each individual's uniqueness. She challenges the community with earnest and thoughtful feedback. She spends a lot of time and effort building teams and joining only where she can commit the energy to make her involvement meaningful. She goes deeply in a few things rather than shallow in many.


  • Steppin Out Coordinator
  • Outdoor Program Trips Coordinator
  • Rugby Club Sport Team Member

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Isabella Montalvo

Bella demonstrates incredible maturity and fortitude. While her peers and colleagues are thinking about and making decisions about this week, she has already looked ahead and is asking the questions that help her set up the organization for next year. She is aware of her strengths and laughingly acknowledges how her skills don't match every situation perfectly. Her good humor shows how prepared she is to meet the world with an open mind. Her work is mostly unseen outside The Collegian, but its impacts span campus. She works in the background to create a product for the benefit of all of the WU community, but especially the Associated Students.


  • The Collegian
    • Writer
    • Editor
    • Editor-in-Chief

Jill Harada

Jillyan Harada

Jill has been instrumental in bringing back the Lu’au to Willamette after the pandemic. As Hawaii Club President, she co-led this important event that educates, celebrates, and honors Hawaiian culture. Jill has also assumed major leadership roles in the sorority community.


  • Hawaii Club
    • President
  • Alpha Phi
    • President
  • Panhellenic Council
    • Vice President of Administration

Marni Aosved

Marni Aosved

I have never seen Marni participate in any activity in a way that is anything less than above and beyond. The best way that I can describe Marni's impact on the student body is this: I have never said the name "Marni Aosved" to ANY student and not heard a response along the lines of "Marni? She's so awesome! I know her through XYZ" and somehow, "XYZ" is a different activity every time! Marni's reach has found its way into every pocket of campus and touched every student I have ever spoken to. I cannot think of anyone more deserving of this recognition.


  • Outdoor Program Trip Leader
  • Chemistry Club
    • President
  • Stem Gems
    • President

Mary Vickery

Mary Vickery

Simply put, Mary's contributions in Rugby and at Bearcat Chat have been the definition of above and beyond. When I've spoken to Mary's teammates, they've highlighted not only her strengths as a player, but her strengths as a cheerleader, a mentor, a teacher, and a leader. Mary is the type of person who makes everyone around her feel instantly comfortable and like they can ask any question without fear of judgment. Mary is also always the first to volunteer to join me on supply runs or trips up to PNCA to help train our callers in Portland. Her knowledge of Bearcat Chat's operations is invaluable, but her greatest strength in her role is her natural ability to lead in a way that is nurturing but effective, funny but professional, and efficient without ever making you feel rushed.


  • Willamette Rugby Football Member
  • Bearcat Chat
  • The Collegian

Maya Lauer

Maya Lauer

Maya has been a great example of WU students who care not only about the WU community but the outside community as well. We serve students in our community who have the desire to achieve higher education but might have barriers along the way. Maya has demonstrated the importance of having a great role model and having a mentor that is fully present in their role.


  • WU Votes
  • Ohana Leadership
  • Willamette Academy Mentor

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Mia Apodaca

Student engagement is a crucial part of the college experience and Mia's involvement in our office helped them contribute to creating engagement opportunities for the students at Willamette through helping with behind-the-scenes event planning for smaller and larger events that our office puts on as well as being a resource for students who are searching for information on how to get involved on-campus. Through their own involvement in QTPOC they have created additional opportunities for the community. In particular for a population that can often feel isolated and alone.


  • Student Engagement and Leadership
    • Lead Office Assistant
    • President

Mia Lund

Mia Lund

What impressed me most about Mia is her work as a tutor. When I advised her on Panhellenic, we talked a bit about her commitment to the student she was tutoring, a refugee whom she helped raise their gpa from 1.0 to above a 3.0. I observed her many times on Zoom calls with this student, and was impressed by the fact she prioritized her tutoring among many other commitments she was juggling. Mia's successful leadership in Alpha Phi, Panhellenic Council, and softball, shows that she has served the Willamette student body in a variety of settings with distinction.


