

The Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program

Official site:
Final Deadline: Opens in Fall 2021 for 2022-23; check website for updates

The Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellowship, a project of the Congressional Hunger Center, is a unique leadership development opportunity for motivated individuals seeking to make a difference in the struggle to eliminate hunger and poverty.

Each year, twenty participants are selected from around the country for this year long program. They assemble in Washington, D.C. in August for a comprehensive orientation and field training, where they learn about hunger and poverty in the United States, the local and national programs designed to address the issues, and the various approaches to social change.

Fellows are placed for five months with community-based organizations involved in fighting hunger and poverty at the local level, such as grassroots organizing groups, local advocates, economic development agencies, food banks, and city/state government agencies. Each host organization identifies specific goals and outcomes for the Fellows and provides the supervision and resources necessary to accomplish them.

Through this unique program, the Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program develops hunger-fighting leaders with a deep understanding of hunger and poverty at both the local and national level that enables them to find innovative solutions and create the political will to end hunger.

Visit the website for more information.


Student Academic Grants and Awards

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Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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