

Carson Scholars may use their award to cover personal stipend, supplies, equipment, travel expenses, and expenses related to attending conventions, festivals, etc. Of the $3000 maximum amount, up to $2500 may be used as personal expenses. With collaborative projects, the proposed budget should indicate how funds will be distributed among the group. Expenses related to coursework are not eligible for funding.

Sponsors will receive $500 for supervising a project to completion. The Sponsor stipend is in addition to the student's award, and should not be included in the project's budget. If there is more than one Sponsor for a project, they will share the award. Sponsors will be remunerated for only one project in a year.

Carson grants can be paid 2/3 in advance, starting June 1. The remaining third will be paid upon the project's completion and the submission of all final receipts and reports. The sponsor's award will be paid when the project is completed and a letter of evaluation has been submitted to the Office of Student Academic Grants and Awards.

All Carson Scholars must submit a final project report by October 1 to the Office of Student Academic Grants and Awards. Scholars who have not completed their projects and wish to apply for an extension must submit a written request and progress report, by September 1. The report should detail the project's progress and commit to a completion date. The request should be accompanied by a letter of agreement from the project Sponsor.

The project's Sponsor must submit a one-page summary evaluation of the project to the Office of Student Academic Grants and Awards within 30 days of the project's submission.

Carson Scholars must submit a one-page evaluation of their Sponsor's contribution to the Office of Student Academic Grants and Awards within 30 days of the project's submission.


Student Academic Grants and Awards

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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