  • Softball Team Member
  • Alpha Phi Member
  • Global Partners for Student Success Tutor

Harriet Siqueland

Morgan Davis

In her roles she demonstrated genuine care for the first-year students she mentored, and she collaborated very successfully with her faculty and staff partners to provide essential academic and social support. In all of her work, Morgan was accessible, professional and proactive. She did not simply provide her own opinions, but truly represented student voices--both of the other CAs and her first-year students. She brought positive energy, creativity, and good humor to all of this work.


  • Colloquium Associate
  • Residence Hall Association
  • First Year Experience Lead Team Member

Quinna Sypher

Natalie Klett

Natalie is a great ambassador for Willamette, making prospective students want to make Willamette their home. She has made a huge impact on the social media presence for the University with her creative ideas, and will be the standard for all new ambassadors moving forward.


  • Admission Ambassador
  • Community Service Learning
  • Opening Days Leader

Irene Vera

Reese Hamilton

Reese demonstrated maturity, great insight, and excellent follow through on tasks and projects. Reese effectively lead a small group of officers and successfully collaborated with his counterpart in the sorority governing council. Reese also served as an orientation leader earlier this semester and fulfilled all of the position’s responsibilities with minimal supervision. Opening Days requires a high level of responsibility and commitment from student volunteers for about six months, including the summer. Reese excelled at all of these things


  • Opening Days Leader
  • Sigma Chi
    • President
  • Basketball Club
    • President
    • Co-founder

Senior Keys

Senior Keys are presented to members of the senior class who are the most outstanding and who go above and beyond and stand out for their meritorious service to the Associated Students of 杏十八新茶分享. These students are leaders of multiple clubs and are broadly recognized by the student body for their work. Recipients are selected based on their time and effort spent in the name of 杏十八新茶分享, the diversity of their activities, and their impact on other College of Arts and Sciences students.

These recipients are honored for their service to the Division of Student Affairs and ASWU programs.

Andrew Caruana

Andrew Caruana

Andrew’s contributions mean a lot to all those with disabilities on campus, especially physical disabilities, whether they are students or staff. His constant championing of disability and the right of disabled students to have access to events, housing, and the FYE have changed Willamette for the better, impacting a large portion of undergraduate students, specifically those with disabilities, through his advocacy efforts. His service to the school should be honored with a Senior Key.


  • Colloquium Associate
  • First Year Experience Accessibility Advisor
  • Accessible Education Committee Member

Chris Olivia

Chris Olivia

In many ways, Chris seems a decade older than many of his peers, already having wisdom, have good guts and trusting them, and being able see through facades. His charisma comes in his interpersonal connections and ability to help build community. To me, these are rare qualities. To start a club because something is an individual interest is what I see many of Chris's peers do. What he builds or adds to are the components of that benefit many people, not just a personal interest ... but a deeply held value for equity and social justice.


  • GRAC
  • Campus Rec
  • Intercultural Engagement
  • ASWU
    • Vice President

Gabe Kronisch

Gabe Kronisch

Gabe's exemplary contributions and unwavering dedication make him an outstanding candidate for both the Senior Certificate and Senior Keys at 杏十八新茶分享. His extensive involvement in various roles, including as a financial officer for CAFES and treasurer for WEB, showcases his commitment to serving the Associated Students of 杏十八新茶分享. Gabe's efforts extend beyond his formal responsibilities, as demonstrated by his initiative to launch a financial literacy class for CAS students, reflecting his dedication to enhancing the well-being of his peers. His diverse activities, combined with his impactful contributions to the undergraduate student body, underscore his eligibility for recognition with both the Senior Certificate and Senior Keys. Gabe's exceptional service and positive influence on the Willamette community truly set him apart as a deserving recipient of these prestigious honors.


  • Community Action Fund for Equity and Sustainability
    • Financial Officer
  • Willamette Events Board
    • Treasurer
  • Japan Studies Student Leaders (JSSL)
    • Treasurer

Catie Kawamur

Joselyn Lagunas

Joselyn’s contributions to ASWU & WU more broadly are not only plentiful, but have had prominent and robust impact on the entire student body. Her work has brought students in, particularly BIPOC students and first-gen, students across the entire Salem campus. It has made possible a community for students despite cultural or racial differences and certainly beyond the diversity of their academic backgrounds.


  • Student Center for Equity & Empowerment
  • Alianza
  • Musicalia
  • POV as a POC Event
  • The Immigrant Story Live

Kaiona Apio

Kaiona Apio

Kaiona's exemplary leadership is not only contained to their senior year. Kaiona has diligently served the Willamette community throughout their time as a student, working through SEAL, Residence Life, Marketing, and CAFEs. Kaiona has been instrumental in numerous events and community support spaces over her time here. Her care, attention to detail, and legacy will be felt most acutely in the communities she was close to, but impacted each Willamette student over the last three years.


  • Office of Civic Engagement
    • Catalyst
  • Hawai'i Club
    • Co-president
  • Resident Advisor

Ken Hutchinson

Ken Hutchinson

Ken goes above and beyond. They go out of their way to connect with all students and people. Investing their time and energy into making sure others feel welcome and included which is something most people don’t take the time to do.


  • Community Service Learning
    • Catalyst
  • Non-Traditional Student Union
    • President
  • Webber Scholar

Lauren Meekins

Lauren Meekins

Lauren is the poster person for what it means to live the motto of "Not alone unto ourselves are we born." This ideal permeates their work and personal ethic, which is evident in so much of what they have done and will do. Their senior capstone project focused on ethical principles of community partnerships, which is truly phenomenal and unique research. It has already impacted the ways in which the Catalyst program is structured and implemented. Students in years to come may never know Lauren's name, but their research will be felt as it will guide how they honor, respect, and learn from community partner organizations. Their willingness to put the motto into action is like I have yet to witness on campus. Lauren has and their work will continue to make Willamette a better place for our students, our community, and our city.


  • Lead Catalyst
  • Opening Days Lead Team
  • Non-Traditional Student Union
    • President

Milo Greenberg

Milo Greenberg

Milo has made significant contributions in student organizations as well as athletic teams. Serving as a two-sport athlete while serving in leadership roles is difficult to do. Milo makes these contributions with a sense of humor and a spirit that makes even the most boring meetings fun. For example, Milo led an ASWU spell out cheer at the end of every senate and exec meeting during fall semester. In my 25 years of advising ASWU, I have never witnessed any cheering at the end of a student government meeting. So I think Milo is exemplary not only for his service, but his positive attitude and unique approach to leading. I also want to recognize Milo for his problem solving nature. As ASWU Treasurer, he’s done a good job of identifying problems with the club funding process and working to improve systems, like the funding request form. He also is piloting a mini funding request form for unanticipated requests under $100.


  • Cross Country Team
  • ASWU
    • Treasurer
  • Colloquium Associate

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Mira Karthik

Mira truly cares about Willamette and wants to leave a lasting legacy. She has worked to improve the perceptions of student government at Willamette and make it more accessible to all students. Mira spends her evenings, weekends, and free time on ASWU to really be the best president she can be.


  • Resident Advisor
  • ASWU
    • President
    • Chair
    • Secretary

Vanessa Hernandez Barron

Vanessa Hernandez Barron

Vanessa has done an outstanding job at creating events, partnerships, and spaces where diversity, inclusivity, and equity are at the center. Her work has had a ripple effect on the lives of other students, especially first-generation students, and I hope that her service and dedication can be rewarded.


  • Alianza
    • Treasurer
  • Musicalia Coordinator
  • SOAR Center Coordinator

Honors and Awards in Bearcat Excellence

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900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.